Thursday, August 31, 2017

Is Israel Truly Sovereign? - AFSI

Is Israel Truly Sovereign?

The Knesset in Israel's capital, Jerusalem

Israel is the only Jewish state in the world. It is home to perhaps the world's largest Jewish population; was reestablished in its ancient homeland after 2,000 years of exile; is democratic with a substantial minority, mostly Muslim; and has never known true peace in its short life as a modern state since 1948.

Given this unprecedented history and unparalleled success as an ancient/modern nation, the question can still be asked, Is Israel sovereign?

After all, Israel functions as a democracy with a parliamentary-style government, and has an independent judiciary as well as a powerful military force, leading one to convincingly assert that yes, Israel is a sovereign nation.

Yet, given all these trappings of sovereignty, Israel does not always act as a truly sovereign nation, making decisions and acting in its own best interests.

For example:

- Why does Israel still give credence to the idea of a Palestinian state within Israel's boundaries? Why not denounce it once and for all as unworkable, and dangerous to the continued existence of the Jewish state?

- Why has Israel delayed settling and developing Judea and Samaria in substantial ways, especially in the E-1 area connecting Jerusalem with Maale Adumim, and in the Jordan Valley as well as other strategic and historic locales?

- Why doesn't Israel demolish thousands of illegal Arab structures throughout all of Israel, many built with funds from European nations and NGOs?

- Why are there prohibitions against Jewish prayer and other severe restrictions in place against Jews on the Temple Mount?

- Why doesn't Israel expel the tens of thousands of illegal squatters in south Tel Aviv? These individuals are not refugees, and Israel can ill afford to absorb them.

Geographically Israel is a small country surrounded by a sea of Arabs in a dangerous neighborhood, with threats on its borders growing more ominous, especially in light of Iran's march toward creating a Shiitecrescent all the way from Iran through Lebanon to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as Iran's reestablished relationship with Hamas in Gaza.

And yes, Israel relies on the United States for military assistance and backing in institutions such as the United Nations.

These and other rationales are cited for Israel's seemingly lack of independent action at times.

However, history has shown that when Israel acts strongly for itself and in its own best interests (damn world opinion), she comes out better for it. 

Sovereignty means control, rule, power and authority. Today, Israel is sovereign in the Land of Israel, but only partially. Finally, the time is ripe for Israel to assert full sovereignty. This is the only way to safeguard its future.

1 comment:

  1. If you read the 1917 Balfour Declaration (Which emulated Napoleons 1799 letter to the Jewish community in Palestine promising that The National Home for The Jewish people will be reestablished in Palestine, as the Jews are the rightful owners). Nowhere does it state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River. The San Remo Conference of 1920 does not state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River. The Mandate for Palestine terms does not state an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. It specifically states a Jewish National Home in Palestine without limiting the Jewish territory in Palestine. It also states that the British should work with the Jewish Agency as the official representative of the Jews in Palestine to implement the National Home of the Jewish people in Palestine. I stress again; nowhere does it state that an Arab entity should be implemented west of the Jordan River.
    As a matter of historical record, The British reallocated over 77% of Jewish Palestine to the Arab-Palestinians in 1922 with specific borders and Jordan took over additional territory like the Gulf of Aqaba which was not part of the allocation to Jordan.

    No where in any of the above stated agreements does it provides for an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. The U.N. resolutions are non-binding with no legal standing.
    YJ Draiman
