Sunday, May 31, 2020

Who owns the Land of Israel?

Who owns the Land of Israel?

The land was given to the Jewish people exclusively and eternally in Genesis.

All real estate transactions go to great lengths to determine the identity of the original owner of the land to prevent a legal cloud from being over the title deed. The debate of who owns the land of Israel can be resolved in the same manner.

Who was the original owner of the hotly contested strip of real estate on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea?
The answer is not Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. The correct answer is God almighty, the creator.
The title deed to Israel reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)
In the beginning means the dateless past.
God almighty created (the word created is the Hebrew word "bara" which means to make from nothing) the heavens and the earth. The word "earth" is the Hebrew word "Eretz" meaning "dry ground." At the end of Genesis 1:1 there is a complete creation!
Therefore, God as creator of the earth is the original owner. King David, Israel's prophet, poet and warrior statesman, puts his pin to parchment and writes; "the earth is the lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein." (Psalm 24:1)
For 3500 years the land of Israel has belonged to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their seed forever by an everlasting and eternal blood covenant recorded in the Bible.
Israel is the only nation on earth created by a sovereign act of God (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:16, 15:5, 17:7-8, 22:17-18).
The land was given to the Jewish people exclusively and eternally in Genesis 12:1, 13:14-17,  and15:18-21.
The land God promised includes the modern-day nation of Israel and parts of modern-day Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq (Genesis 15:18-21).
The concept that the Arab/Palestinians have owned the land of Israel in times past that God almighty promised Abraham and the Jewish people forever is one of history's greatest frauds.
The claim that the Arabs are related to Abraham through Ishmael is a fact. Their claim to the Land of Israel through Ishmael is absolutely false.
The Bible clearly records that Abraham pleaded with God to allow Ishmael to own the land. God sent back a one-word FedEx from heaven saying, "No!" (Genesis 17: 17-18).
I am inspired to send this message to the 8.2 million-plus members of Christians United for Israel by the fact that months ago president trump met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington to present the administration's peace proposal. I was there!
It was a masterful proposal that gave the Arab/Palestinians the opportunity of a better life through a 50 billion dollar investment package. It was an effort that required years of work by the brilliant and talented inner circle of the president.
It was made clear at the Washington meeting that this historic peace plan could go into effect within days. If the Arab/Palestinians immediately reject the plan, the US Will be prepared to accept the enactment of Israel's sovereignty over parts of the West Bank within 48 hours.
It was made clear that this historic plan could go into effect within days. However, days have become weeks, weeks have become months.
To be clear, the Arab/Palestinians have never owned Judea or Samaria. That Israel will meet with a Arab/Palestinian leadership that still supports terrorists and incites violence against the Jewish people is a commentary on Israel's willingness to make every effort to advance peace with their neighbors, not a commentary on the Arab/Palestinians being deserving of yet another chance at the negotiating table.
Our role is to heed the commandment that we "pray for the peace of Jerusalem!"  And that time is now!

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