History Lesson a must read by Israel ’s Detractors
Unable to defeat Israel on the battlefield or intimidate her by decades of terror her
Muslim tormentors have anxiously turned to a different strategy. In defiance of
the mountains of historical and archaeological facts, let alone the biblical
evidence, they have embarked on a strenuous effort to turn history upside down
and wage a campaign to prove that Israel and the Jews have no legal right to
the Land of Israel and that it should always have been a land over which
Islamic supremacists hold dominion.
Their insatiable appetite for
historical revision, bolstered by an American president Obama who conveniently
suffers from historical amnesia, has led them into the realm of law-fare, where
if you torture the facts long enough eventually the facts will tell you
anything you wish to hear.
However, as Howard Grief pointed
out in his essay, “Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People
to the Land of Israel and Palestine under International Law,” before the Arab
Palestinians’ romp of fantasy can be realized they need to disprove the
legitimacy of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the Mandates System established
and governed by Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations contained
in the Treaty of Versailles and all the other peace treaties made with the
Central Powers, i.e. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey.
The Covenant was the idea of president Woodrow
Wilson and contained his program of Fourteen Points of January 8, 1918 while
Article 22, which established the Mandates System, was largely the work of Jan
Christiaan Smuts who formulated the details in a memorandum that became known
as the Smuts Resolution, officially endorsed by the Council of Ten on January
30, 1919 in which Palestine as envisaged in the Balfour Declaration was named
as one of the mandated states to be created.
The official creation of the
country took place at the April 1920 San Remo Peace Conference (1920) where the
Balfour Declaration was adopted by the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied
Powers as international law and as the basis for the future “administration” of
Palestine without restrictions which would henceforth be recognized as the
Jewish National Home.
Grief goes on to say that the
moment of birth of Jewish legal rights and title of sovereignty thus took place
at the same time Palestine was created a “mandated” state since it was created
for NO other reason than to “reconstitute” the ancient Jewish state of Judea in
fulfillment of the Balfour Declaration and the general provisions of Article 22
of the League Covenant. This meant that Palestine from the start was legally a
Jewish state that was, in theory, to be guided toward independence and
sovereignty by a Mandatory or Trustee, also acting as Tutor (this turned out to
be Great Britain) and who would take the necessary political, administrative
and economic measures to re-establish the Jewish National Home.
The details for the planned
independent Jewish state were set forth in three basic documents which may be
termed the founding documents of mandated Palestine and
the modern Jewish state of Israel that arose from them. These were: the San Remo Resolution of April 15, 1920 ; the Franco-British Boundary Convention of December 23, 1920 ; and the Mandate for Palestine
conferred on Britain as trustee by the Principal Allied Powers and confirmed by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922 .
These founding documents were
supplemented by the Anglo-American Convention of December 3, 1924 respecting the Mandate for Palestine . It
is of supreme importance to realize that these documents are the source of
Jewish legal rights and title of sovereignty over all the land of Israel under international law. Therefore, it is impossible to
“occupy” territory you already own regardless of the mistakes made by
successive Israeli governments during the intervening years and, alas, there
have been plenty of them but none significant enough to have revoked their root
of title or legal sovereignty.
No matter how long or how often
they repeat their lies the Arab Palestinians simply have no case. As for the
policies being proposed in the United Nations which its resolutions are
non-binding with no legal standing, the European Union, Russia, Brazil,
Argentina, Uruguay and the Oval Office they are a stark reminder of Goethe’s
observation that there is nothing so frightful as ignorance in action.
For over 70 years Israel has been an embattled outpost of Western values surrounded by
genocidal enemies whose undiminished goal is her extinction. She is on the
front lines against the relentless march of Islamic totalitarianism which
threatens to provide us all with a one-way ticket back to the seventh century.
On that journey we would be treated to all the brutality, all the cruelty and
all the barbarism enshrined in Islam’s title deed, namely the Koran itself. We
must go where the evidence leads.
The annihilation of Israel would be a vital step in the eventual establishment of an
Islamic caliphate in the region comprised of Iran , Jordan , Syria , Lebanon , Turkey , and Egypt . As Israel goes so surely will go the rest of us, so for her
own survival, as well as for ours, Israel must proclaim her right as she was
given that right and defend that right whenever it is challenged and whatever
the cost.
Furthermore; The Arab countries
received over six million square miles of territory with a wealth of oil
reserves after WWI. While Israel was allocated the territory of Palestine which is about 46,000 square miles, but Israel received only about 9,500 square miles. The Arab-Palestinians
also were allocated by the British all the Jewish territory east of the Jordan River which is
over 77% of Jewish allocated territory.
Additionally, The Arab countries terrorized and expelled over a million
Jewish families and confiscated all their assets; including, personal assets,
businesses, homes and over 47,000 square miles of Jewish owned Real Estate for
over 2,600 years which is valued in the trillions of dollars. Most of the
expelled Jewish families from Arab countries were resettled in Israel .
“What stronger breast-plate than
a heart untainted!
Thrice is he armed that hath his
quarrel just,
And he but naked, though locked
up in steel,
Whose conscience with injustice
is corrupted!”

After the Declaration of independence and sovereignty of the Jewish state and the independence of Iraqi, the Arab countries terrorized and drove the Jews from their ancient homes of over 2,900 years and confiscating all their assets, including: personal property, businesses, homes and over 120,000 sq. km. of Jewish owned Real Estate for over 2,600 years (these confiscated Jewish assets are valued in the trillions of dollars). Furthermore, one Arab state after another in the Middle East and North Africa also persecuted and drove out their Jewish populations, which had resided in those countries for over two millennia. Said persecutors also confiscated all their assets turning them into refugees who found sanctuary in Israel, at that time a fledging impoverished country barely able to support them at the time. Such a great number of Jewish refugees were created that they outnumbered the Arab refugees by a ratio of 2 to 1. It cannot be ignored that such unwarranted persecution and unlawful confiscation of assets is a crime which is never talked about or addressed.
ReplyDeleteArab-Palestinians and their anti-Israel supporters try to deceive and convince the world that the Jews just appeared in the early 20th century after being dispersed for over two thousand years from their biblical ancestral homeland. Such deception is a flat out lie and flies in the face of factual recorded history. But facts never seem to matter to Arabs and pro-Arabs. So the following brief history lesson will be for them an inconvenient truth.
Let me start by quoting from an article written in The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998 by Charles Krauthammer:
"Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kochvah, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one today advertising ice cream at the corner candy store."
The Jewish People trace their origin to Abraham, who is called the Holy Convert, the first Jew, who established the belief in only one God, the creator of the universe. Abraham, his son Yitzhak (Isaac), and grandson Jacob (Israel), are referred to as the patriarchs of the Israelites who lived in what was then the Land of Canaan which today does exist; and which later become known as the Land of Israel. They and their wives are buried in the Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, Judaism’s second holiest city. (Genesis Chapter 23).
YJ Draiman
Life is a gift, Freedom is a responsibility.
Dr. Mordechai Kedar tells Al Jazeera why Israel can't make peace with the Arab world, until they make peace with themselves.
ReplyDeleteModerator is asking. - Aren’t you afraid of the reaction of the Arab and the Muslim people?
Aren’t you scared of the situation on the Arab streets?
What do you think?
Dr. Kedar answered. - On the contrary The Arabs and the Muslims know that the origin of the name Al Quds (Jerusalem) is Beit El MuQaddas. That’s what you guest the Sheikh said in the studio. “Bayt al-Muqaddas” is the Arabic form of the Hebrew word of The Jewish Temple. That is proof from the Arabic language; that the Jewish Temple was here and it was translated “Beit El MuQaddas”. Anyone with any sense knows that. But we look, I say this in all honesty. We in Israel are not interested in peace with the Arab world. Why, because you can’t give something you don’t have. The Arab world does not know what peace is. The Sheikh - You don’t have anything either, you have nothing. Dr Kedar - I would like to remind you Sheikh, Sheikh. You asked me to be quiet, right? Look at what is happening between the Sunnis and Shiites, and between the Kurds and the Arabs; between the tribes of Libya and Yemen. See what’s happening in Iran and the Arab countries. Iran is collecting them like eggs from the floor. While the Arab world remains silent. There is no peace in, or outside, the Arab world. We would love to have peace with the Arabs, but first broker peace between the Arab/Muslim groups, tribes, ethnicities, and religions. Only than we in Israel will join in the Arab peace. But right now the Arab world is a swamp of fire, tears and blood. Who would want to get close to you? Who would want to talk to you? The Arab world is a failure! The Arab nation is a failure! Who would want you? We in Israel are a progressive country, we are a Democratic State. We are a developing country part of the OECD. If Israel ever opened its gates to the Arabs Half of them would move to Israel the first day, and the other half the day after. That is the indisputable truth. Even in Al-Jazeera Studios.
The fact of the matter was that in 1948, during its war of independence, Israel acted as an anti-colonial force. The troops of the Arab Legion of Transjordan fought under a British commander, and had British as well as Arab officers.26 The British, clearly a colonial power, had treaty obligations to both Egypt and Jordan. At one point Hector McNeil, British Minister of State, threatened to “defend Aqaba if necessary.”27 British units were stationed in Egypt near the Suez Canal, the British were suspected of supplying sensitive intelligence information to Egypt, and the Israeli Air Force even clashed with a RAF squadron based in Egypt, downing five planes in 1949.28 While Israeli weapons came mostly by way of Czechoslovakia, the Arab states were equipped with weapons from the old colonial powers, Britain and France.29
ReplyDeleteIndeed, at the United Nations in 1949, when Britain and Italy submitted a draft resolution to put Libya under UN trusteeship, and deny it independence, Israel refused to go along with the colonial powers. By Israel abstaining, the British-Italian resolution did not get the required two-thirds support and was defeated.30 In short, both militarily and diplomatically, Israel served as an anti-colonial force during its early years.
YJ Draiman