Operation Jordan Is Palestine
On History Will Help Establish A Palestinian Jordan
Ensuring Israel ’s
Sovereignty Over All of Its Soil”
Is Palestine (OJIP) complies with the Trump
Administration’s proposed Executive Order(s) that dealing with Terrorism, Terrorist
Supporters and Human Rights, as well as the UN relative to the Palestinian
Authority (PA), while bringing new thoughts and options to the Middle East
Peace Process. Overall, OJIP supports a two state solution
based on current international agreements and actions, and will not only
provide secure and safe borders for the State of Israel, but will provide
Palestinian people with land, education, jobs and economic security.
Additionally, it will usher in important governmental changes in Jordan , including the elimination of a
Dictatorship that tortures, oppresses and restricts his own subjects while
supporting terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. Additionally, it will
eliminate a Dictatorship that clearly violates Western Interests by supplying America ’s enemies with money, heavy
equipment and military supplies. As such, OJIP will save lives and taxpayer
money, eliminate terrorism and increase democracy.
few examples
OJIP complies
with the Administration’s proposed Executive Order that will cease support for
entities that support in terrorism or violate human rights.
OJIP complies
with the Administration’s proposed Executive Order that ends financial support
for UN programs that allow full participation by the PA.
OJIP recognizes
that Jordan is the legitimate Arab state for Palestinians and
accepts Israel ’s identity as a Jewish state with full sovereignty
over all of its soil west to the River Jordan including the West Bank/Judea and
Samaria .
The OJIP plan aims to provide a practical,
cost-effective, and feasible solution that leads to peace based on
international treaties by which both the Jewish and Palestinian Arab existence
and sovereignty are secured.
recent poll shows that 63% of Palestinians in the West Bank would like to move or relocate somewhere else due
to the bad economic and inhumane conditions brought by the Palestinian
OJIP recognizes
that the Muslim Brotherhood is openly operating in Jordan , and is an avid business partner of the Hashemite
royal family, not a competitor.
the interim government is in the palace, it shall enhance the economy through
transparency and simply not stealing the country’s funds.
OJIP has
been created on the belief that the plan’s tenants will (and can) be
accomplished without any new expenditures by the US and her allies (re-categorization or allocation of
existing monies, combined with a phase out schedule is all that is needed).
US has provided more than $20 billion on economic and
military aid to the Jordanian Monarchy since 2000, as well as several billions
to the Palestinian Authority. None of this money has brought peace any closer
to reality, let alone enhanced the livelihoods of Jordanians and Palestinians.
[http://mondoweiss.net/2015/11/spends-billion-foreign/ ]
the OJIP plan
will create jobs, expand the economy, and ensure that Foreign Aid money is
spent properly, saving taxpayers money.
plan will help restore the Arab Palestinians right to Jordan , which has been ruled by an outsider family of 88
people from Saudi, the Hashemite’s.
OJIP protects
American political, military and business interests in Jordan, while seeking to
expand (and include) any and all parties’ that Jordan’s allies see fit to use
in military, intelligence, and counter-terrorism cooperation operations.
OJIP does
not change Jordan ’s governmental structure(s). Rather, OJIP removes the royal figureheads while
keeping the government and military bodies intact. This avoids any form of Arab
Spring drama from happening.
OVERVIEW: Operation
Is Palestine
(OJIP): A Pathway to a Lasting Peace in the Middle
Historically, achieving peace in the
Middle East has been difficult and elusive and
has negatively affected all interested parties in the region socially,
politically, and economically. Needless-to-say, all previous attempts to
establish peace between the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews have failed costing
the US and her allies huge amounts of
funds as well as lives wasted on both the Palestinian and Israeli sides.
The OJIP seeks the implementation of
the original historical agreements, which recognize 78% of British Mandate of
Palestine as an Arab State , which is today’s Jordan and 22% of
as a Jewish state, which is Israel , including all of the West Bank .
[http://maurice-ostroff.tripod.com/id350.html] And it does this through
reforming Jordan and providing it with a leadership
that will follow and comply with international law while creating a humane
state with zero-Islamization. As a result, OJIP is not seeking a regime change
in Jordan , but simply an evacuation of the
palace occupants, replacing the 88-member Hashemite family with a new
leadership, while keeping the Jordanian regime, government structure, army, and
all public bodies intact. This will re-establish Jordan as a reformed country and an
economically and politically attractive homeland to Palestinians all over the
world, including those in Israel (and the West Bank ) and thus secures Israel ’s sovereignty over all soil West to
the River Jordan, including the West Bank .
The OJIP plan aims to provide a
practical, cost-effective, and feasible solution that leads to peace based on
international treaties by which both the Jewish and Palestinian Arab existence
and sovereignty are secured. To accomplish this, the OJIP builds on the historical fact
that both today’s Israel and Jordan are parts of the original British
Mandate for Palestine . British Colonial Powers designated
these lands as the future Jewish homeland in the 1917 Belfour Declaration. They
were later reauthorized by the Faisal-Weizmann agreement, a covenant by which
Arabs agreed to as the full “Judaization” of the land West to the River Jordan
and the Land East to the river Jordan to become a homeland for the Arabs.
Therefore, OJIP recognizes that Jordan is the legitimate Arab state for
Palestinians and accepts Israel ’s identity as a Jewish state with
full sovereignty over all of its soil west to the River Jordan including the
West Bank/Judea and Samaria . This plan also recognizes
that most of today’s Jordanian population identifies as Palestinians. In fact,
based on a US Embassy-Amman cable, Palestinians make more than 80% of Jordan ’s population and all of those hold
Jordanian passports. Additionally, Palestinians in the West Bank all hold Jordanian passports
including all the Palestinian Authority’s leaders. The Jordanian
Citizenship Act, Article No.2, identities “all non-Jewish Palestinians” as
natural-born Jordanians. As a result, the majority of Palestinians in the
West Bank travel with a Jordanian passport
not a Palestinian one. Taking this one-step further, thousands of
Palestinian refugees in Syria hold Jordanian passports but are systematically
denied ‘the right of return” to Jordan by King Abdallah, a matter that has
brought international criticism on the King.
In addition, all Palestinian refugees in Lebanon could simply claim Jordanian
citizenship by the Jordanian law itself; Article No.2, nonetheless, Jordan ’s monarchy will not allow that.
Supporting this, a recent poll shows
that 63% of Palestinians in the West Bank would like to move out or relocate somewhere else due to
the bad economic and inhumane conditions brought by the Palestinian Authority.
Despite having Jordanian passports, King Abdallah II, restricts their entry to Jordan and harasses them upon even limited
trips to their homeland, often forcing them to spend a day being interrogated
by the Jordanian police.
As of today, Jordan ’s Palestinians remain the majority
in the country, with US Embassy-Amman cable confirming over 80% of 6.4 million
Jordanian citizens. There are about 650,000 Syrian refugees registered in Jordan
[https://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/country.php?id=107] and less than
200,000 Iraqis* (all have to register with UN or risk being deported upon any
contact with Jordan ’s authority, therefore the figures
are accurate) despite the regime’s exaggerations of “millions of refugees
already in the country”. In addition, those refugees have not shifted
demographics against Palestinians, and cannot make any political difference
because they are considered non-citizens who cannot vote. [*Jordan ’s government “estimates that there
are 500,000 Iraqi refugees in Jordan . An “unclassified” US Embassy Amman
cable, which Jordan ’s Opposition leader had worked on,
in 2008, shows the actual figure to be less than 165,000 and many have returned
home to Jordan then, UNHCR shows only 60,000 Iraqi
refugees registered with it in Jordan , which confirms Jordan ’s government is trying to
exaggerate the actual number, most likely to get more aid].
On the other hand, Jordan ’s Palestinians are not interested
in “the right of return to Palestine ”, as a US Embassy-Amman cable,
titled “the Grand Bargain” explains they are interested in having civil rights
in Jordan over return to Palestine .
Further, support for Jordan ’s royal family has vanished, the
East Bankers or what some call as “Bedouins” have led the protests the king
since 2011. The international media have documented this numerous times. “East
Bankers” despise the Hashemite regime, and this conflict has escalated into
countless events of violence and unrest. All major “Bedouin” cities have
rebelled against the regime at least once since 2011, and the king has failed
to either bring peace or any form of satisfaction for those. Therefore, the
“Bedouins” will not defend or stand by the royal Hashemite family if they leave
the country.
At this point, we would like to make
it clear that the OJIP Plan is not calling for “a regime change” in Jordan . That is because the Jordanian
Opposition Coalition and their supporters believe that the Hashemite royal family is
not the true regime and head of state for Jordan , unlike Libya and Syria . Rather, to millions, the ruling
family in Jordan are viewed more as occupants of the
palace and tax collectors who mistreat their subjects, while the important
agencies – security and intelligence systems – run independently and
effectively under the supervision of US. This is very similar to what is
going on in Egypt . When Mubarak was in power, he was
a very strong president. Yet the security and military systems that were in
place were never compromised when Mubarak left, nor could Morsi change those.
And even when Morsi was toppled, the security and military bodies kept the
country intact and the borders with Israel safe, simply because those are too
close to US Intelligence and military, and so are Jordan ’s security agency.
This plan sees the necessity to
simply let Jordan’s royal family evacuate the palace and move somewhere else,
but rather suggest that they “not return to Jordan” from one of their
‘vacations’ or almost-fulltime stays in the West. The Jordanian “state”
and “agencies” are to remain untouched and intact, only the Palace will be
evacuated and new occupants shall be installed through an interim government
ushered in by Jordan ’s army, which falls under the full
control of the US .
Additionally, despite $1.6 billion
given to Jordan ’s king by the US alone, very little seem to filter
down to Jordanians and as for Syrian refugees; the king’s government does not
give any form of handouts, welfare, or education for the Syrian refugees. In
addition, despite the heaviest taxation of Jordanians in modern times, there
are no free services of any kind provided, except of course for the most basic
– education. This has not stopped the king and his family from raising prices
and taxes on consumer goods to fund the king’s pet projects, like the
maintenance of his fleet of private jets that are used by his family for fun
and travel. This has led to a stalled economy with a debt ratio of over 90% to
GDP and the king for some reason, demanding more financial help from the West
that goes into his Swiss accounts and leaves millions starving, homeless,
unemployed, and uneducated.
At the same time, the royal family
has been systematically playing both ends against the middle. On one hand, they
openly tell the west that they are working hard to fight terrorism; yet on the
other hand, countless media reports have documented the Royal Family’s theft of
US and British weapons, as well as heavy equipment. Additionally, the media has
document the sale of these items to ISIS , and other rouge elements in addition to being one of the
largest oil buyers of ISIS oil as confirmed by global media.
What makes the situation intolerable
is that they are using profits from the transactions to promote blaming everything
on Israel/Jews, and thus are promoting anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-American
and pro-Jihadi incitement through their Muslim Brotherhood partners as well as
the king’s state media.
At this point, it is worth noting that the terrorist group Hamas, which
has killed many Israelis and Americans falls under the direct administration of
the Muslim Brotherhood of Jordan, in fact, Hamas is officially Jordan ’s MB’s “Palestine Chapter”. The
Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is a part of the regime, a fact
that is fully-detailed in this plan.
That makes the royal family of Jordan not America ’s allies.
Finally, this plan recognizes that
the Muslim Brotherhood is openly operating in Jordan , and is an avid business partner of
the Hashemite royal family, not a competitor. In fact, historically, the MB has
supported the Hashemite regime through the so-called Arab Spring, especially
during the largest revolution in Jordan ’s history in 2012. This revolution
was launched by Jordan ’s seculars,
particularly the JOC. Nonetheless, the MB stood against
it and publicly announced: “We won’t allow the king to fall”.[ https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3464/jordan-trouble]
And to this day, MB supports the jailing and torture of seculars by the
king’s government. On top of that, the king has allowed the MB to take over the
Jordanian parliament through proven-rigged elections. As a registered
charitable organization in Jordan , the MB operates their own TV
station in Jordan (which calls for killing Jews and
Americans), have the nation’s fourth largest licensed daily newspaper that
promotes hatred, and has announced many times over the years that “we are
against a regime change” and that “the king is the man for us”. In fact,
the king’s own minister of political reform, Bassam Hadaddeen, announced, “The
Muslim Brotherhood is a part of the regime”. For the record, most of MB’s Board
of Directors are Bedouin East Bankers, not Palestinians, while Palestinians in Jordan , despite their avid hatred for Israel , hate the MB more for its alliance
with the king.
This plan seeks to execute a
feasible two state solution where Jordan is the natural homeland for all
Palestinians, and Israel becomes sovereign over all soil
west to the River Jordan. This could only happen if the corrupt,
terror-supporting and double-speaking Hashemite royal family leaves Jordan . This could happen anytime,
Jordanians often revolt against the regime and then the king’s police force
quiets them down, simply because the much stronger army won’t announce support
for the revolutions, and American media ignores the unrest in Jordan . This plan sees a peaceful
“evacuation” of the palace could softly happen if the US influences the Jordanian army and
security agency to stand with the revolution the next time it breaks out.
The security agencies and army are already securing the country without any
influence from the king who is mostly abroad, and nothing would happen if he
simply announces he will not return. Once that happens an interim
government of pro-peace with Israel seculars could be ushered in, as
was the case with every single government in the Middle East that has had a revolution in the
last 70 years. Only that the US in most cases has failed to use its
influences to secure that the right people are installed in interim
Once the interim government is in
the palace, it shall enhance the economy through transparency and simply not
stealing the country’s funds. Therefore, the economy shall thrive and the US would not have to spend a cent more
than it already does in Jordan . With a thriving economy, Jordan’s
interim government will simply enact the Jordanian laws allowing Palestinians
in the West Bank to relocate to Jordan, specially that 63% of them already
which to move somewhere else. Those shall have an interest in living and
working in an economically thriving Jordan . Work opportunities as well as a
rewarding benefits/welfare system will be made available to those by the new
interim government. All Palestinians refugees around the world would be
welcomed to return to Jordan upon mere inaction of the Jordanian
citizenship act, which already recognizes all Palestinians as citizens of Jordan .
The interim government will also
offer job opportunities and economic incentives to Jordanian East bankers AKA
“Bedouins” and West Bankers/Palestinians as well to secure acceptance and
content from both.
The low-to-mid-level public servants
of the Palestinian Authority will be recruited to relocate to Jordan and work with the interim
government with better salaries. The fact that President Trump could stop PA’s
funding will make it go bankrupt and may not be able to pay salaries to its
public servants. Those will relocate to Jordan , this will sustain the new Jordan ’s position as Palestine and bankrupt the Palestinian
Authority of its human capital and expedite its demise.
After Jordan ’s economy begins thriving, the
interim government will issue a counterterrorism act banning all Islamists and
affiliates of radical Islamist organizations from running for any office. Sisi
of Egypt did the same. This wills secure the Muslim brotherhood have zero
chance in winning any parliamentary seats or running for office.
Parliamentary elections will be
held, followed by presidential elections. The interim president is the most
likely to win as he or she will have access to the state media and
organizations to secure his victory. In addition, Jordanians, will vote for
improvement of their economic condition and the interim president could bring
that easily if he or she does not steal like the king does.
Chaos is already expected in the
Palestinian Authority territories because of in-house fighting in the PLO. If
President Trump and the UK stop funding the PA, it will
collapse. Israel could begin taking over PA areas to
secure them from unrest and terror acts, eventually taking over the entire West Bank . This will happen while the new Jordan is thriving and welcoming
Palestinians from the West Bank with open arms and offering them jobs and help. After
the PA officially ends and the New Jordan’s position is empowered, Israel could announce full official
annexation of the West Bank .
Per Jordan ’s citizenship act, Israeli Arabs,
who mostly identify as “Palestinians with Israeli passports”, are also
Jordanian citizens eligible for citizenship. The new Jordan will welcome them and recruit them
for jobs and the thriving economic opportunities that would become in the
country once the royal family leaves and the money they steal is directed
towards the economy. While Israel honors and values its Arab
citizens, this plan intends to defuse the demographic problems straining peace
by absorbing as many Arabs in Israel as it could.
DEVELOPMENTS: a region in turmoil – as of Jan 16, 2017
in negotiations between all parties
state solution in trouble
countries in the region are facing economic troubles, including Jordan , Saudi Arabia , and Egypt
ratified the Jerusalem resolution – voted to deny Jewish ties to the Temple Mount
Council condemned Israel ’s settlement policies while USA walks out
votes, and the Obama Administration’s lack of support, have led to ‘tense and
terse’ relations between Israel and the USA .
statistics show that there are 6.2 million people living in Israel , with 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza and 2.5 million in the West Bank . Throughout the world, there are about 7.2 million
Palestinian refugees worldwide. More than 4.3 million Palestinian refugees and
their descendants are registered for humanitarian assistance with the UN.
attacks on the rise in Israel , which makes “maintaining the status quo for as long
as possible” simply impossible.
Jordan ’s king and PA’s president Abbas have been jointly
and systematically inciting terrorism in Israel and lobbying for international isolation and
demonization of Israel .
Jordan ’s regime has been weakened by its mismanagement of
funds, and the public is angry. Unrest is growing and has become the country’s
Islamism within the country is growing.
recent Peace Talks in Paris netted little results for a variety of reasons,
with the largest being they are waiting to see and hear the plan the Trump
Administration will present.
The JOC has circulated a proposed resolution that
defines the terms Radical, Fundamentalist and Radical Islam.
OJIP has been designed to bring a true
and lasting peace to the Middle East by ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in accordance
with international law. OJIP is needed because the
Hashemite throne failed to follow both, Jordanian and international law by
failing to recognize its Jordanians citizens of Palestinian heritage, and then
when the world was not watching, confiscated Palestinian land, money, and
resources, and then told “them” (the rightful owners) that “you are refugees
who must return to Palestine one day”. To support the Hashemite’s actions, they
then implemented policies of disenfranchising, isolating, and discriminating
against people of Palestinian heritage.
Those who constructed the OJIP initiative understand that all
classic attempts to solve the conflict have failed and that if the world is to
approve and achieve peace, then a new strategy must be adopted that is more
feasible, practical, and satisfactory for all parties involved.
To establish Jordan as the Palestinian homeland, in
accordance with international law, where refugees will be settled within safe
and secure borders, allowing Israel to become a fully recognized,
sovereign state over all of its soil, including all land west of the Jordan River .
We believe that this will be
accomplished with both minimal effort or the expenditures of any form of extra
money directly from the United States and her allies. What it will take
will be re-categorization or allocation of existing monies spent.
Jordan is Palestine includes information taken from the following referenced
Executive Summary, complete with a philosophical overview, section references
and End Notes
specific peace plan outline and narrative, complete with refugee resettlement
program (appendix #1)
Analysis and background (appendix #2)
and Myths about the Region (appendix #3)
& Statistical Facts (appendix #4)
OJIP Adopting
Resolution (appendix #5)
OJIP Concluding
Statement (appendix #6)
to Jordan ’s Monarchy – The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (appendix #7)
could the Jordanian Opposition Coalition come
to power (appendix #8)
the term Radical, Fundamentalist & Radical Islam (appendix #9)
THINKING: This document
Jordan as Palestine , the official home of the Palestinian people
international documents and precedence
all parties with safe, recognizable, and secure borders
the term “refugee” for use in this situation only (appendix #1)
“refugee entitlements” including their “right of return” to Jordan by the current Jordanian citizenship act, which
the Jordan ’s regime refused to abide by.
economic and social incentives for Palestinians in Israel/West Bank to relocate
to Jordan .
economic opportunities in Jordan will present Jordanians with the tangible fruits
of peace, while making Jordan an attractive destination for Palestinian refugees
and Palestinians in Israel . This will happen by creating and enacting fiscal
transparency concepts, as well as effective governance while not expecting any
extra fiscal help from the United States
re-categorizing and allocation of existing funds – as well as increased
economic activity and trade – will allow the successful implementation of OJIPwithout any new earmarked funds from the
United States and her allies.
Specifics: Operation
is Palestine
for specific and defensible borders that provide Jordanian and Israeli borders
safe, secure, and uncompromised
the fact that all Palestinians are born Jordanians per Jordan ’s Citizenship Act
the fact that almost all Palestinians in the West Bank hold Jordanian passports
make Jordan an attractive destination for all Palestinians in Israel/West Bank
and in refugee countries such as Lebanon and Syria through securing Job
opportunities, healthcare and education for all Jordanians and Palestinians in
money, increase education and enhance the quality of life
stated above, OJIP has
been created on the belief that the plan’s tenants will (and can) be
accomplished without any new expenditures by the US and her allies. OJIP believes that all it will take is a
re-categorization or allocation of existing monies, combined with a phase out
schedule (suggested 7 years)
US has provided more than $20 billion in economic and
military aid to the Jordanian Monarchy since 2000, and several billions to the
Palestinian Authority, with none of that money bringing the peace any closer to
reality, let alone the livelihoods of Jordanians and Palestinians. [http://mondoweiss.net/2015/11/spends-billion-foreign/ ]
USA provides the Palestinian Authority with about $500
million a year, much of which earmarked for use in the creation of democratic
institutions. In reality, these funds were repeatedly used to purchase weapons,
mostly from Iran .
the adoption of OJIP,
individual wealth will increase thanks to the ceding of land, creation of jobs
and expansion of educational programs
– Tourism is one of the region’s largest revenue sources. Because of the
stalemate, not all nations are attracting the number of visitors they hope to.
Bringing peace to the region will attract more tourists to all countries,
enhancing revenue, expanding the economy, and increasing the quality of life
for the average family
OJIP will
help expand international and national economic programs and opportunities
because countries and businesses will feel safe investing in the region
up money from defensive purposes, and redirecting them to create civilian
opportunities will help expanded civilian opportunities, increasing the
standard of living for everyone in the region
OJIP provides
Palestinians who relocate to Jordan with lower overall personal taxes and
institutional debt that finances defense; and
OJIP will
help Jordan balance its budget without additional economic
input from additional countries while eliminating burdensome interest payments
such as the allowances the PA provides to families to terrorists who have
killed Israelis
to the Gate Stone Institute, during the past 20 years, the U.S. has invested $4.5 billion in “promoting democracy”
among the Palestinians in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip and
boosting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and it (the money) went down the
drain or ended up in secret Swiss bank accounts (https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6353/palestinians-us-aid)
the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed approximately $5 billion
in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians
latest figures show that the United States contributed over $380 million to the UNRWA in
UNRWA Donors:
figures for the last 5 fiscal years (2011-2015) show that the United States contributed over $1.556 Billion to the UNRWA from
2011 to 2015, plus an additional $400 million in emergency aid to Syria and about $300 million for the West Bank and Gaza . (https://www.unrwa.org/how-you-can-help/government-partners/funding-trends/donor-charts)
the same time, the European Union spent about $872,085,000
contributions made up about 40% per cent of the total UNRWA program budget for
each year.
the OJIP plan
in effect, taxpayer money would be properly spent and when necessary, saved,
not earning interest in some Dictator’s Swiss bank account.
IS HAPPENS TO the money?
50% of it goes towards education, with another huge portion going towards
emergency aid
spent on Jordan
USA spends about $1.6 billion a year on economic aid
to Jordan , as per a recent statement by US Embassy in Amman .
to Jordan comes in many forms, direct, indirect, commercial
commodities as well as military equipment and training.
of the status and nature of American Aid to Jordan , it is estimated that the Obama administration
spent over $6.0 billion in economic and military aid during his 8-year term.
spent on the Palestinians
establishment in the 1990’s, the US has committed approximately $5 billion in
assistance to the Palestinians.
were promised, but never happened
corruption has grown while living conditions have fallen
have turned to Hamas, which promised change and reform, but provided neither
“investment in Palestinian democracy and peace” has been a failure
AND LIVES SAVED: terrorism
diminished or even defeated
the OJIP plan
will create jobs, expand the economy, and ensure that money given in aid is
properly spent, saving taxpayers money.
adopted and implemented, this plan will immediately stop the lavish spending
habits of the dictatorship that wastes American taxpayers’ money, as well as
the leaders of the Palestinian Authority
stated above, OJIP sponsors
believe that zero additional funds of any sort will be required from the US because there are already substantial resources
being spent, but the King of Jordan and PA leadership is wasting them.
large percentage of the money being provided as aid, is being used to incite
terrorism and hatred for Israel and Jews. One this plan is adopted, the money will
be directed to the people, and will not only create a consumer economy and
jobs, bit minimize (eliminate) terrorism and stimulate additional capitalistic
avenues. In addition, let us not forget that this will also save lives.
foreign aid levels will be stabilized instead of their annual substantial
increases. The US is now giving the king $1.6 billion a year, and he
keeps asking for more. The new Jordanian government will be transparent and
will not steal funds, thus saving all Western donors and US any additional aid
money, which rarely ever filters down to the economy.
regional trade deals will be created, allowing the region to serve as a gateway
for Israel ’s trade and exports to the region.
earmarked for ‘terrorism’ in the region will be redirected into peaceful,
consumer based economies
transparency, all money that is “misappropriated” or wasted by the king and
Palestinian authority will stop and it will filter down to the people
giving away of land, will create ‘wealth’ within the Palestinian people,
allowing a consumer class to grow
In closing, a viable Palestinian
state created in what is today’s Jordan, complete with securely recognized
borders, will end the Hashemite rule over Jordan, gradually end the Palestinian
Authority, solve the refuges problem, help Israel extend its full sovereignty
over the West Bank, saving American lives, money and create jobs.
OJIP seeks
the implementation of the original historical agreements which recognize 78% of
British Mandate of Palestine as an Arab State , which is today’s Jordan and 22% of as a Jewish state which Israel , including all of the West Bank .
plan will help restore the Arab Palestinians right to Jordan , which has been ruled by an outsider family of 88
people from Saudi, the Hashemite’s.
aimed at establishing a solution based on mutual recognition of Israel , as a Jewish state, and Jordan as an Arab state.
plan seeks enhancing Jordan ’s economy by phasing out the outrageous
expenditures of the Jordan ’s royal family.
plan seeks an economic, political and defense partnership special to Jordan and Israel and in a model similar to the US and Canada .
are already Jordan ’s citizens, and must have their rights restored.
Jordanians currently possess “the right of return” to Jordan , secured by Jordan ’s law itself. OJIP will support their return by enacting
attractive economic opportunities.
New Jordan will not even have to create any new laws to secure Palestinians’
return, but just enact the current Jordanian law.
plan sees the future Jordan as committed to eliminating all sorts of
anti-Israel/pro-Islamist incitement, through introducing and enforcing a strong
counter-terrorism act and anti-discrimination laws applicable to different
religions and ethnicities including Jews.
Jordan ’s army must be turned into a defense force rather
than an offensive one, which also includes cutting the out-of-control military
expenditures, and channeling funds towards enhanced economic opportunities,
aid will be spent properly – for the people – not to props up dictators who
skim profits
is needed in all transactions, especially with countries like Jordan
counter-corruption and transparency laws will be introduced that makes stealing
funds and foreign aid impossible, thus contributing to Jordan ’s economic growth and attractiveness to
Jordanian/Palestinian refugees in Israel and elsewhere.
OJIP protects
American political, military and business interests in Jordan, while seeking to
expand (and include) any and all parties’ that Jordan’s allies see fit to use
in military, intelligence, and counter-terrorism cooperation operations.
OJIP does
not immediately change Jordan ’s governmental structure(s). Rather, OJIPremoves the royal figureheads while keeping
the government and military bodies intact. This will avoid any form of Arab
Spring drama from happening. This is what happened in Egypt with President Sisi, who got rid of Morsi within a public revolution while keeping the
state intact and cracking down on Islamist with a zero-tolerance policy.
New Jordan/Post Hashemite will have to ban and illegalize all terrorist and
Islamist groups including the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. This ban includes
the confiscation of funds and assets for all groups that promote terror or
plan will open the window for West Bankers, Gazans as well as all willing Arab
Israelis (Palestinians with Israeli passports) to relocate to Jordan by
enacting Jordan’s citizenship law that recognizes all Palestinians as
Jordanians. This will also open the door to family reunifications.
the region’s Military Arms Race
aside more money to help the region rebuild
In closing, we have presented a lot
of information in this document in an effort to help bring a real and feasible
peace to the Middle
East . We
look forward to talking to you and your staff about any aspect of this plan.
Mudar Zahran
Michael Ross
Secretary General
State Secretary for Peace Affairs
(916) 923-2215 –
Murad Maghlseh (Naseem AlGheewan)
Secretary of
Secretary of Homeland Security
Mohamed Betibet
Secretary of
Secretary of Labor and Welfare
Abu Rateb Adnani
Secretary of
Acting Intelligence Director
Document #1
I: A proposed re-definition of the term PALESTINIAN REFUGEES as All
The refugee definition is as
refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country because they
based on a political act, decree, or action
economically, socially, or politically
shelter from a manmade or natural disaster; and/or
refugee is a person who is:
of their country of citizenship because they have well-founded grounds for fear
of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion, and
unable to obtain sanctuary from their home country or, owing to such fear, and
unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country, or in the case
of not having a nationality and being outside their country of former habitual
residence as a result of such event, is unable or, owing to such fear, is
unwilling to return to their country of former habitual residence.
born with certain inalienable rights which manifest themselves as Entitlements
the Refugee Problem:
The only reason Palestinians are
refugees today is that the Hashemite regime does not recognize them as
citizens, and thus denies them their rights. Once they return to the new Jordan , they will become full-fledged
citizens, and thus lose their refugee status. Their return to Jordan will not be considered a privilege
by any regime. To support this, statistics show that most Palestinians in the West Bank (63%) would like to relocate
somewhere else and therefore we believe that it is safe to assume that they
would want to relocate in Jordan if the doors were open and are
supported by a variety of economic opportunities. For example, Palestinians who
live in Syria , despite having Jordanian
passports, have systematically been denied entry into Jordan by the current dictatorship. This
has brought huge criticisms by the UN. It is common sense that most in
Jordanians in Syria would love to flee the war and
return to their ancestral homeland and safety. The same is true in Lebanon , where Jordanian citizens
(Palestinians with passports), live under an apartheid system that keeps them
in concentration camps. If given the chance, they would definitely relocate to Jordan .
Anyone who meets one of the above
definitions is entitled to the following:
education, job training, medical attention, food, and shelter
right to settle, legally in the country they are taking refuge in
right to secure and use identity papers
of movement, representation, and speech within the host country
entitlements will not cost the US or her allies any extra because the funds will
come from the savings outlined above.
This document builds on belief that
the British Mandate for Palestine has already been divided into 78% Arab , Jordan , and 22% Jewish, Israel . Therefore, any other divisions and
proposed arrangements are not local and have proven impossible to implement
over the past 7 decades. The future Jordan will be a state ruled by the
majority with laws banning radical Islam and restricting Islamist’s rights to
vote or run for office, and will stretch along the river Jordan with a Jewish Israel along its
side. As a result, the following are the plan’s foundations:
will be created two specific states in the region, one called Israel and the other Jordan
Jordan will officially abandon all claims to even a
single square inch of soil west to the River Jordan.
parties will recognize each other’s rights to exist, in peace
borders for the two countries were outlined in UN Resolutions 181 and 242
lands lost in wars, shall remain the land of those who liberated it
Jerusalem shall remain a unified city
III: operation JORDAN
IS PALESTINE ’S Specifics:
Goal: In an effort to support the concept
that “Jordan is the traditional land for
Palestinian resettlement”, there should be a variety of economic inducements
created to entice Palestinian movement and resettlement in their recognized
ancestral home. To accomplish this:
each person of any age who moves to Jordan , with one square acre of titled land. Land and
titles will be provided to any and all based on a first come, first served
all persons who reside in Jordan with an education – from direct schooling to job
training; and
those who move with employment, healthcare, and education
Document #2
Current funding comes from several
sources, most of which are some type of ‘aid’ from an international body, or
UNRWA: services and costs to the west?
UNRWA: Humanitarian
As mentioned above, the regular
UNRWA 2013 budget was just over $675 million in US dollars, roughly half of
which was spent on education. In response to emergencies in the region –
notably in the occupied Palestinian territory and Syria – UNRWA has launched emergency
appeals for assistance not covered by the regular budget. In 2014, UNRWA
required over US$ 400 million to respond to the emergency in Syria , and around US$ 300 million for
emergency assistance in the West Bank and Gaza .
UNRWA: Largest
region’s largest spender on Democracy
The USA was the largest single donor in
2014, with a total contribution of over US$408,751,396. The European Union with
about $139,402,221 followed them. These contributions made up about 40% per
cent of the total income UNRWA received for its core program budget. (http://israelipalestinian.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000592)
Since the establishment of limited
Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed approximately
$5 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the
world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive
Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of
at least three major U.S. policy priorities of interest to
Palestinian Authority: What does it cost the West and Israel ?
Since the establishment of limited
Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed
approximately $5 billion in bilateral assistance to the
are they doing with money America
spent on promoting democracy?
The Gate Stone Institute, at https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6353/palestinians-us-aidstates
the last 20 years, the U.S. has invested $4.5 billion in promoting democracy
among the Palestinians in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip and
boosting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and it went down the drain or
ended up in secret Swiss bank accounts.
Palestinians do not have a functioning parliament or a free media under the PA
in the West Bank or under Hamas in Gaza
Palestinians, presidential and parliamentary elections remain a remote dream.
saw no improvement in their living conditions, because of the PA’s corruption.
That is why they turned to Hamas, which promised them change, reform and an end
to financial corruption.
“investment” in Palestinian democracy and peace with Israel has been a complete failure because of the refusal
of the U.S. Administration to hold the Palestinian Authority fully accountable.
Western donors demand that the PA use their money to bring democracy to its
people and prepare them for peace, the prospects of reviving any peace process
will remain zero.
According to the latest figures
available, the United States provided approximately $35 billion
in economic aid to over 140 countries in fiscal year 2014. Jordan received $1 billion of that (http://mondoweiss.net/2015/11/spends-billion-foreign/).
From this figure, based on current actions, it is e assumed that Jordan received at least $1 billion in
2015. In 2016, President Obama increased that figure to $1.6 billion (according
to the embassy in Amman ). This amount is expected to continue as long as Jordan ’s problems continue.
This figure has grown since George
H.W. Bush was President (http://us-foreign-aid.insidegov.com/l/88/Jordan).
The amounts given by various presidents over the year are as follows:
George H. W. Bush
$257 million
$199 million
Bill Clinton
$1.28 billion
$990 million
George W. Bush
$3.61 billion
$2.47 billion
Barack Obama
$4.2 billion
$1.93 billion
of 2016, Israel was ranked 7th in world for defense spending, and
17th when it comes to total military spending.
2016 Global Aerospace and Defense Outlook report, conducted by the Deloitte
consulting firm, showed that in 2014, Israel spent 5.2 percent of its gross domestic product
(GDP) on defense
spenders in the region include Southern Sudan
with 9.3%, Saudi
with 10.4% and Oman with 11.6%
the same report, it states that Israel spent $15.9 billion on its military overall in
Israel spends money on Palestinians in many forms, and
provides money to UNRWA. OJIP will
save Israel money because these restrictive burdens will be
either lifted or eliminated.
with peace in the region, although Israel will still have to maintain a military defense,
they will not have to maintain as much, freeing up money that can be spent in
other critical areas, most likely industrial development that will provide jobs
to those in the region.
OJIP will be ‘self-funded’ by Jordan itself to the tune of $12 billion
over a 5-year period. The following business sectors, based on legislative
decree, will receive the money: Agriculture, the Importation of Food and
Consumer Goods, Construction, and the attraction and hiring of much needed
Medical Professionals.
All men and women of all ages will
receive an education. The education will fall into two clear categories –
traditional schooling and job skills training. Additionally, the unified high
school “Tawjeehi” examination system will end, while the university
infrastructure will expand with the construction of facilities and the
acceptance of additional students. The focus will be on the fields of
education, medicine, and law. To help, special tax rates for graduates at all
levels will be established.
Document #3
fresh interpretation of facts and myths:
The creators of this plan believe
that it’s time for serious out-of-the-box thinking and a ‘reinterpretation of
the region’s historical facts and myths’ in an effort to not only encourage,
but provide fresh ideas and thinking to the peace process. We hope that this
approach will bring cool heads to the table, and that it will lead to an honest
dialogue that will lead to a better product. The product we hope to achieve is
a sound peace agreement that provides all parties with safe and secure borders,
as well as economic futures.
Myth: Israel
sees Jordan ’s
regime as stable and depends on it for security
Fact: Israeli Intelligence reports show
that Israel ’s leadership believes the king’s
regime is on their last legs, and the throne will never pass to his heirs. This
is one reason why Israel is building a $1 billion wall on Jordan ’s borders.
the USA only provides humanitarian and military aid to Jordan
Fact: In an effort to help maintain the
peace in the region, as well as secure up Israel’s safety, the US has helped
finance building a mega wall protecting Jordan’s borders with Syria and Iraq,
which makes it even more difficult for terrorist organizations to reach Israeli
borders via Jordan.
Myth: Jordan
has absorbed Palestinians as citizens
Fact: Despite the fact that all
Palestinians in Jordan (including the West Bank) hold Jordanian citizenship,
Jordan’s king has sustained a ruthless apartheid regime, complete with
systematic and public discrimination that targets Jordanians of Palestinian
heritage, Jordanians of Bedouins heritage and Northern peasants. Combined,
there are nearly 2.1 million registered Palestinians in Jordan (as of 2014). Around 370K live in
refugee camps, with the rest living in or around Amman . Those 2.1 million registered
represent only 35% of the actual number of refugees as per US Embassy Amman
cable. [http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-Contributors/Is-Jordan-the-Hashemite-occupied-Palestine].
This makes the actual number close to 6 million, making them the majority of Jordan ’s population. Overall, these
Jordanians are specifically de facto banned from holding top state jobs,
disenfranchised and discriminated against in university admission placements,
as well as blocked from being part of the state’s welfare system. They are also
restricted to healthcare. To add insult to injury, they are allocated a minimal
number of parliamentary seats. For example, Amman has almost 4 million, yet it
receives less than 20 seats in the Parliament, while Kerak, south of Amman has barely 100,000 citizens, yet
receives 10 seats in the king’s parliament.
Myth: Palestinians
are no longer a majority in Jordan ,
they have been replaced by millions of Syrian refugees
Fact: Jordan ’s population is reported to be
8,185,384. A US Embassy-Amman cable made public by WikiLeaks states that
Jordanians of Palestinians heritage make up more than 80% of the population
(*). Most of those are Jordanian citizens. Per UNHCR, number of Syrian
refugees is 650,000 and not the million the regime claims, and all Syrian
refugees in Jordan have to register with the UNHCR to
protect themselves from deportation. The US Embassy has reported that
Iraqi refugees’ numbers are lower thanks to a study conducted between the
Jordanian Bureau of Statistics (Census) and the Norwegian charity, FIFO. This
shows the number of Iraqi refugees stands at a mere 160,000. (**).
Myth: Jordan
is friendly with all of its neighbors, making it a stable country
Fact: Despite peace treaties with her
neighbors, Jordan ’s king has clearly aligned himself
with Syria ’s Assad. Why? The King fears that
Assad’s fall could bring his own. Because of his belief, he is close to Assad’s
supporter(s): Iran and Russia . He has also been systematically
provoking, antagonizing and disturbing Saudi Arabia and Israel . In fact, as you read this
document, the King’s official media is in the process of inciting not just a
war of words against the countries, but anti-Semitic programs (including the
stab-a-Jew go to heaven program). Israel has recently described Jordan and a
“major contributor to the unrest in Jerusalem ”, through both: incitement and
action. (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/200941#.V2XhtLgrLIU).
Additionally, in the last 7 months of 2016, Jordan witnessed 5 major terrorist
attacks, in which three Americans and 1 Canadian were killed.
Myth: Jordan
is stable and has survived the Arab Spring
Fact: Jordan has been in a total chaos and
unrest since 2012. As a result, both the US and UK embassies in Amman have elevated their security
warnings for travel in Jordan . Additionally, gun battles occur
throughout the country, including tourist areas like Petra – happen daily. Gunfire is
regularly exchanged between the king’s forces and the angry locals many of whom
are simply looking for work or food for their families. With that in mind,
anti-regime protests have become regular; and although not massive, they still
mimic Egypt ’s anti-Mubarak protests that
proceeded the 2011 revolution. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAfX7y8q8UA)
and (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k9nEdtpCZg)
Myth: The
king is revered, loved, and respected by his subjects
Fact: According to international peace
groups like Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch, he king, has
placed himself above the Constitution and all Jordanian law. They add that the
King is despised by his subjects, controls them with a deadly, iron fist and
when his subjects oppose him, they are often denied their rights, thrown in
jail, tortured and often simply “disappear”. Jordanians have dubbed him “Ali
Baba” which is equivalent to calling him a thief. For example, Jordanians of
all backgrounds exhibit sincere hatred for him over social media, risking
punishment, which shows the actual level of dismay with the royal family is
much greater beneath the surface.
Myth: The
of Jordan
is relatively more democratic than other Arab states
Fact: Jordan ’s king officially controls the
country’s executive, judicial and legislative powers. Recently, he amended the
constitution, granting himself more power. For many, mere criticism of the king
could land anyone in jail. International Human Rights groups have released
scathing reports on Jordan . What is most puzzling is this: the
regime is very tolerant of Islamists, allows them to have their own
terror-preaching TV and daily newspapers, while being intolerant of seculars.
For example, Mudar Zahran, the JOC’sSecretary General, was tried in
absentia and sentenced to life in prison for criticizing the king. (https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2015/country-chapters/jordan)
Myth: The
king recently received additional constitutional powers because he is doing
such a good job
Fact: Jordan ’s king, in a power grab, forced the
legislature to ‘grant him additional powers’ that puts him above the
Constitution and his subjects. The move is evidence of his fear of being
toppled. To go one-step further, he has allowed radical Islamic terrorists (the
Muslim Brotherhood) to win seats in the Parliament.
Myth: The
king runs a transparent kingdom, allowing the public access to records, books,
and actions
Facts: The king of Jordan is one of the world’s most
secretive persons because nobody has access to his royal budget or expenses. He
is also secretive about his vast wealth, and where it emanates from and where
it is housed. Not to mention the fact that over the years, the King has
received over $20 billon of US taxpayers’ money. This begs the question: how
could the US give so much money to a regime that
has zero transparency? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utKldDvuNas)
Myth: Jordan ’s
king controls the army and intelligence services and therefore he’s an asset to
the USA
Fact: Jordan ’s king has lost his grip on the
army and intelligence. Since the 2012 “November Revolution’, those
organizations have become independent and now coordinate directly with the US , UK , and Israel . Because of this, the king is
irrelevant to Jordan ’s security. In fact, recent
terrorist actions in the country have shown two things. First, that the king
can’t control what is happening in his own country. Second, the king could not
get his people to undertake military operations against terrorists, begging the
question – who is in control of the country’s military
Myth: Jordan ’s
King is fighting ISIS ;
therefore, he is an essential US
interest and ally
Fact: Jordan ’s contribution in the war on ISIS has been limited to 6 F16s and for
only three months in 2015, after that UAE’s F16s began bombing from Jordan . Additionally, reports show that Jordan has more ‘fighters” in Syria than any other individual ‘group’.
Further, recent reports show Toyota trucks captured from ISIS were initially sold to Jordan ’s government. CNN Arabic
reported Jordan is one of ISIL’s top oil buyers,
and 4,500 Jordanians have managed to cross the borders to join ISIL under the
king’s nose. Further, the king harbors and embraces the Muslim Brotherhood,
ISIL’s ideological mother foundation.
Myth: The
king has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) – or has he?
Fact: Jordan ’s king has been in full cooperation
with the MB since taking power. Historically, the MB stood up against the 11/12
revolution, crushing it while publically saying: “We won’t allow the king to
fall”. The king’s Minister of Political Reform has said: “The MB is a part of
the regime”. To make things worse, the king refused Saudi’s, Egypt ’s, and UAE’s demands to shut down
the MB. Although supposedly vigorously fighting the MB, the king
publically licensed 2 new MB organizations, both of whom have won seats in the
parliament. Despite the king’s claims, MB still operates their TV station,
daily paper, and a $3 billion trust fund. (http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-Contributors/Jordans-king-and-the-Islamists-In-one-boat-332767)
and (http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3464/jordan-trouble)
Myth: The
king could be a part of the solution to the Palestinian’s cause by taking over
the West Bank
Fact: Palestinians historically hate the
king and his ancestors because they have been lied to, lied to them, been
treated as outsiders and are using them as pawns while the king consolidates
power and ravages the country for every dime he can. In fact, realistically, if
the king cannot control Jordan , what makes a logical mind think he
can control the West Bank ? Make no mistake about it, Jordan ’s King cannot (and will not) bring
stability to the region.
Document #4
OJIP facts
At this point, we would like to
point out that the OJIP will provide all parties to
the negotiations with a new practical guidelines and solutions, based on old
law and new concepts. It does by using the following statistical information:
Jordan comprises 78% of the original British Mandate for Palestine . Dedicated by the Belfour Declaration and the San
Remo Agreement as a Jewish homeland, Israel today (including the West Bank ), makes barely 22% of British Palestine
1917, the current rulers of Jordan signed an agreement with world Jewry, knows as the
Feisal -Wiseman agreement, in which they agree to 78% of Palestine created as a country for Arabs of Palestine and
the rest of the country, 22% become a Jewish homeland
the influx of Syrian Refugees from the war, the Majority of Jordan’s population
were Palestinians (close to 80%), this was confirmed by a US Embassy-Amman
cable made public by WikiLeaks. [http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-Contributors/A-Palestinian-spring-for-Jordan]
Jordan ’s Hashemite family consists of just 88 individuals
and controls 99% of the country’s wealth
if not all, Palestinians in the West Bank hold Jordanian passports, including PA’s President
Abbas and his family. They travel with those passports, nonetheless, when they
travel to Jordan , they are not allowed easy access and are forced
to spend a day of interrogation each at Jordan ’s intelligence department as a former of
systematic obstacle to their return to Jordan
Jordan ’s Hashemite regime strongly abuses Jordan ’s Palestinian majority. For example, despite being
citizens, they are excluded from all state jobs (excepting being a
schoolteacher), and the parliamentary seats allocated to them make up less than
10% despite them being at least 80% of the population. They are also
economically discriminated against and systemically oppressed by the security
UNHCR confirms Jordan still treats its citizens of Palestinians heritage
as refugees
Palestinians in the West
Bank hate the Palestinian
Authority, and despite their avid hatred for Israel , do yearn to the days Israel was ruling them
Palestinians in Jerusalem would rather remain under Israel ’s control
young men in the West
Bank would rather
relocate somewhere else
Mossad leak, made public by Israeli Ambassador Danny Dayan showed “the top
leadership of the Mossad believed Jordan ’s king is its last” and “He may never be able to
pass the throne to his heir”
of Palestinians in the West
Bank live in Area A which
includes the major cities and make a very small percentage of the West Bank , again, all of those hold Jordanian passports
Jordan ’s citizenship law recognizes all (non-Jewish
Palestinians) as Jordanian citizens, nonetheless, Jordan ’s Kings have refused to honor this law
Jordan ’s Kings had abided by international and Jordanian
laws; Palestinian refugees would have had a country year ago, and there would
have been no refugees – the problem exists today because the Kings have refused
to recognize Palestinians as citizens
are 6.2 million Jews and others in Israel ,7
million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and 1.8 million Palestinians in the West Bank . There are 1.6 million Israeli Arabs, not
including Druze. Thus, there are 5.8 million Arabs and 6.2 million Jews between
the Jordan and the Mediterranean . Jun 30, 2013 http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.532703
are about 7.2 million Palestinian refugees worldwide.
than 4.3 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants are registered for
humanitarian assistance with the United Nations, while another 1.7 million are
refugees and their descendants are not.
Document #5
Whereas the Operation
Jordan Is Palestine proposal was created in an effort to foster the discussion of
peace and prosperity in one corner of the Middle East , and;
Whereas the Operation
is Palestine plan is being presented in an
effort to “Jump Start” negotiations, while sharing with the thoughts of the
Jordanian people and their dire support for peace. As Jordanian citizens,
without support from the King, we have taken old ideas and revamped them to fit
the politically correct 21st Century; and
Whereas internationally, historical
peace plans have named Jordan as Palestine, and the home of Palestinians, yet
the Hashemite Throne wants to maintain the status quo, hold on to the land and
keep the Palestinian issue as it stands, so they can stay in power; and
Whereas in an effort to make Jordan a
regional social and economic partner, and secular powerhouse, the region must
work hard to eliminate conflicts that exist not just between Jordan’s King and
his subjects, Jordan’s king and the Palestinians, Jordan and her neighbors,
Jews and Muslims, and Israeli’s and Palestinians; and
Whereas in short, all plans laid on
the table should work with currently established international law, and as
such, recognize Israel’s right to exist as a nation (and as a Jewish state)
while providing the Palestinians with a homeland and future. International law
has established Israel as the home for Jews, with Jordan being the home for Palestinians;
Whereas the parties to any successful
peace plan developed in this century must establish themselves as a politically
correct, growing, moderate, and progressively democratic country that has a
firm economic foundation and is ruled by the people as a democratic plurality,
not a dictator calling himself a Monarch; and
Whereas bringing peace and stability
to the region will only occur if religious, sexual or age discrimination
disappear and intolerance of radical Islamists and terrorism flourishes. This
will only happen through the establishment of economic, political, defense and
educational partnerships with friends and neighbors; and
Whereas the establishment of a
Palestinian state, a peace plan or the end to this conflict that protects
Israel’s sovereignty, must include the elimination of corrupt regional
terrorism and terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood,
Hezbollah, ISIS and Hamas and all others that teach hatred and support armed
conflict towards their neighbors; and
Whereas the concepts utilized in
constructing the OJIP plan are based on the following philosophic
parties are entering this process in an effort to achieve something and come
out as winners
2) Time has come for
peace in the region, and communications, sharing ideas and sorting them out one
by one is how it starts
3) Many of the problems
the region faces, stems directly from the Jordanian Monarchy because they
refuse to recognize Palestinian citizenship and heritage
4) Any adopted plan must
eliminate the Martyr program that pays the families of those who kill
themselves through terrorist acts
5) Nation’s recognized in this
plan must recognize human rights while providing transparency in governmental
actions, including ensuring that all foreign aid is spent properly; and
Whereas a healthy growing and
expanding economy that creates jobs benefits everyone in the region, will help
secure and support peace; and
Whereas, OJIP refocuses the ‘refugee
problem” by changing the core problem: the way refugees are classified or
thought of, treated, and expect to act in their temporary homes by converting
them from a dependent class into a consumer class that will help all aspects of
the economy grow while providing them with an education and job training;
Document #6
Is Palestine –
Concluding statement
The JOC envisions that once taking
elected office and making positive economic decisions, that within 10 years Jordan will enjoy a thriving economy that
offers an equal opportunity to everyone and leaves no Jordanian behind
educationally. These economic policies are outlined in our economic platform.
The JOC will
achieve this by:
of the wide-spread corruption under the current regime through the introduction
of strict counter-corruption laws, as well as the creation of a
Counter-Corruption Commission that is empowered with the jurisdiction to
investigate, search, arrest, confiscate and prosecute those suspected of
economic corruption.
the current unfair and extreme tariff system that charges a fee of up to 200%
for a family car, making the basics of life a distant dream for most
Jordanians. Instead, the JOC will enact policies that will expand our economy
and as such, enhance Jordan ’s income and sales tax. Combined, the income – if
it is not stolen through corruption – should be sufficient in the short run to
cover the Jordanian state’s budget and help us implement educational and
economic reforms.
accountability and responsibility for public servants and state officials by
establishing a clear salary system, transparency through government oversight
and limited access to the state’s assets. This will be accomplished using a
similar equation that is used by western governments, including the US Federal
Government, with a focus being on salaries, compensations and use of state
vehicles. Combined, the JOC aims to end the incredible waste that currently
occurs under the current regime, including the elimination of the King’s lavish
life style that is paid for by taxpayers.
economic cooperation with the west, including the United States , UK , France , and Germany . This will be done through the establishment of a
full free trade agreement, establishment of economic development zones and
policies that will not only help US goods could enter Jordan’s market, but
allow Jordanian products leave the country for foreign markets with minimal
restrictions and fees. This will benefit the world economy, as well as those in
Jordan by creating jobs, income and enhancing consumer
purchasing power.
and reinforcing economic cooperation with our neighbors, including Israel on the manufacturing and delivery of imports and
exports. Additionally, as partners, we hope to use Israel ’s knowledge and expertise on water, energy,
telecommunications, and agriculture to enhance Jordan ’s future in the economic market place. The best
way to do this is by signing a free trade agreement between Israel and Jordan that benefits both parties and reinforces peaceful
ties between both sides for generations to come.
strict anti-trust laws that will create competition, help multiple products
reach the market place, while reducing the prices of consumer goods.
and expanding a variety of economic programs and policies that will help
construct a modern Jordan
Document #7
in 2012, the Jordanian Opposition Coalition is
a collective of secular-like-minded Jordanian opposition
Opposition’s Secretary General, Mudar Zahran, has been the most active
political figure in opposition to the Jordanian Dictatorship since 2010
has received more media coverage than any other opposition leader
many of the king’s own fake opposition members are roaming Jordan freely, Mudar Zahran was sentenced to life in
prison in 2014 for “having a long tongue against the king”, “trying to change
the structure of the society” and “insulting an official entity”. No other
opposition figure has ever sentenced to this, which emphasizes Zahran’s
significance and influence.
The Jordanian Opposition Coalition launched the
largest revolution in Jordan history in November of 2012.
That revolution came close to toppling Jordan ’s king and witnessed the full involvement of both
Jordanians of Palestinians heritage as well as Jordanians of East Bank
heritage. [https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3464/jordan-trouble]
Zahran and the JOC leadership
have flexed their muscles when necessary to influence the development of
Jordanian public opinion and policy. Documented by the world media, an example
occurred in 2011 when Zahran issued a call to the Jordanian public not to
protest against the Israeli embassy in Amman , led by both the King and the Muslim Brotherhood.
As, and as a result, less than 200 people showed to protest. The figure of
protesters against the Israeli Embassy is usually in the range of 10s of thousands.
2011, the pro-Jordanian government writer, Nahid Hattar, called for a “mother
of all protests” against both the Israeli and American embassies, Zahran
publicly addressed Jordanians telling them not to protest either embassies
adding “our problem is with the Hashemites and not the Israelis”. The Jordanian
media made notice of Zahran’s call and incited the public against him
[http://www.allofjo.net/index.php?page=article&id=16843] Nonetheless, as a
result of Zahran’s call, the Washington Post reported less than 200 people
showed up for the protests.[ https://unitedwithisrael.org/mudar-zahran-help-me-prevent-an-islamist-take-over-of-jordan/]
exhibit of Zahran’s influence over the Jordanian public came on 16 September
2015 , when the Jordanian
government’s media openly called for destruction of the Israeli embassy in Jordan , and the Muslim Brotherhood called for “mega
protests” against Israel . At the time, Zahran addressed the Jordanian
public with a video published on YouTube in which he warned them not to go.
Thousands watched the video the night before the protests, and as a result,
less than 200 protested before the Israeli embassy verses the usual tens of
The Jordanian Opposition Coalition has been
openly pro-Israel and has stood up in defense of Israel on countless occasions, examples of this are many:
Zahran, JOC’s Secretary
General, TV appearances and articles in defense of Israel , for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXYArN1tCcQ
Zahran’s writing such as this one: “If Israel disappears, others will too”: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=13113
has also been an avid advocate of a “Palestinians Jordan” and a Jewish
Israel: http://www.meforum.org/3121/jordan-is-palestinian
The JOC’s Shadow Secretary of Commerce, Abed
AlMaala, is an East Banker, and belongs to Jordan’s largest tribe- Bani Hassan.
He has written in defense of Israel in Israel HaYom and avidly attacked the
anti-Israel BDS movement:
The JOC is opposed to the BDS movement because it
is a threat to the entire Middle East http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=17109
resides in Virginia and has had a history of working with AIPAC and
other pro-Zionist lobbies.
The JOC’s Shadow Secretary of Homeland security,
Naseem AlGheewan, has been avidly supporting peace with Israel for years. Naseem currently resides in Germany and holds both French and Jordanian citizenships
Another JOC’s key figure is Mohamed Betaibet, Shadow
Secretary if Labor and Welfare. He has been writing avidly in support of peace
and against anti-Semitism. Betaibet was forced to flee Jordan in 2105, and resides now as a refugee in Germany . Here are one of his articles:
addition to the key figures above, the JOC has very active members on the ground,
and many others in exile and in the west, whose names and biographies will be
provided once their privacy is secured
Ross, JOC’s State
Secretary for the Peace Process. An American-Jewish Consumer Advocate who has
been serving as one of the JOC’s advisor
since 2015. A law school graduate, Zionist and Educator with 40+ years of
public policy service and experience. He has helped organize the Jordanian Opposition Coalitioncreate and
coordinate their legislative agenda, publicity, and international relations. As
co-author of this plan, he has also written this our proposed Constitution, Legislation,
Resolutions, Political Platform, and Regional Redevelopment Plan entitled
Operation Promising Future. Ross is a republican lobbyist and an avid supporter
of President Trump. His presence secures the credibility and validity
of JOC’s mission
of bringing peace and securing Jordan as peaceful, human, anti-Islamist, Palestinian
Al-Hassan, the Shadow Secretary of Justice, who has left Jordan for fear for her life in 2012. She is also a
Canadian citizen. In Jordan , she served as a chief journalist for Jordan ’s top newspaper Al-Rai, which was mostly
government-owned. She also was a practicing lawyer and a famous pro-civil
rights activist. She has been a member of the JOC since 2012.
Ratib Adnani, who still resides in Jordan and is an intelligence expert. The JOCdoesn’t make his biography nor his full name
public in protection of his own safety.
Habashneh, the Shadow Secretary of Transportation, an American citizen who
resides in AZ. Habashneh has served in Jordan ’s army and has been with the opposition against
the king for decades. He belongs to the city of Kerak, regularly considered the
king’s “most loyal city”, as well as belonging to one of the most influential
tribes in the country. Many of his relatives are very close to Jordan ’s king and his membership secures and confirms the
fact that JOC has
public support and merit with Jordanians from all backgrounds.
Document #8
OJIP learns
from the mistakes committed by the Obama Administration’s uncoordinated regime
changes in Libya , Yemen , and Syria . With the implementation of the OJIP, this will never happen in Jordan .
reason that Arab Spring countries ended up in a mess they are in, is because
Obama sought to change the entire government structure of the country, and
armies were dissolved, government officials fired and public structure(s) were
destroyed. OJIP seeks
to place the Jordanian Opposition Coalition in
power replacing the king. As a result, only the occupants of the palace will
change and the government, army and public service will remain intact.
hunger, and unrest have dogged Jordan for years because of the King’s theft of public
funds, funds that have been used to support his family’s lavish lifestyle.
Protests and unrest against the king are common and have amounted to what can
only be considered a “revolution”. The reason that they have not toppled the
Monarchy is because the Jordanian army has not provided its support. Instead it
has stood by and watched and did not get involved.
revolutions in Tunis
and Egypt became successful after the armies of both
countries rolled their tanks in the streets and joined protesters. OJIP does not rely on this.
Jordan ’s army is currently under the direct control of
the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the US Central Command. The
leadership of the Jordanian army is on the payroll of those agencies. As of
today, Jordan ’s army receives $400 million a year from the US . The US could direct Jordan ’s army at any direction it chooses, the same way
it did with Egypt ’s army in 2011 when Mubarak was toppled and in 2013 when Morsi was
deposed. Both ex-presidents claimed it was “a military coup”, “aided by the US ”.
support OJIP’s efforts,
the army needs a green light from the US . With the green light, it could go ahead and
announce support for the ongoing protests that happen regularly.
the army announces that, the king will leave into exile in the same way the
president of Gambia did.
It won’t be announced as a coup, or even a revolution necessarily, but just the
king leaving into exile.
all governments whose leader had left or stepped down, interim governments run
those countries. All of those in recent Middle Eastern history have been
installed and selected by the United States and then ushered into power with Military support.
Jordan will follow this model.
The JOC will take initial power in Jordan with the help of western governments who will
support the removal of the king. Once in power, they will rule by Executive
Order, with an election taking place within 1 year of taking office. The JOC wants to point out here that initially we
are not changing the government, but will present the Jordanian people with an
alternative Constitution and Government to the one in power today. To support
this, an interim Constitution that bridges the current Monarchy based
Constitution with a democratically based Constitution. When the elections take place, the citizens
of the country will vote on a proposed Constitution that supports democracy and
not a monarchy.
taking office, the government will dissolve the sitting Parliament in
accordance with the Jordanian Constitution and establish dates for elected
offices at all level of government
an interim government, the day the Hashemite regime falls is vital to ensure
both the safety of its citizens, and the future stability of the country.
Interim government, via Executive Order, will declare all Islamists groups,
including the Muslim Brotherhood, as terrorist organizations and ban them.
President Sisi did the same thing when he headed an interim government.
interim government will introduce a strong counter-terrorism act that bans all
Islamists, terror supporters and radical fundamentalists, as well as anyone
affiliated with them from running for office.
new counter-terrorism act will recognize affiliation with any terrorists or
Islamist groups as a felony. Being felons will ban Islamists from voting and
from running for office. This will ensure that the fair and open Jordanian
elections do allow radical Islamists to participate.
new government will run the country for an interim period of 2 years before
elections. During that time, it will create and implement a variety of
electoral laws that will help establish fair and open parliamentary and
presidential elections, as well as the adoption of a new constitution (already
written and available for review).
constitution drafting commission will help finalize the draft document, and
will be empowered to draft a modern constitution. Unlike the current Jordanian
Constitution, it will be voted on by the citizenry before adoption. Once
adopted, the Presidential Elections will take place after Parliamentary
elections. That means that the public will elect the nation’s President for the
first time in history.
Jordanians of legal age, male and female over the age of 18, will have the
right to vote and will be eligible to run for office, including the Presidency
and any seat in the national assembly regardless of ethnic or sectarian
background. Those convicted of a felonious crime or have had any relation to
terrorism are ineligible to vote or run for public office.
new Constitutional government will consist of two houses of government, one
called a Senate, and the other called an Assembly. The Senate will be voted on
directly from each state, while the Assembly will operate as a Parliamentary
body. To accomplish this, the number of seats in the body will be raised from
150 to 400, and will be designed to secure direct representation for all
Jordanians, thus ensuring that all areas, sects, and ethnicities will
have more representatives
in the parliament than under the current regime. The distribution of seats will
be based on the population’s concentration and geographic distribution.
are some non-Islamist haters of America and Israel in Jordan . To ban those from running for office and voting,
the interim government will introduce an anti-hate-speech act that criminalizes
incitement against ethnicities, races, sects, or religions. Thus, those calling
for hatred of Jews would be committing a misdemeanor that could be elevated to
a felony if it has caused any harm or threats.
Document #9
to Define The Terms Radical, Fundamentalist and Radical Islam
WHEREAS, The term “Radical
Islam” has not
been defined by the International Community; and
WHEREAS, There are no universally accepted
definitions of the term “Radical Islam” that are in use by governments
around the world; and
WHEREAS, The terms “Terrorism” and “Radical
Islam” have
unfortunately become connected in the hearts and minds of millions around the
world; and
WHEREAS, Because of the lack of a
definition, instead of focusing the time, energy and financial resources on
fighting terrorism and its roots, without a definition, we are now targeting an
entire group of people in the hopes that it will eliminate the problem, and in
this day and age, that group tends to be Muslims; and
WHEREAS, Because the Jordan
Opposition Coalition (JOC)
has taken a leadership role in the creation of a testimonial paper that helps
define the term and is now working with the leadership in a variety of Islamic
countries to establish a definition of the term, as well as provide important
information on how to overcome “Radical Islam”; and
WHEREAS, The establishment of these
definitions, even in principle, will impact the world and how it sees and
handles terrorism, Islam, and peace; and
WHEREAS, It has become very clear to
millions of people that “fundamentalists favor a strict, literal and very
taken-out-of-context interpretation of the primary sources”; and
WHEREAS, With respect to “Radical Islam”,
Islamists who adhere to this belief, also seek to eliminate what they perceive
as corrupting non-Islamic influences from their lives through the use of an
ongoing and escalating campaign of fear, disinformation, and violence; and
WHEREAS, When anyone identified as a “radical” twists their beliefs (especially
religious), to justify the use of any type of violence of that is specifically
designed to deprive others of their rights to enjoy life, worship as they
choose, live in peace or simply put food on the table, its wrong, and in the
case of Islam and Muslims, it is against the Quran’s main principles; and
WHEREAS, The basic tenants of Islam as
expressed in the Torah, New Testament and Quran are clear: there shall be no
compulsion or violence in religion; and
WHEREAS, Legislative bodies around the
world have heard the thoughts, feelings, and ideas from their constituents; and
WHEREAS, The International Community is
looking for a way to effectively define, identify and deal with this subject;
WHEREAS, Any identified problem(s) must not
only be discussed and vetted, but come with corresponding solutions that
effectively alter the landscape and thus bring peace; Therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the definition of the term “Radical” is: anyone advocating for drastic
political, economic, or social change based on representing or supporting an extreme
section of thought, usually through a cause or political party; and Be It
RESOLVED, That the definition of the term “Fundamentalist” is: anyone who is part of a
religious movement that characterizes itself by using a strict interpretation
of religious texts to not only support their claims, but also justify their
violent actions; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, That the definition of “Islam” is anyone who is a believer or
follower of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad; and Be It
RESOLVED, That at the definition of “Radical
Islam” be as
follows: While professing unwavering faith in a transcendent deity, “Radical
Islam” is
a militant, politically activist ideology whose ultimate goal is to create a
worldwide community, or caliphate consisting of Muslim believers, and whom
choose to do so by violence and/or the denial of civil, social, or economic
rights to others; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, That it is known that “Islamic
favor a strict, literal, and very taken-out-of-context interpretation of the
primary sources of Islam, and then use them as guidance in their actions, which
clearly seek to eliminate what they perceive as corrupting non-Islamic
influences from their lives; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, By the international community,
that there are at least 7 basic causes for the establishment and rise of “Radical
Islam” in the
world, and they are:
Perversion of Quranic verses;
Perversion of “Hadeeth’ Context and Meanings;
creation of Terroristic Constitutions and Mission Statements by Groups (for
example the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Constitutions);
and dictators who use the Quran to justify their actions; and promote radical
ideology to deter their subjects from acting against them by making them hate
and fight Western and non-Muslim nations;
Lack of employment and economic opportunities in their homelands;
Societal and Sociological development;
and lack of education throughout the Islamic world. And Be It Further
RESOLVED, That once we identify the root
causes of “Radical Islam”, we must also identify and discuss any possible solutions
which will help us spend precious resources (time and money), more effectively;
and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the following solutions to
the rise of “Radical Islam” have been identified and should be worked on to help stop
both the creation and expansion of “Radical Islam”:
creation of a regional international redevelopment program as identified in the
plan Operation Promising Future;
create more schools and universities that are open to men AND women of all
create libraries filled with world literature, thus exposing the population to
diversity and allowing them to learn more about us, while we learn more about
legislation designating groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, ISIS, and
Hezbollah as terrorist organizations;
despots who receive international aid money to be transparent in terms of the
way the money is spent. No longer should terrorist governments line their
pockets with aid dollars designed for others that will never reach those for
whom it is intended;
election monitoring and at the same time push for universal bans on radicals
like the Muslim Brotherhood, thus, helping Muslims create civil and terror-free
functional democracies.
warn, and push Arab regimes to ban Islamists or disallow groups like the Muslim
Brotherhood from running for public office by designating them as terrorist
organization; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, That the definition outlined in
this resolution be used by the International Community when addressing
terrorism and what appears to be cases of “Radical
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Edgar G.
just spent over an hour reading and (partially digesting), and I hope,
understanding this fascinating document, the most complete of any I’ve ever
read. It is like a quasi-Cinstitution and Declararion of the Jordanian People.
I was concerned only about two things which weren’t showing up as I read deeper
into the legalese. They were how to curb the power of the Muslim Brotherhood
and handle any kickback, and how to also include the Israeli Arabs of Israeli
citizenship. About 3/4 of the way through, both of these points were adequately
answered, the only question being as to whether the Israeli Arabs would
consider changing Israeli citizenship for stable Jordanian one. This is yet to
be seen. There may be need to extend the incentives to that section of Arabs as
encouragement. No matter how you look at it, although there are relatively few
active terrorists from that section, they undoubtedly provide passive and
subterranean support.
always know from the very first, that THE plan had to be that including Mudar
Zahran,who has put more into the project than anyone else and not only is
clever, but sincere and persistent……as far as I can tell. A Mazal Bracha on
And, as all can see, the BIG
push will have to come from the backing of the United States , which already, it seems,
controls Jordan ’s military and security
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