Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Jewish right to live in peace throughout the Land of Israel must be enforced - YJ Draiman

Jewish right to live in peace throughout the Land of Israel must be enforced - YJ Draiman

Why as a Jew does the world think it has a right to torture me? Israel was created to prevent this. Yet on my home soil someone thinks that he has a right to torture me because I am a Jew. Israel of all places in the world should be my sanctuary especially because it’s the Jewish official state for all Jews. Is it because I am a Jew that I deserve missiles to be thrown upon me? Is it because I am a Jew that another Jew has the right to prevent me from praying to my God on the Temple Mount?
Many Jewish souls died in the Diaspora and continue to die including in Israel for the sole reason that they are Jews. Their fate was in the hand of their leaders. They deserved so much more then being murdered just because they were Jewish. We do no want to repeat the Holocaust again. Nor the expulsion of over a million Jewish families from the Arab countries while confiscating all their assets and they were resettled in Israel.
Israel must learn to secure the safety of every citizen under its roof. Enough of trying to be the advocate for these extremists’ evil barbaric people within the Arab-Palestinians. Israel is the home of the Jewish people. It is written in all of the holy books, the bible and history books, including archaeological excavations in Israel, International treaties and laws.
Enough of trying to accommodate the Arab-Palestinian people that thrive on hate and destruction towards me as a Jew. Israel must be strong and extremely strict in enforcing its laws and sovereignty. Hamas should have been destroyed, just like any other enemy of Israel who wants to destroy her. Order must be restored in the Gaza.
The Arab-Palestinians in the west bank (Judea and Samaria) thinks they can torture me because I am a Jew. They commit daily terror and violence in Israel in the name of Islam. Enough is enough. The time is not for revenge but for law and order with a clear message to Mahmmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen the convicted murderer, and his Arab P.A. that these terror and violence acts are his responsibility. If he cannot stop it, Israel will have no alternative, but to take appropriate action to stop terror and violence. Moreover, Hamas the terrorist organization must be eradicated completely once and for all.
I am a Jew and I deserve to live in peace in my own country without threat and intimidation. I expect the respect and protection that is due to me especially by my Jewish leaders. All Jews must learn to respect each other no matter their religious practice, affiliation or opinion. A unified Israel is a strong Israel.
Among others, I blame the government of Israel for not taking a far, far stronger and extreme stand. There is no alternative but denial of citizenship, and deportation, of everyone who is an avowed enemy of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. People will say this is extreme. I say, the situation is extreme. Living with one million plus potential and actual murderers of our men, women and children is extreme.
How do we know who is an enemy of the State? Anyone who has participated in any act of aggression against Israeli Jews (stone throwing, rioting, vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and holy places, attacks on Jews, inciting to violence) is an enemy of the State.  Furthermore, the families of these enemies of the State; the schools that teach hate and the destruction of Israel; and anyone who engages in anti-Israel hatred and violence in words or acts, must be treated as enemies of the State.
I also blame, of course, the anti-Semitism of the rest of the world, including the US government (the State Dept), and certainly the EU (which also has trillions of dollars of Jewish assets which were not paid for) and the UN (non-binding resolutions), whose extremely biased condemnation and pressures have restrained Israel from taking the necessary and appropriate steps to protect itself.  These are Steps which any other State/Country of the world would be duty-bound and obligated to take and has taken without criticism and condemnation. Not taking these extreme steps in protecting your citizens is a dereliction of duty.
The never ending and continuance of violence by the Arabs against Israel and its’ citizens must come to an end. How many more of our beautiful people, young and old, must be sacrificed on the altar of the world’s anti-Semitism and our own fear of appearing too self-interested?
If ever there was a time for self-interest, it is now.
The Israeli government needs to learn from previous mistakes that ingratiating itself to the biased international media, the world and to the Arabs only strengthens the Arab resolve and brings more bloodshed and bullying. No one has said a word about Egypt bombing Gazan houses and building a wall because Egypt doesn’t give a damn and everyone knows it.  Israel needs to have the same attitude and do what is good for its people for a change. This will garner more respect, not less. Bullies prey on the weak.
As for Gaza (the terrorist entity) which is Israel’s problem and the government will probably be dumb enough to accept the problem as their own. Israel in hope for peace created the Arab-Palestinian people and an idea of a possible second Arab-Palestinian state west of the Jordan River and now they will probably take some responsibility for the people of Gaza to please the biased world. Makes you sick, does it not!
The Arabs keep demanding the Judea and Samaria aka West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem as their new State. But nowhere in any treaties of post WWI, there is no such an agreement. They also fail to inform the world that the Arab states terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families from their countries, confiscated all their assets personal, businesses, homes and over 120,000 sq. km. of Real estate (6 times the size of Israel valued in the trillions of dollars) most Jewish refugees families from Arab countries were resettled in Greater Israel.
The Arab-Palestinians have a state, it is called Jordan, which about 75% of its citizens is Arab-Palestinians citizens and possess a Jordanian citizenship. While the British as trustee for the Jewish people managed the Mandate for Palestine, the British violated the trust and created The State of Jordan for the Arabs in the early 1920’s. The British took about 80% of Jewish allocated land which included all the territory east of the Jordan River. Under the San Remo Treaty of April 1920 which adopted the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as international law with no restrictions on boundary; the British violated agreements and treaties, took over 77% of Jewish territory and gave it to the Arabs, in violation of the treaty and the January 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement. Additionally the British gave away Jewish land west of the Jordan River to the Arabs without authority.
The Arab-Palestinians do not want a state; they have shown to date in deed and practice that they are only interested in the destruction of Israel. Their Charters, Schooling and Media (brainwash) educates and promotes hate, terror and violence towards the Jewish State. An Arab-Palestinian State would have to act responsibly and abide by world criteria of a responsible state, which they cannot adhere to. The Arabs cannot make peace among themselves for centuries, do you expect them to make peace with Israel.
It is time for Israel to fully take over all its liberated territory west of the Jordan River and expel all the Arab trouble makers and their families. No violence must be tolerated.  
YJ Draiman

How many holidays do the Arabs celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel. The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem – where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.

Government of Israel first duty is to protect the people at all costs, not run their lives.

I tell the Arab-Palestinians! Go ahead try and take my/our Jewish land if you want to try!
There are laws that will stop you and than there is me/us the IDF and other forces that will stop you! We are done being pushed around by anyone and I mean anyone. We will fight back and defend ourselves; we will not let the Holocaust repeat itself - NEVER AGAIN.
As it is now, Israel has the Jewish land by right!
That is just the fact! Israel is in possession of its own historical land and possession is nine tenths of the law.
I am also telling the rest of the world to mind its own business and stay out of Israel's internal affairs; it includes any people in Israel who want to give away Jewish rights and heritage to others. That includes the criminal biased organization known as the U.N. a corrupt, biased and a parasitic enterprise that must be dismantled. As Jews we are prohibited in giving away Jewish land in The Land of Israel and if it given away it is not valid. (See Ben Gurion statement at the 1937 Zionist Convention.
They, the world at large have their own problems to contend with.
They were complicit during WWII when over 6 million Jews, men, women and children were exterminated. This will not happen again! The world stood by while the Arab countries terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children where they have lived for over 2800 years and confiscated all their assets. Most of those expelled Jewish families were resettled in The Land of Israel, their historical homeland.
There is a real status quo that requires energy to make the change!
Are you going to put in the energy to try to change it???
Maybe it is better to cut your continued losses and accept whatever generous package we the Israelis offer you the Arab-Palestinians, because quite frankly under the current conditions we do not owe the Arab-Palestinians anything (there is also the Faisal Weizmann Agreement of January 1919) and we can just unilaterally set our own legal borders insisting that viable land for real Arab-Palestinians self determination already exists in Jordan on Jewish allocated land and historical land (and expelling and confiscating all Jewish assets) which the British in violation of Agreements reallocated to the Arabs over 77% of Jewish allocated land under the San Remo Conference of April 1920!  The Arab countries were not satisfied with the over 12 million sq. km. with a wealth of oil reserves they were allocated after WWI.
The Arab-Palestinian can also relocate to the Jewish homes and land (over 120,000 sq. km. which is 6 times the size of Israel) previously owned by the million Jewish families who were terrorized and expelled from Arab countries and all their assets and land confiscated by the Arab countries, the confiscated assets and land which is at over six times the size of Israel and is valued in the trillions of dollars.
Israel has resettled the million Jewish families and their children the Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands, with limited resources.
It is time that the Arab countries resettle the Arab-Palestinians refugees, in Jordan which was suppose to be part of the Jewish state, or the homes and the over 120,000 sq. km. of land that the Arab countries confiscated from the million expelled Jews who owned it for over 2,800 years.
The options we are proposing to the Arab-Palestinians is more than fair, considering you are constantly terrorizing and killing our people every chance you get. That is what you teach your Arab children and masses to do.
It all depends on whether we can see the Arab-Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and there is nothing that they have ever done to date that can lead us to believe that they will be good peaceful neighbors!
On the contrary; their actions and incitement has been more terror and violence, and the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children, including babies in their cribs. Trying to control the U.N. to get what you want unjustly will not work. Start working and stop milking the world nations for funds, which you use mainly to finance terror and violence and your corrupt leaders are stealing a good part of those funds.

YJ Draiman

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