Amazing HeroismFEMALE GUARD-took bullet dead center from a terrorist!! -- GOOD FOR HER!
A brave and vigilant young lady. No telling how many lives she saved on May 21, 2020. RVW
She showed amazing reactions as the kinetic energy from the bullet impact would have still knocked her extremely hard, yet she had presence of mind to continue with
her duty to protect the base--
According to the FBI, "the incredible acts of heroism by the NASCC Military Policewoman guarding the entrance to the base, saved many lives yesterday".
The active duty U.S. Navy military police officer stationed at the Ocean Drive gate has probably checked thousands of IDs and allowed access to thousands of authorized people at NAS Corpus Christi.
On the morning of May 21, 2020 a terrorist tried to get past her. That terrorist, Adam Salem Alsahli picked the wrong gate guard to try to get past. He shot her point blank in the chest and then attempted to drive onto the base.
He didn't get far.
She took the bullet dead center in her chest, but was saved by her Kevlar vest, which had a steel, ceramic-coated plate over her sternum designed to protect the heart and vital organs.
The impact knocked her off of her feet however despite her obvious pain she quickly got right back up and hit the emergency button that activated a very strong pop up barricade, which stopped and disabled the terrorist’s vehicle.
Then, as he was going for a rifle he brought with him, she shot him back.
He never made it past the gate as her shots killed him.
This sailor is the reason we celebrate Veterans and Memorial day, not barbecues and sales. Thank our military personnel, they've earned it.
While we were all enjoying our Memorial Weekend, a U.S. Navy Military Police Officer demonstrated an incredible act of bravery to protect American lives from a terrorist. Below is her story.
According to the FBI, "the incredible acts of heroism by the NASCC Military Policewoman guarding the entrance to the base, saved many lives yesterday". The active duty U.S. Navy military police officer stationed at the Ocean Drive gate has probably checked thousands of IDs and allowed access to thousands of authorized people at NAS Corpus Christi. On the morning of May 21, 2020 a terrorist tried to get past her. That terrorist, Adam Salem Alsahli picked the wrong gate guard to try to get past. He shot her point blank in the chest and then attempted to drive onto the base.
He didn't get far.
She took the bullet dead center in her chest, but was saved by her Kevlar vest, which had a steel, ceramic-coated plate over her sternum designed to protect the heart and vital organs. The impact knocked her off of her feet however despite her obvious pain she quickly got right back up and hit the emergency button that activated a very strong pop up barricade, which stopped and disabled the terrorist’s vehicle. Then, as he was going for a rifle he brought with him, she shot him back. He never made it past the gate as her shots killed him. This sailor is the reason we celebrate Veterans and Memorial day, not barbecues and sales.
Jewish right to live in peace throughout the Land of Israel must be enforced - YJ Draiman
Why as a Jew does the world think it has a right to torture me? Israel was created to prevent this. Yet on my home soil someone thinks that he has a right to torture me because I am a Jew. Israel of all places in the world should be my sanctuary especially because it’s the Jewish official state for all Jews. Is it because I am a Jew that I deserve missiles to be thrown upon me? Is it because I am a Jew that another Jew has the right to prevent me from praying to my God on the TempleMount?
Many Jewish souls died in the Diaspora and continue to die including in Israel for the sole reason that they are Jews. Their fate was in the hand of their leaders. They deserved so much more then being murdered just because they were Jewish. We do no want to repeat the Holocaust again. Nor the expulsion of over a million Jewish families from the Arab countries while confiscating all their assets and they were resettled in Israel.
Israel must learn to secure the safety of every citizen under its roof. Enough of trying to be the advocate for these extremists’ evil barbaric people within the Arab-Palestinians. Israel is the home of the Jewish people. It is written in all of the holy books, the bible and history books, including archaeological excavations in Israel, International treaties and laws.
Enough of trying to accommodate the Arab-Palestinian people that thrive on hate and destruction towards me as a Jew. Israel must be strong and extremely strict in enforcing its laws and sovereignty. Hamas should have been destroyed, just like any other enemy of Israel who wants to destroy her. Order must be restored in the Gaza.
The Arab-Palestinians in the west bank (Judea and Samaria) thinks they can torture me because I am a Jew. They commit daily terror and violence in Israel in the name of Islam. Enough is enough. The time is not for revenge but for law and order with a clear message to Mahmmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen the convicted murderer, and his Arab P.A. that these terror and violence acts are his responsibility. If he cannot stop it, Israel will have no alternative, but to take appropriate action to stop terror and violence. Moreover, Hamas the terrorist organization must be eradicated completely once and for all.
I am a Jew and I deserve to live in peace in my own country without threat and intimidation. I expect the respect and protection that is due to me especially by my Jewish leaders. All Jews must learn to respect each other no matter their religious practice, affiliation or opinion. A unified Israel is a strong Israel.
Among others, I blame the government of Israel for not taking a far, far stronger and extreme stand. There is no alternative but denial of citizenship, and deportation, of everyone who is an avowed enemy of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. People will say this is extreme. I say, the situation is extreme. Living with one million plus potential and actual murderers of our men, women and children is extreme.
How do we know who is an enemy of the State? Anyone who has participated in any act of aggression against Israeli Jews (stone throwing, rioting, vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and holy places, attacks on Jews, inciting to violence) is an enemy of the State. Furthermore, the families of these enemies of the State; the schools that teach hate and the destruction of Israel; and anyone who engages in anti-Israel hatred and violence in words or acts, must be treated as enemies of the State.
I also blame, of course, the anti-Semitism of the rest of the world, including the US government (the State Dept), and certainly the EU (which also has trillions of dollars of Jewish assets which were not paid for) and the UN (non-binding resolutions), whose extremely biased condemnation and pressures have restrained Israel from taking the necessary and appropriate steps to protect itself. These are Steps which any other State/Country of the world would be duty-bound and obligated to take and has taken without criticism and condemnation. Not taking these extreme steps in protecting your citizens is a dereliction of duty.
The never ending and continuance of violence by the Arabs against Israel and its’ citizens must come to an end. How many more of our beautiful people, young and old, must be sacrificed on the altar of the world’s anti-Semitism and our own fear of appearing too self-interested?
If ever there was a time for self-interest, it is now.
The Israeli government needs to learn from previous mistakes that ingratiating itself to the biased international media, the world and to the Arabs only strengthens the Arab resolve and brings more bloodshed and bullying. No one has said a word about Egypt bombing Gazan houses and building a wall because Egypt doesn’t give a damn and everyone knows it. Israel needs to have the same attitude and do what is good for its people for a change. This will garner more respect, not less. Bullies prey on the weak.
As for Gaza (the terrorist entity) which is Israel’s problem and the government will probably be dumb enough to accept the problem as their own. Israel in hope for peace created the Arab-Palestinian people and an idea of a possible second Arab-Palestinian state west of the Jordan River and now they will probably take some responsibility for the people of Gaza to please the biased world. Makes you sick, does it not!
The Arabs keep demanding the Judea and Samaria aka West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem as their new State. But nowhere in any treaties of post WWI, there is no such an agreement. They also fail to inform the world that the Arab states terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families from their countries, confiscated all their assets personal, businesses, homes and over 120,000 sq. km. of Real estate (6 times the size of Israel valued in the trillions of dollars) most Jewish refugees families from Arab countries were resettled in Greater Israel.
The Arab-Palestinians have a state, it is called Jordan, which about 75% of its citizens is Arab-Palestinians citizens and possess a Jordanian citizenship. While the British as trustee for the Jewish people managed the Mandate for Palestine, the British violated the trust and created The State of Jordan for the Arabs in the early 1920’s. The British took about 80% of Jewish allocated land which included all the territory east of the Jordan River. Under the San Remo Treaty of April 1920 which adopted the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as international law with no restrictions on boundary; the British violated agreements and treaties, took over 77% of Jewish territory and gave it to the Arabs, in violation of the treaty and the January 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement. Additionally the British gave away Jewish land west of the Jordan River to the Arabs without authority.
The Arab-Palestinians do not want a state; they have shown to date in deed and practice that they are only interested in the destruction of Israel. Their Charters, Schooling and Media (brainwash) educates and promotes hate, terror and violence towards the Jewish State. An Arab-PalestinianState would have to act responsibly and abide by world criteria of a responsible state, which they cannot adhere to. The Arabs cannot make peace among themselves for centuries, do you expect them to make peace with Israel.
It is time for Israel to fully take over all its liberated territory west of the Jordan River and expel all the Arab trouble makers and their families. No violence must be tolerated.
YJ Draiman
How many holidays do the Arabs celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel. The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem – where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
Government of Israel first duty is to protect the people at all costs, not run their lives.
All real estate transactions go to great lengths to determine the identity of the original owner of the land to prevent a legal cloud from being over the title deed. The debate of who owns the land of Israel can be resolved in the same manner.
Who was the original owner of the hotly contested strip of real estate on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea?
The answer is not Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. The correct answer is God almighty, the creator.
The title deed to Israel reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)
In the beginning means the dateless past.
God almighty created (the word created is the Hebrew word "bara" which means to make from nothing) the heavens and the earth. The word "earth" is the Hebrew word "Eretz" meaning "dry ground." At the end of Genesis 1:1 there is a complete creation!
Therefore, God as creator of the earth is the original owner. King David, Israel's prophet, poet and warrior statesman, puts his pin to parchment and writes; "the earth is the lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein." (Psalm 24:1)
For 3500 years the land of Israel has belonged to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their seed forever by an everlasting and eternal blood covenant recorded in the Bible.
Israel is the only nation on earth created by a sovereign act of God (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:16, 15:5, 17:7-8, 22:17-18).
The land was given to the Jewish people exclusively and eternally in Genesis 12:1, 13:14-17, and15:18-21.
The land God promised includes the modern-day nation of Israel and parts of modern-day Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq (Genesis 15:18-21).
The concept that the Arab/Palestinians have owned the land of Israel in times past that God almighty promised Abraham and the Jewish people forever is one of history's greatest frauds.
The claim that the Arabs are related to Abraham through Ishmael is a fact. Their claim to the Land of Israel through Ishmael is absolutely false.
The Bible clearly records that Abraham pleaded with God to allow Ishmael to own the land. God sent back a one-word FedEx from heaven saying, "No!" (Genesis 17: 17-18).
I am inspired to send this message to the 8.2 million-plus members of Christians United for Israel by the fact that months ago president trump met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington to present the administration's peace proposal. I was there!
It was a masterful proposal that gave the Arab/Palestinians the opportunity of a better life through a 50 billion dollar investment package. It was an effort that required years of work by the brilliant and talented inner circle of the president.
It was made clear at the Washington meeting that this historic peace plan could go into effect within days. If the Arab/Palestinians immediately reject the plan, the US Will be prepared to accept the enactment of Israel's sovereignty over parts of the West Bank within 48 hours.
It was made clear that this historic plan could go into effect within days. However, days have become weeks, weeks have become months.
To be clear, the Arab/Palestinians have never owned Judea or Samaria. That Israel will meet with a Arab/Palestinian leadership that still supports terrorists and incites violence against the Jewish people is a commentary on Israel's willingness to make every effort to advance peace with their neighbors, not a commentary on the Arab/Palestinians being deserving of yet another chance at the negotiating table.
Our role is to heed the commandment that we "pray for the peace of Jerusalem!" And that time is now!
Why does that simple six-word statement raise such controversy? Can most of the world really be wrong to deny Jerusalem’s capital status? What exactly are the counter-arguments, and how effective is Israel at balancing principle and pragmatism in the city?
And does all the fuss — about the city’s political and legal status, the diplomatic missions, the conflicting claims — even really matter?
1. The basics of capital cities
Countries choose their capital and place most — if not all — of the main offices of government in that city. Period.
In most instances, the seat of executive, parliamentary, judicial and administrative authority is concentrated in that city. It’s where embassies are located and where visiting foreign officials meet the state leaders. Some capitals, such as London, Buenos Aires, or Bangkok, also happen to be the country’s center of population, economy or culture. Other capitals, such as Canberra or Brasilia, take a back seat to Sydney and Rio de Janeiro in those matters.
Bottom line: The capital is wherever a country decides to make it. It makes no difference what other states say about that choice. That’s the standard behavior.
2. Jerusalem the capital: Historical context
A model of the City of David as it appeared during the Roman era.
So how did Jerusalem become the capital of ancient Jewish kingdoms and today’s modern Israel?
Jerusalem came under Israelite control when King David conquered the city (Samuel II, ch. 5.) and relocated his throne there from Hebron (ch. 6). His son, King Solomon, would build the First Temple years later. When the biblical kingdom split between Judah and Israel (Kings I ch. 12), Jerusalem remained the capital of Judah.
In 597 BCE, Nebuchanezzar sacked Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and exiled the Jews to Babylonia. But Cyrus II of Persia allowed the Jews to return to Judah and rebuild the Temple, as described in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah..
Fast forward to 140 BCE, when the Hasmoneans, a priestly family, rebelled against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV and purified the Temple in events commemorated by the holiday of Chanukah. The Hasmonean dynasty ruled from Jerusalem for a little over 100 years before the family was destroyed by the Romans, who installed Herod the Great as king. The Jews revolted against Roman rule, but the uprising was crushed in 70 CE.
From 70 CE until 1948, a period of almost 2,000 years, Jerusalem was ruled by the Romans, Byzantines, Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Seljuks, Crusaders, Ayyubids, Mamluks, Ottomans and the British. The city never served as a political, administrative or religious capital for any of its conquerors.
Jerusalem served as the capital for the Jews, and nobody else.
3. Jerusalem a capital again
In November, 1947, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states and establish Jerusalem as an international city under UN auspices. As British forces left the Holy Land in May, 1948, Israel declared independence and the Arabs attacked. Jordanian forces isolated Jerusalem, but failed to fully capture it.
Thus, Tel Aviv initially served as Israel’s capital, with the Provisional State Council (Moetzet Hamedina Hazmanit) convening at various Tel Aviv venues.
The War of Independence ended with an armistice in February, 1949. The armistice lines were far different from the borders envisioned by the Partition Plan. And Jerusalem, instead of being internationalized, was now divided between Israel and Jordan. After the war, the UN began discussions on how to implement the internationalization of Jerusalem, prompting prime minister David Ben Gurion’s announcement in December 1949 that the Israeli capital would be moved to Jerusalem:
A nation that, for two thousand and five hundred years, has faithfully adhered to the vow made by the first exiles by the waters of Babylon not to forget Jerusalem, will never agree to be separated from Jerusalem. Jewish Jerusalem will never accept alien rule after thousands of its youngsters liberated their historic homeland for the third time, redeeming Jerusalem from destruction and vandalism.
We do not judge the U.N., which did nothing when nations, which were members of the U.N., declared war on its resolution of 29 November 1947, trying to prevent the establishment of Israel by force, to annihilate the Jewish population in the Holy Land and destroy Jerusalem, the holy city of the Jewish people.
Had we not been able to withstand the aggressors who rebelled against the U.N., Jewish Jerusalem would have been wiped off the face of the earth, the Jewish population would have been eradicated and the State of Israel would not have arisen. Thus, we are no longer morally bound by the U.N. resolution of November 29, since the U.N. was unable to implement it. In our opinion the decision of 29 November regarding Jerusalem is null and void.
On December 26, 1949, the Knesset moved to its temporary residence in “Beit Frumin” on King George St. in Jerusalem. And on August 31, 1966, the Knesset moved to its current, permanent location in Jerusalem’s Government Quarter.
The Knesset building in Jerusalem
4. What about the Green Line?
In the 3,000 or so years of Jerusalem’s history, the city was only divided for a 19-year period. The armistice which ended the War of Independence left Israel in control of the city’s western neighborhood and Jordan in control of the city’s eastern neighborhoods. Israel made its capital in the western half of Jerusalem.
But that changed in June, 1967. While Israel launched a preemptive air strike on the Egyptian Air Force, Israel conveyed a message to Jordan’s King Hussein asking him to stay out of the fighting. But the king believed Egyptian president Gamel Abdel Nasser’s denials of significant Egyptian losses and ordered Jordanian forces to launch attacks on Israel. The Israeli Defense Forces counter-attacked, recapturing eastern Jerusalem and driving Jordanian forces to the Jordan River’s East Bank.
Jerusalem was reunited and entirely under Israeli control.
Professor Eugene Kontorovich explains why the 1949 armistice line — more commonly known as the Green Line — has no bearing on the city’s capital status.
The “Green Line” was created in the wake of Israel’s 1948-49 War of Independence. Upon the country’s founding, Jordan and its allies invaded, with the goal of preventing the creation of a Jewish state. Although they failed at that goal, the Arab armies did occupy significant territory when the armistice was called, including what is now widely referred to as the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Jordan subsequently expelled all Jews from the areas under its control.
In 1967, during the Six Day War, Israel recaptured these places. But in the war’s aftermath the United Nations invested the temporary 1949 armistice line with talismanic significance. The U.N. claimed Israel was “occupying” the territory that Jordan had forcibly seized not two decades earlier. Thus the international community came up with a unique demand: Israel had to keep the areas under its control, including East Jerusalem and the Old City, free of Jewish inhabitants. Any move to unify Jerusalem would be considered a war crime.
In international law, armistice lines are not borders; they merely mark breaks in the fighting. The claim that the Green Line created a permanent “Judenrein” zone in the area occupied by Jordan, or that it in any way changed the legal status of the territory on the far side, is unique and illiberal.
The 1967 unification of Jerusalem by Israel through the extension of its law, jurisdiction, and administration to eastern Jerusalem, while not accepted by the international community, did not alter the legality of Israel’s presence and status in, and governance of, the city.
Italy, Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Spain, France, Sweden, and Turkey currently operate consulates in Jerusalem. But a closer look shows that these missions aren’t exactly consulates in the fullest sense of the term.
Shmuel Berkowitz unpacks how Israel and these eight countries creatively fudge the status of these missions, and why there aren’t more consulates in Jerusalem:
None of the foreign consulates in Jerusalem have submitted an official request (exequator) to the Israeli Foreign Ministry to recognize them as consulates in view of their desire to refrain from performing an act (i.e., submitting an application to the Foreign Ministry) that would imply recognition by their countries of Jerusalem as capital of the State of Israel – contrary to their stated policy. Nevertheless, as the foreign consulates in Jerusalem are representatives of friendly countries with which Israel maintains diplomatic relations, Israel recognizes them de facto and grants them consular status and documentation under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963. . . .
All the foreign consulates operated in Jerusalem before the unification of the city in June 1967, and some were even active in the city during the Ottoman period. Since June 1967, Israel has not permitted any state to open a new consulate in Jerusalem, but only an embassy, in view of its desire to encourage recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and pursuant to the international diplomatic practice of embassies being located in the capital of the host country.
(See also Berkowitz’s explanation of the Vatican’s Apostolic Delegation in Jerusalem, which is not noted here for brevity’s sake.)
6. Western Jerusalem’s Realities
At the very least, recognizing western Jerusalem as Israel’s capital shouldn’t be problematic. To wit, visiting dignitaries already:
Present their credentials to the president at his residence in western Jerusalem.
Hold talks at the Prime Minister’s Office in western Jerusalem.
Meet lawmakers at the the Knesset in western Jerusalem.
Lay wreaths at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in western Jerusalem.
Spend the night at the top hotels of western Jerusalem.
Egypt’s president Anwar Sadat addresses the Knesset in 1977.
In fact, once upon a time, more countries maintained embassies in Jerusalem. Shmuel Berkowitz explains that 18 countries moved their embassies out of Jerusalem (or were pressured to do so) when the Knesset adopted Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel in July, 1980, declaring that “Jerusalem, complete and united” is the capital of Israel:
The 18 countries, which held such embassies, accepted the decision and moved them out of the city. Following diplomatic pressure on Costa Rica, the latter returned its embassy to Jerusalem in 1982. In 1984, the embassy of El Salvador was also returned to Jerusalem. However, in the summer of 2008, following the Second Lebanon War and in order to improve their relations with the Arab countries, these two countries again withdrew their embassies from Jerusalem. Jerusalem thus became the only capital in the world without a single embassy.
Acknowledging that reality and correcting a historical snub, the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem in May, 2018. Days later, Guatemala followed suit.
Other countries since then have openly discussed moving their embassies, including Paraguay, Honduras, Brazil, Romania and the Czech Republic. Time will tell if, or when, they happen, or if other countries will join in.
The mere act of discussing such a move shows an acknowledgement of a political reality that Israel is here to stay and that the Jewish people have a historic attachment to Jerusalem that doesn’t have to preclude the possibility of a peace agreement giving Palestinians a capital stake in Jerusalem as well. In 2009, prime minister Ehud Olmert said he was prepared to divide Jerusalem for the sake of peace. More recently, in 2010, Benjamin Netanyahu’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, said Israel was prepared to cede parts of Jerusalem for peace.
It’s worth noting that the most significant breakthrough in Israeli-Arab relations — the Israeli-Egyptian peace agreement — began with Egyptian president Anwar Sadat visiting Israel in November, 1977. To win over the hearts and minds of Israelis, he gave a speech offering peace.
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