Friday, September 1, 2017

We must be ready to sacrifice all for our country Israel - YJ Draiman

We must be ready to sacrifice all for our country Israel

For history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. We must continue to acquire proficiency in defense and display determination and stamina in purpose.” Never surrender and never capitulate – we are fighting for our survival and the alternative is extinction.
Israel’s mission first and foremost is to take care of the Jewish people and insure their safety and security in all of Israel west of the Jordan River. Israel’s obligation is to its Jewish People and not to pacify the world at large. The historical facts are that for thousands of years the world at large has always persecuted the Jewish people and stood idle while millions of Jews are exterminated, persecuted and their assets confiscated.
Right now we are in a badly separated, internally struggling, and bickering state both within
Israel and also in the Diaspora. And our enemies are happily latching onto this internal fragmentation exploiting us against each other and leading successful campaigns against us on all fronts.
No political wisdom, trickery; neither weapons and a mighty army can save Israel or Jews worldwide unless we rise above our differences, above our argumentative nature and form a single united Nation that is impenetrable.
And that wouldn’t just save us but would blaze a trail of hope for others in this crazy world where there are no allies or friends any more only enemies waiting for the opportunity to destroy each other.
We may not agree on everything, but we must respect each other and work together for our common goal which is survival in this hostile world which is on a spiraling deterioration.
“A United Israel is a Strong Israel” Unity above all is our key to survival.
YJ Draiman

Israel must stay united and determined to preserve and maintain an unparalleled security at all cost r4 – Unity above all
In order to develop and maintain a robust economy that is able to withstand violence and political pressure, it is imperative that Israelis be united and stays united.  Only an exceedingly strong, unified government will drive the country's security and safety up, and at the same time, drive the price of basic staples down.  One of the most important steps toward a robust economy is for Israel to develop its' energy resources and to become energy independent.
Israel must be a country that will be able to stand up to anti-Israel propaganda, to rising worldwide anti-Semitism, to the political pressure and the constant de-legitimization and demonization of the nation state of the Jewish people. Remember, a unified and strong Israel means a strong and undeterred entire Jewish nation with the ability to support the country and its citizens, and provide a safe haven for Jews worldwide.
We have a country to sustain and protect from external and internal enemies. We have a country to protect from the barrages of rockets and missiles that can reach every corner of the country. We have to protect our citizens from suicide bombers, knifing vehicular ramming, terror and violence. We need a country that can stand up, with dignity and pride, to world pressure.  It is imperative to be united especially at time of war, conflict and a growing hostile world. 
But Israel must also be united to sustain and achieve its continued survival, peace and prosperity.
As such, I advocate that the citizens of Israel be smart in their exercise of political power.   Israeli citizens must demand, with resolve, from their elected politicians to deliver on their promises to keep the country strong and safe. Israelis must not let Israel be weakened under the Israel's new "5th column" or the political Left, whether it is the High Court or other entities. Furthermore, Israelis should no longer tolerate the politicians, the media, or even other citizens who delude themselves and refuse to accept reality based upon facts, harsh truth, and past history.
Israelis must fight for the soul of our country. We must fight for our heritage and our Jewish cause, which is for a nationalist, political, and cultural movement which supports the continual development of the Jewish homeland in the ancestral territory defined as the historic Land of Israel. The education system must provide in its curriculum the study of the bible and Jewish history.
YJ Draiman

Jewish Unity is a key to our survival
Jewish Unity is a key to our survival
From the dawn of our liberation from Egypt to our current times, unity, mutual responsibility, self-reliability, and accountability have been paramount to our success and survival. Throughout the ages, we have developed scientific and academic skills above and beyond all other nations; which include numerous life-saving inventions and eye-opening discoveries which benefit all nations. We have presented the world with monotheism, humanitarianism, socialism,  But while developing these things, we overlooked the one tenet that the world needs most today, and which is altogether absent on our planet: unity.
When I say unity, I do not mean unity based upon any type of bias or to defeat an adversary. This type of alliance has brought us to where we are today; two world wars behind us and possibly en route to a third. The unity I am referring to is unity among all of mankind; unity for the sake of peaceful co-existence, human and worldwide evolution.
Our Jewish people are fractured and divided beyond recognition. If we did not know better, we would probably never assume that Orthodox Jews and the Secular Party Liberals, for example, belong to the same faith; or that Jewish settlers and Ultra liberal left wing party voters share the same origin. Even relations between Israel and the Diaspora are fraught with discord to the point Israel itself is viewed by many as a dividing element among Diaspora Jews, which is not true.
It seems somehow we have forgotten we are all still descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose legacy of mercy is embodied in the immortal words of Rabbi Akiva: “love your neighbor as yourself.” This tenet, part of the foundation of our faith, is where our strength lies - in unity above and beyond all our differences.

However, let me reiterate, our unity must not be based on the common cause to defeat an adversary.  Rather, our unity must be founded in our faith and understanding in order to overcome our ego-driven singular agendas so as to create a viable, sustainable social fabric; a society where Jews can live side-by-side in peace and harmony among themselves and with their neighbors. Subsequently, our goal must be to share our unity with anyone who is interested in embracing it. Said goal to unify and effort to share our unity in itself, will help dissolve the global campaign to unjustly demonize Israel in the eyes of the world.
Upon examination of the history of the Jewish people, and Israel itself, one cannot deny the empirical evidence both have somehow overcome and managed to survive obstacles no other singular people have historically survived.  The common factor forming the very foundation of this Jewish survival has been and will always be “faith and unity”.  As such, perhaps our motto, our mission should be: “Unity in Faith - Unity in Mankind”.      

YJ Draiman

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