Thursday, August 24, 2017

In commemoration of Jerusalem in Jewish Prayers - Posted by YJ Draiman

In commemoration of Jerusalem in Jewish Prayers

At the conclusion of the Yom Kippur service and the Passover Seder outside of Jerusalem the words "Next Year in Jerusalem" are recited. When consoling a mourner, Jews recite "May God comfort you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem". In Jerusalem itself, the Passover Seder might conclude, "Next Year in Jerusalem, the rebuilt," referring likely to the Temple that was destroyed over two millennia ago.
In prayer
In Judaism, the daily prayers contain numerous references to Jerusalem. The amidah prayer, which is recited three times on regular weekdays, must be said facing towards Jerusalem. The following supplication is contained in it:
"And to Jerusalem, Your city, may You return in compassion, and may You rest within it, as You have spoke. May You rebuild it soon in our days as an eternal structure, and may You speedily establish the throne of King David within it. Blessed are You, God, the builder of Jerusalem...May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are you God, who restores His presence to Zion".

In the Grace After Meals which is recited after partaking of a meal eaten with bread, the following is said:
"Have mercy Lord, our God...on Jerusalem Your city, on Zion the resting place of Your glory, on the monarchy of King David Your anointed, and on the great and holy Temple upon which Your name is called...Rebuild Jerusalem, the holy city, soon in our days. Blessed are you God who rebuilds Jerusalem in His mercy, amen".

After partaking of a light meal, the thanksgiving blessing states:
"Have mercy, Lord, our God...on Jerusalem, Your city; and on Zion, the resting place of Your glory; upon Your altar, and upon Your Temple. Rebuild Jerusalem, the city of holiness, speedily in our days. Bring us up into it and gladden us in its rebuilding and let us eat from its fruit and be satisfied with its goodness and bless You upon it in holiness and purity.”

Customs in remembrance of Jerusalem
Some Jewish groups observe several customs in remembrance of Jerusalem. A tiny amount of ash is touched to the forehead of a Jewish groom before he goes to stand beneath the bridal canopy. This symbolically reminds him not to allow his own rejoicing to be "greater" than the ongoing need to recall Jerusalem's destruction. The well-known custom of the groom breaking a glass with the heel of his shoe after the wedding ceremony is also related to the subject of mourning for Jerusalem. It is a custom for some that the groom recites the sentence from Psalms, "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget [her cunning]." (Psalms 137:5).
Another ancient custom is to leave a patch of interior wall opposite the door to one's home unpainted, as a remembrance of the destruction (zecher lechurban), of the Temples and city of Jerusalem.

According to Jewish law, as an expression of mourning for Jerusalem, it is forbidden to listen to any form of music, other than on holidays and at celebrations such as weddings and inaugurations of new Torah scrolls. This prohibition, however, while codified in the Shulchan Aruch, is not followed by the vast majority of Orthodox and even Haredi Jews nowadays.

How many holidays do the Arabs-Muslims celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel and Jerusalem. r9
The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of Jerusalem and Israel since 70 AD (that is over 2,000 years).
Jewish people pray at least 3 times a day, remembering
Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple destruction. Pleading the Jewish goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem - where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. A mourning Jewish blessing states Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
At Jewish weddings they break a glass in memory of
Jerusalem and the aspiration to return and build the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
Every day at the end of the meal the Jews recite a blessing and thank G-d for providing sustenance and beseech G-d to return and rebuild the temple in
Most Jewish prayers mention our glorious memory of
Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple and pleading to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple.

YJ Draiman

Unity above all
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean!
"We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers"

We must learn to respect each other no matter what the religious affiliation or secular. We are all Jews, one people and one nation.
We must look ahead and learn from past mistakes and not dwell on them and look for blame. We must be unified and with a cohesive effort, we will find a solution.
The one thing that is common to all of solutions is that they required — or at least relied on — the other party’s good will. But in the absence of such a will, every agreement you attempt to implement is doomed before it has even started. Therefore, we must look not at the agreements we can or can’t achieve with our neighbors, but rather look at the agreements that we can achieve with ourselves!
Our motto should be something like, “When the going gets tough, the good get going,” because this is all we need to do — lend a friendly hand to one another, no questions asked. As we have been told a million times before, this unity will unleash all the powers we need in order to resolve our problems: social, economic, and political — both internally and internationally.
“A Unified Israel is A Strong Israel”
YJ Draiman

Unity above all


  1. We must learn to respect each other no matter what the religious affiliation or secular. We are all Jews, one people and one nation.
    We must look ahead and learn from past mistakes and not dwell on them and look for blame. We must be unified and with a cohesive effort, we will find a solution.

  2. We must learn to respect each other no matter what the religious affiliation or secular. We are all Jews, one people and one nation.
    We must look ahead and learn from past mistakes and not dwell on them and look for blame. We must be unified and with a cohesive effort, we will find a solution.
    The one thing that is common to all of solutions is that they required — or at least relied on — the other party’s good will. But in the absence of such a will, every agreement you attempt to implement is doomed before it has even started. Therefore, we must look not at the agreements we can or can’t achieve with our neighbors, but rather look at the agreements that we can achieve with ourselves!
    Our motto should be something like, “When the going gets tough, the good get going,” because this is all we need to do — lend a friendly hand to one another, no questions asked. As we have been told a million times before, this unity will unleash all the powers we need in order to resolve our problems: social, economic, and political — both internally and internationally.
    “A Unified Israel is A Strong Israel”
    YJ Draiman

    Unity above all

    "We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers"

  3. It is the Arab Conflict, not Israel. The Arabs want what Israel has; which they rebuilt with blood sweat and tears; well they cannot have it.
    Israel is on its own historical territory with continued habitation for over 3,000 years, that in the past 130 years with hard work and toil have turned the desert and desolate and abused land into green pastures with a first class technology and innovation that is helping all the people and nations in the world. The Arabs have over 13 million sq. km. since WWI of which 70% is vacant with a wealth of oil reserves plus Jordan which is Jewish territory. The Arab countries expelled over a million Jewish families (confiscated all their assets including homes and over 120,000 sq. km. of Jewish owned land for over 2,600 years) who were resettled in Israel and now they want to throw them out of their own country. There is no such entity as Arab Palestinians, they are Arabs from neighboring Arab countries that most of them crossed the border illegally into Israel and settled there on Jewish land in the past 120 years. The Arab-Palestinian Organization is a terrorist organization just like Hamas and Hezbollah.

  4. If the Arab countries truly, really and sincerely want to solve the Arab-Palestinian habitation problem once and for all.
    Let the Arab nations take back the Arabs who entered Palestine aka The Land of Israel illegally and take them back where they belong.
    After all the Arabs received over 13 million sq. km. of territory with a wealth of oil reserves after WWI which is currently over 70% vacant, and the Jewish people were allocated all of Palestine aka the historical Land of Israel which is about 118,000 sq. km. but received to date only about 21,000 sq. km. and the British gave away over 77% of Jewish territory in Palestine to the Arabs east of the Jordan River.
    Add to these formula the assets of the million Jewish families expelled from Arab countries (who were resettled in Israel) and all their assets confiscated, including, personal property, businesses, homes and over 120,000 sq. km. (which is 6 times the size of Israel) of Jewish owned land for over 2,500 years; now you have all the territorial option where to relocate the Arab-Palestinians.
    YJ Draiman

    Why the Arab countries do not settle the Arab-Palestinians in the homes and 120,000 sq. km. of land they confiscated when they expelled a million Jewish families?

  5. Israel must apply a death penalty to all terrorists no matter what age and those who promote and or support terror and violence. The family of the terrorist and their assets confiscated to pay for the damages and the family expelled out of Israel, this should also apply to anyone who assisted the terrorist in any shape or form.
    YJ Draiman
    P.S. If you are old enough to kill, you are old enough to die.

    European countries and other countries in the world must pay the Jews for all the assets including homes, real estate and personal property that they took and or destroyed without compensation including Jewish community property, cemeteries, work of art, etc of which is valued in the trillions of dollars. The Arab countries must compensate the million Jewish families for the personal property, businesses, homes and over 120,000 sq. km. of Real Estate property owned by the Jewish people for over 2,600 years valued in the trillions of dollars.
    YJ Draiman

    Napoleon said, "If you start to take Vienna, take Vienna."

  6. Napoleon said, "if you start to take Vienna, take Vienna."
    Israel must take over our Jewish land west of the Jordan River no delay, just do it. Wake up and face reality once and for all, stop dreaming and deluding yourselves, the Arab-Palestinians do not want peace, their action to date verify their intention and their Charter states the same. You are dealing with a Arab barbarian mentality that know only terror and violence. They educate and train their children from infancy to commit terror and violence. Mahmmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen is a terrorist and a convicted murderer,
    They have Jordan which is on Jewish land.
    YJ Draiman

    Face it - No Arab-Palestinian state west of the Jordan River
    If you read the 1917 Balfour Declaration (Which emulated Napoleons 1799 letter to the Jewish community in Palestine promising that The National Home for The Jewish people will be reestablished in Palestine, as the Jews are the rightful owners). Nowhere does it state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River. The San Remo Conference of 1920 which incorporated The Balfour Declaration into International Law does not state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River, confirmed by Article 95 in the 1920 Treaty of Sevres. The Mandate for Palestine terms does not state an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. It specifically states a Jewish National Home in Palestine without limiting the Jewish territory in Palestine. It also states that the British should work with the Jewish Agency as the official representative of the Jews in Palestine to implement the National Home of the Jewish people in Palestine. I stress again; nowhere does it state that an Arab entity should be implemented west of the Jordan River.
    As a matter of historical record, The British reallocated over 77% of Jewish Palestine to the Arab-Palestinians in 1922 with specific borders and Jordan took over additional territory like the Gulf of Aqaba which was not part of the allocation to Jordan.

    No where in any of the above stated agreements does it provides for an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. The U.N. resolutions are non-binding with no legal standing, same applies to the ICJ. The Oslo Accords are null and void.

    It is time to relocate the Arabs in Israel to Jordan and to the homes and the 120,000 sq. km. the Arab countries confiscated from the over a million Jewish families that they terrorized and expelled and those expelled Jews were resettled in Israel. They can use the trillions of dollars in reparations for the Jewish assets to finance the relocation of the Arabs and help set-up an economy and industry instead of living on the world charity. The Arab countries were allocated over 13 million sq. km. with a wealth of oil reserves.
    YJ Draiman

    Possession is nine tenths of the law – Israel has it.
    Political Rights in Palestine aka The Land of Israel were granted only and exclusively to the Jews in all of Palestine and the right to settle in all of Palestine with no exclusions.

    The Jewish people’s war of survival was not won when Hitler lost. It continues to this day, against enemies with more effective tools of mass murder at their disposal.
    Plus we are easy to find now
