Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Russo-Japanese War – financed by Jacob Schiff

Russo-Japanese War – financed by Jacob Schiff

National loans
Schiff met Takahashi Korekiyo, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, in Paris in April 1904. He subsequently extended loans to the Empire of Japan in the amount of $200 million (equivalent to $4.5 billion in 2018), through Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Born: January 10, 1847, Frankfurt
Died: September 25, 1920, Manhattan
Without lifting a gun, Jacob H. Schiff  crushed the Czarist army and plunged its  finest battleships down to a watery grave!  Schiff, a direct descendant of the  Maharam Schiff, was born in Frankfurt  in 5607/1847. Although he studied at  Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s religious  school, it can hardly be said that he kept  to his alma mater’s standards once he  had left for the US at the age of eighteen.  Instead, he devoted his energies to high  finance and became managing director of  Kuhn, Loeb & Co., one of the two most  influential private international banking  houses of the Western Hemisphere.
At the turn of the last century, he  wielded his powerful influence against  Czar Nicholas II after the eruption of  the Russo-Japanese War in 5664/1904. It  was largely thanks to Schiff’s efforts that  the struggle ended in a crushing defeat  over Russia, leading Russia’s Minister  of Finance to declare in 5671/1911, “Our  government will never forgive or forget  what the Jew Schiff did to us… He was  one of the most dangerous men we had  against us abroad.” 
Schiff had an iron scruple when it came  to lending money. He could not tolerate  Czarist Russia’s inhuman persecution  of its Jewish subjects and believed that  no Jew should lend the Czar a cent. He  harbored a withering contempt for the  world of Jewish finance that lent Russia  money during the 5650s/1890s with no  strings attached. Jewish finance should  have demanded better conditions for  Russia’s Jews, he criticized. “But, instead,  [it] closed its eye to make a despicable  profit, and rendered service to the Russian  government, selling her Jewish subjects  for a few pieces of silver.”
Then came the opportunity of a  lifetime. In February 5664/1904, Schiff  invited a number of Jewish communal  leaders to a meeting in his home.  “Within 72 hours, war will break out  between Japan and Russia,” he informed  the gathering. “The question has been  presented to me of undertaking a loan to  Japan. I would like to get your views as to  what effect my undertaking of this would  have upon the Jewish people in Russia.”  Whatever they told him, Schiff left the  meeting convinced that his best course  was to threaten Russia with financial  blackmail. He would convince Russia that  mistreating Jews came at disastrous cost.  Through his widespread influence, he  made it difficult for Russia to raise loans  in the US at even three to four times the  normal profit.
Desperate, Russia’s anti-Semitic  Minister of the Interior, Vyacheslav von  Plehve, let it be known via proxy that  he was willing to confer with Schiff and  formulate some kind of deal.
Schiff wrote back:  “June 21, 1904… I must repeat… that  the unwillingness of American money  markets to take up Russian financing…  are due purely to the disgust that is felt  here against a system of government  which permits such things as the recent  Kishinev episode [a major pogrom] and  the legal discrimination which is the order  of the day in Russia…
“If his Excellency von Plehve really  wants me to come… he must not say… that  he is prepared to see me; he must say that  he wishes to see me – and the invitation  must be addressed to me directly. The only  condition which I must lay down is this: I  cannot enter a country which admits me  only by special consideration and which is  closed to all members of the Jewish faith  except by special dispensation. If I am to  come to Russia, the existing restriction  against the issuing of passports for foreign  Jews must first be abolished…”
The meeting never took place. When  Russian Jews objected to Schiff’s strategy,  well cognizant of the fact that it might  backfire onto their heads, Schiff brushed  their objections aside with a spurious  argument: “It is simply one more case of  the experience which Moses had in Egypt  when he intervened for the Children of  Israel and tried to stir them up, ‘but they  hearkened not unto him, for anguish of  spirit and for bondage (Shemos 6:9).’”  Schiff also helped organize the  distribution of revolutionary literature to  Russian POWs held in Japan. 
Besides stymieing Russia’s finances,  Schiff actively supported the Japanese  cause. Baron Korekiyo Takahashi, the  Japanese official in charge of selling war  bonds, was desperate. New York bankers  showed no interest in investing in Japan’s  war and even in Britain, Japan’s official  ally, the pickings were minimal.
In his diary, Takahashi complains  how the fantastically wealthy Rothschild  House refused to contribute a penny:
“The House of Rothschild cannot come  in openly during the war. If they did, it  will be known… to St. Petersburg. They  cannot do anything that might inflict  oppression on the Jews by the Russian  Government.”
Then Takahashi struck gold at a London  dinner. Who was sitting next to him but  Jacob H. Schiff! Takahashi poured out his  heart to the powerful financier, informing  him that Japan needed at least five million  pounds sterling (thirty million dollars) to  continue her life-and-death struggle. And  much more would be needed later on.
His appeal fell on willing ears. Only  a few weeks earlier, Schiff had written to  Rothschild claiming that the only hope  for Russian Jews was for Russia to suffer  an upheaval resulting from the Russo-  Japanese War. Here, at last, was his golden  opportunity to make this happen.
“A system of government… capable  of such cruelties and outrages at home  as well in foreign relations must be  overhauled from the foundations up in  the interests of the oppressed race, the  Russian people, and the world at large…  and taught an object lesson,” he told the  Japanese statesman.
Schiff agreed to set US financial  machinery in motion and raise the required  funds. “[It was not] so much [because  of] my father’s interest in Japan,” his  daughter, Frieda, explained later, “but,  rather, his hatred of Imperial Russia and  its anti-Semitic policies that prompted  him to take this great financial risk.”  He would show Russia that the dollar  was mightier than the sword. 
As good as his word, Schiff proceeded  to spur major US banks and insurance  companies into action. After subscriptions  to the Japanese bonds opened at 10:00am,  May 12, 5664/1904, the bonds sold like  wildfire, and even more so after Japan  began overwhelming the Russian army on  land and at sea.
People were almost breaking down  doors to get their hands on Japanese  bonds. The New York Times of March 1,  5665/1905, describes scenes of market  madness.
“When the office force arrived for work,  the lower corridor outside the doors of the  banking house was jammed with people  so that it was hardly possible to reach the  elevators. Outside the portal, there was  a double line of people extending across  William Street and two or three doors up  Pine Street.”
“An employee reported: ‘They fairly  tore us to pieces… Until 11 or 12 o’clock,  we had not time to breath.’”
Altogether, of the total of 410 million  dollars raised by Japan to win its war, 180  million dollars was raised in the US.  After Japan’s victory in 5665/1905,  Schiff was granted diplomatic honors  in Britain and Japan. The British king,  Edward VII, invited him for a luncheon at  Buckingham Palace. Then he was invited  by the Japanese emperor to personally  receive one of Japan’s highest honors, the  Second Order of the Sacred Treasure.
“It is the first time the Emperor has  invited a foreign private citizen to have  a repast at the palace; heretofore, only  foreign princes having been thus honored,”  he boasted.
Schiff and a large entourage of  relatives, friends and servants set off in  four private rail coaches to San Francisco  and sailed off to Japan by liner, pausing  briefly en route to visit Queen Liliuokalani  of Honolulu. Later, during a festive lunch  at the Japanese Imperial Palace, Schiff  surprised his royal hosts by lifting his  glass in a toast, “To the Emperor, first in  war, first in peace, first in the hearts of  his countrymen.” In Japan, toasts were  unknown.
He made a second mistake by casually  remarking to Baron Takahashi’s fifteenyear-  old daughter, Wakiko, “You must  come and visit us in New York some  time.” The Japanese baron understood  that his daughter had been invited to stay  with the Schiffs for three years! Schiff’s  wife was less than delighted.
“Mother believes it somewhat of  a responsibility we are undertaking in  assuming charge of the responsibility  of the girl and her education,” Schiff  recorded at the time, “but we have decided  to assume the responsibility.” 
In retrospect, Schiff’s personal duel  with the Czar of Russia probably caused  more harm than good. The Jews were  targeted as scapegoats for his defeat and  suffered a series of violent pogroms. In  addition, Schiff’s powerful influence  reinforced the “Jewish International  Conspiracy” myth, portrayed in the  infamous “Protocols of the Elders of  Zion” that the Czar’s secret police had  disseminated in 5663/1903.
Although Schiff’s efforts during the  Japanese war and later during World War I  helped precipitate the Russian Revolution,  this only led to a repression far worse than  anything the Jews ever suffered under the  Czars.
Years later, it seemed that Schiff’s  private war might have a positive spinoff  after all. During the 5690s/1930s,  when Germany began deporting tens  of thousands of Jews, the Japanese  remembered the great power the Jew  Schiff had wielded during their war and  considered that it might be a good idea to  have people like him living in Japan. This  gave rise to the Fugu Plan that might have  saved hundreds of thousands of Jews.
The Fugu (Puffer Fish) is regarded as  a rare delicacy in Japan. The only problem  is that its flesh contains deadly poison that  has to be carefully prepared by an expert,  leaving only enough poison to provide  a pleasant tingling sensation; inexpertly  prepared Fugu fish paralyzes and kills.  In the same vein, the Japanese believed  that although the Jews were a valuable  asset, like the delicious Fugu fish, they  needed to be watched carefully in order to  keep them from putting their “Protocols  of the Elders of Zion” plots into action.  Plans were made to create autonomous  Jewish settlements in the Far East. For  various reasons, the Fugu Plan collapsed.  In summation, there is little doubt  that Schiff’s strong-arm tactics were  an irresponsible, risky gamble in  contravention to the navi’s advice in times  of adversary: “Go, My nation, come into  your rooms and close your doors after  you. Hide for a little moment until anger  passes” (Yeshayahu 26:20). 
(Sources: 1) Best, Gary Dean.  “Financing a Foreign War: Jacob H.  Schiff and Japan, 1904-05.” American  Jewish Historical Review no. 61 1971/72;  2) Birmingham, Stephen. Our Crowd:  The Great Jewish Families of New York.  New York: Harper & Row, 1967; 3)  Cohen, Naomi Wiener. Jacob H. Schiff:  a Study in American Jewish Leadership.  Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis University  Press, 1999; 4) Adler, Cyrus. Jacob H.  Schiff. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication  Society, 1947.)

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