Ronen, a fighter for the Land of Israel & Jewish People from deep within
the secular left, suffered a fatal heart attack over the Sabbath.
Fendel, 28/12/08 13:07
Ronen, 53, a fighter for the Land of Israel and the Jewish People from deep within
the secular left, suffered a fatal heart attack over the Sabbath.
Survived by his wife and three daughters, aged 13 to 20, his funeral will be
held on Sunday afternoon in his hometown Moshav Moledet near Afula.
founder of the secular nationalist Nahalal Forum and a frequent contributor to
Arutz-7’s Hebrew and English opinion
pages, Ronen was raised on the ideals of the Labor party and the secular
Kibbutz movement. He served as senior campaign advisor for Yitzchak Rabin
in the 1992 elections, and was a founding member of Kibbutz Gilgal in the Jordan Valley. His change in thinking came in the wake
of the Oslo Accords, signed by Rabin in 1993.
Simon the Maccabee
In early 2005, shortly
before the Disengagement/expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Shomron, Ronen
and others started the Nahalal Forum, explaining, "We cannot remain silent
in light of the rampant insanity of uprooting Zionist pioneers." They
quoted a letter written during the miraculous Chanukah wars by Simon the
Maccabee to Syrian-Greek King Antiochus over 2,000 years ago: “This is not a
foreign country that we took for ourselves, nor do we rule what belongs to
others. No, it is the land of our forefathers that was conquered unjustly by
our enemies some time ago, and we, when the opportunity came, took back our
fathers’ land.”
Gained a State, and Lost our Identity!"
At last year’s Jerusalem
Conference, Ronen delivered an impassioned speech in which he said, “If, during
our long years in Exile, a rabbi had gotten up and said he no longer needs the Land of Israel, he would not have remained the rabbi for
another minute! But now, we have a government that has been saying for 40 years
that they are just 'waiting for a phone call' - from Hussein, or from Arafat,
or whomever - to give away parts of our land... Even Bibi [Netanyahu], who is
famous for saying, 'If they give, they will get' - what he means is that if
they give us a little quiet, they will receive our land! ... We have lost our
Ronen concluded that the
"true war being waged today is not for peace, but to cause us to lose our
identity. That's why Barak doesn't want to allow the Jews of Hevron to
put windows on their new property [Beit HaShalom, which Barak has since emptied
of its Jews – ed.] - because he wants to erase our connection with the Land...
I once was interviewed by a CNN reporter who asked me, 'So when will you end
your occupation?' I said to him, 'Before you ask such a question, first open up
a Bible and then come back to me.' He put down the camera and said, 'More
power to you, that's the way people should talk about their
“Show me a British person who
would be willing to negotiate away parts of London for peace with Al-Qaeda, or an American
who would be willing to give away Washington, D.C… Only we are willing to give away
our heritage. How can we act this way? We need a psychologist! … I was in a
synagogue in the U.S., which has appeals for Dharfur, Bosnia, etc. – but when I wanted to talk about
the Land of Israel, they refused to let me, saying it was a
political matter. I told them that if the Land of Israel is a political matter, you can close up
the Bible, and you can close up your synagogue… Look what happened here:
We came back to our Land, we established a State – and we lost our identity!”
This past May, when outgoing U.S.
President George Bush arrived in Israel for his final visit in office,
accompanied or met by hundreds of reporters from around the world, Ronen and
others stood in various strategic spots to distribute pamphlets explaining the
legal ties between the Jewish People and the entire Land of Israel.
Speaking on IsraelNationalRadio’s
Fleisher and Stutz show in 2005, Ronen said: “This government [of Ariel Sharon]
has no legitimacy to continue even one more day. Sharon lost three major battles: He cheated the
voters [who voted against the Labor Party plan to quit Gaza] and stole their votes, he cheated his
own party [which voted in a referendum against the Disengagement], and he broke
Israel's democratic system by firing the
ministers [who voted against the expulsion]. He therefore cannot continue
without going back to the voters."
Against the Religious
He also said: “I know the
left, because that's where I come from. The left is corrupt and hypocritical.
Before the election, they condemned Sharon as a murderer and the like, but now, they
applaud him and think he's great, no matter what evil he does. Why? Because he
fights against their enemies. And who are their enemies – Arafat, the PLO,
Hamas? No. It's the settlers. Do you realize what's going on here? Straight-out
anti-Semitism against the religious people. And I'm not religious – I'm a
kibbutznik/moshvanik. We have to really pay attention to what's going on here.
Listen to the media, read the newspapers – it's an anti-Semitic campaign
against the pioneers of this country, most of whom are religious."
Asked what has happened to the nation’s basic “Love of Land,” Ronen said,
"In truth, I have no answer. I see the non-religious youth, and I'm
honestly worried about the future of this country. Something with the education
– there's a learning system, but there's no education. On the kibbutz, too
(sigh), it's not good, it's practically gone. We have to rebuild it. The only
ones who teach love of the country are the religious people."
“What does it mean to be part of
a nation? It means to have a collective memory. What does it mean to be a Jew?
If I'm not religious, and you are religious, what unites us? – That we have a
mutual collective memory. Whether you are from Ethiopia or Russia, or eat pig, we all know that we come
from Abraham and Moses, and this is what makes us a nation. We have a
collective memory, and the symbols thereof are Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hevron... If our government signs an
agreement to give away these symbols of our collective memory, after 2,000
years of never having forgotten these places, and if it happens when we're
already in Israel – this is the worst thing that can happen, because that will
be the end of our nation…These are things that don't belong just to us, today,
but rather to the entire Jewish nation. That's the reason that Eretz Yisrael
HaShleimah [Greater Land of Israel] is part of my life. If we give parts of it
away, that's the end of us – and I don't mean just physically, that they'll
create a terror state and all the rest; it will be a tragedy for many
generations to come. And that's why the Oslo [agreements] have to be erased, and the
people who brought us Oslo have to be punished, put to trial. The nation must know that this
was a crime."
"...My grandparents came
here in 1921 from Russia. They were attached to this land, and
fought for it; people died here for it. There are graves all over of teenagers
who came here at those ages to live and die for the land. And now look what's
happening to the 3rd and 4th generations. That's why I believe that the only
educational system that will preserve us is the national-religious system. And
we, the so-called non-religious, we have to learn from you guys. We have to
learn and we have to adopt the way you educate your young generation."
Video of Ronen speaking with
IsraelNN TV at the Shomron community of Migron:
Tzafrir Ronen
The fabrication
of the Nakba
The Arabs, the only refugees in the world
because of the initiative of their leaders
Only a science fiction writer
could give the right literary cover for what is called the "Arab refugee
problem." For decades, the Arabs have infiltrated the dawnless
fabrication of the origins of the refugee problem, to the point that even some
Israelis have already agreed to accept the lie as if the Jews had launched an
attack on peaceful peace-loving Arabs, expelled them, and thus established the
State of Israel. How many were expelled according to the Arab
version? Well, each number catches: a million, twelve
million. Justice requires that the refugees be returned to their homes,
and until then the world must, that is, the whole world, except the Arabs, to
ensure their maintenance.
The amazing thing is that the Arabs are the only refugees in the world who
became refugees not because of the actions of their enemies, but because of the
initiative of their leaders. From then until now, for 60 years, the Arab
countries, the oil-rich countries, have been holding the refugees in miserable
poverty and preventing their rehabilitation.
Colonel Munzerhagen, who was a
British intelligence officer, met with an Arab leader and that was their
conversation about the Arab refugees of the 1948 war, written in his
"You Arabs, with all your oil treasures, why do not you do something for
these wretched refugees from the Land of Israel?" 'God Almighty,' he said, 'you
really think that we will destroy the best propaganda we have, it's a gold
mine.' "I said that such a view is both heartless and immoral. "He
It is interesting to see the whole fiction out of the simple fact: no one has
expelled the refugees. The vast majority went out of their own free will
or by order or encouragement of their leaders, but always on the same promise
that their departure would help the Arab states fight against Israel. And so they will return to the
victorious Arab armies,
The Catholic Greek Bishop of Galilee, George Hakim, said in the summer of
"The refugees are certain that they will return within a few days ...
Their leaders promised them that the Arab armies would soon crush the Zionist
gangs ..."

How many were expelled according to the Arab
version? Well, each number catches: a million, twelve
million. Justice requires that the refugees be returned to their homes,
and until then the world must, that is, the whole world, except the Arabs, to
ensure that
the Arab radio station in the Middle East broadcasts from Cyprus:
"Do not forget that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the flight of the
refugees from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem ..." The Arab
League, Edward Attia, said in London: "The wholesale exodus stemmed in
part from the Arab belief that was encouraged by the arrogant statements of the
press and by the irresponsible talk of the Arab leaders that within two weeks
at most the Jews would be beaten by the Arab armies and the Arabs of the Land
of Israel could return and take over their homeland "He said.
The Palestine newspaper in Jordan wrote: "The Arab states encouraged the
Arabs of the Land of Israel to leave their homes temporarily so that they would
not interfere with the Arab invasion armies ..." Nouri Said, the
Iraqi prime minister, said: "We will blow up the land with our guns and
wipe out any place where the Jews will take refuge, and the Arabs should lead
their wives and children to safe places until the fighting ends ..."
Azzam Pasha, the secretary-general of the invading countries, said: "The
occupation will be just like a military hike ... because it will be a simple
matter to throw the Jews into the sea ... The advice of brothers is to the Arabs
of the Land of Israel to leave their lands and homes and to sit temporarily in
neighboring sister countries, Arab artillery cannons and harvest them. "
Despite all this, the Jews tried to prevent the escape of the
Arabs. Bishop George Hakim confirmed that "the Arabs of Haifa fled
despite the fact that the Jewish authorities guaranteed them their security and
their rights as citizens of Israel." In a report sent by the
British police in Haifa, "The Jews are trying hard to convince the Arab
population to stay ... and to know for sure that they will have peace and their
interests ..."
Emil Guri, secretary of the Arab Higher Committee, revealed the truth in an
interview with the Daily Telegraph "The fact that these refugees are found
is a direct result of the actions of the Arab states in opposing partition and
the Jewish state. The Arab states unanimously agreed to this policy and must
participate in solving the problem."
The Arabs, therefore, responded to the call of the invading states to return
victorious, after the Jews were thrown into the sea, but to their dismay the
victorious Arab armies never arrived. When the deed did not occur, they
called the thwarting of the plot a catastrophe, that is, disaster, the disaster
of the robbed Cossack. Never has the language reached such a linguistic
low. In the face of humiliating defeat, the murderers who declared their
intention to murder the Jews and destroy them to the last, suddenly turn their
skin here. They are the peaceful victims of Zionist machinations, failed
genocide attempt. Now we will turn it into a "Nakba," that is, a
Holocaust and Yuli Tamir is going to teach the bluff invented by the Arabs to
the Arabs.

After the War of Independence, the fiction of Israel's responsibility for the refugee problem was
developed. The transfer of blame to the Jews was an act of acquittal to
the Arab leaders, but the value of the propaganda propaganda in the war against
Israel soon became clear
After the War of Independence, the fiction of Israel's responsibility for the refugee problem
was developed. The transfer of blame to the Jews was an act of acquittal
to the Arab leaders, but the value of the propaganda in the war against Israel soon became clear. The deception had
developed. In the beginning, the imaginary influx of refugees began.
According to the British, there were only 561,000 Arabs in the country. If
there were 140,000 Arabs left after the war, mathematically, the number of
those fleeing could not exceed 420,000. At the time, before the invention
of the weighting policy, these were indeed the numbers that the Arabs had
Fars al-Khoury, Syria's representative to the United Nations Security Council,
named 250,000, and Count Bernadotte, the UN special representative, informed
the United Nations that according to his estimate there were about 360,000 ...
Over the years, The UN Unra and cheating as food cards, the number was blown
beyond belief. The Arab countries also made sure to hide the numbers from
the UN, so that millions grew up and all the Arabs in the area became Unra's
free food card holders, and the 50,000 Arab employees of the organization had
an enormous interest in continuing the story, but none of them wanted the
refugees to end. The myth of the refugees after 60 years is nourished by
itself, flourishing, and there are still "refugees" ... something
that does not exist anywhere in the world ...
In 2007, Arab spokesmen raised the number to 10 million ... Every plan to
settle the refugees was rejected by both Arab countries.
The "gold mine" propaganda in the war against Israel was something that could not be abandoned.
Who remembers that over 990,000 Jewsh families were expelled from Arab
countries after their defeat to Israel without property, in a campaign of
murder, violence and robbery. The extent of oppression of Jews in Arab
countries can be compared only with the Nazi regime in the 1930’s. The
number of deportees, over 990,000 Jewish families, was twice the number of
Arabs who had fled the country, but there was not a single Jewish refugee left
in Israel. The bluff of the Arab refugees of
1948 is so transparent, but no one has an interest in ending it.

Anyone who has eyes in his head will
understand where the trains are going, and what those who "promised us the
slaughter of the Crusaders and the Mongols" in 1948 really want to do us
motive for perpetuating the Arab refugee problem is mainly the
motive that led to its appearance, to destroy Israel. This is a transparent and visible
goal. No Arab leader has ever tried to conceal or blur it. The
decision of the refugee conference in Homs, Syria, states:
"Any discussion aimed
at inventing a solution that is not based on guaranteeing the right of the
refugees to annihilate Israel will be considered a desecration of the
sanctities of the Arab people and an act of treason." The Arabs are the
only people who deliberately and deliberately turned their sons into refugees
with the intention of destroying another people.
Just as the European countries expelled 12 million Germans at the end of the
Second World War, because that was the fate of the aggressor, so could Israel
expel the 140,000 Arabs who remained in its territory after trying to destroy
it and slaughter its Jewish inhabitants. But instead, she gave the killers
failed in their mission of civil rights, the Supreme Court, legal system, equal
rights. Today announces the Monitoring Committee of Israeli Arabs whose goal is
the annihilation of the Jewish state.
Any thinking person will understand where to run trains, and what those ones
Promise Us the slaughter of the Crusaders and Mongols "in 1948 really want
to do us.
device" in the war
This is a war being waged on the battlefield
of the consciousness of the land.
Ronen, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Ronen, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
At the
Annapolis conference in 2007, US President George W. Bush delivered a
speech in which he spoke of his vision of two states for two peoples ... Who
can oppose such a wonderful thing? But the question is: are we talking about
two peoples? It is clear to the people of Israel that he kept 2,000 years in exile on his
unchanging identity with his one and only homeland, the Land of Israel. But who is actually the other
people? Is he really a nation without a homeland? I wonder what his
official spokesmen say:

Are we really talking about two
peoples? Let's see, one is obvious that with Israel kept for 2,000 years
in exile unchanging identity with the biblical homeland sole Land of Israel
in 1977 was interviewed by the head of the terrorist organization
"Al Tza'akh" and a member of the PLO leadership Zouheir Mohsen,
newspaper Dutch "Trove":
Palestinian people do not exist ... The establishment of a Arab-Palestinian
state is a new tool in the ongoing war against Israel for the purposes of the
Arab Union ... Today, there is no difference between the Syrian Palestinians
and the Jordanians and the Lebanese, From a tactical point of view, Jordan,
which is a sovereign state with defined borders, can not raise an argument for
Jaffa and Haifa, but as a Palestinian I can demand Haifa, Jaffa, Be'er Sheva
and Jerusalem ... After we have achieved all Our rights in all of Palestine -
must not be postponed, even for a moment, The reunification of Jordan and
Palestine. "
years earlier, in 1974, the late President Hafez Assad declared: "We
should remind the responsible Israeli authorities that we view Palestine not only as an inseparable part of the
Arab nation, but as part of southern Syria." In 1987, Assad again spoke at the Amman conference: King Hussein replied:
"The appearance of the Palestinian national personality came in response
to Israel's claim that Palestine is Jewish." In September 1993, Assad
reiterated his position in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper: "When
I talk about Palestine, I see it as part of Syria." .
the owner of the house himself ... Arafat, and in 1970 he said simply and
frankly: "The question of borders does not interest us, from the Arab
point of view there is no talk of borders: Palestine is nothing but a drop in
the great ocean ... Our nation is the Arab nation stretching from the Atlantic
Ocean to the sea Red and Beyond. " It turns out that Arafat's mother,
"the leader of the homeless," already covers an area greater than all
of Europe ...
there is no evidence of the first chairman of the Arab PLO, Ahmed
Shukri. As early as 1956, he declared in his previous position as a
representative of the Arab League, on the UN platform, that "such
production as Palestine does not exist at all. This land is only the southern
part of Greater Syria ".
And if
Ahmed Shukri says that Palestine does not exist at all, the logical meaning is that even
Arab "Palestinians" do not exist at all. That same Ahmed Shukri
was the first secretary-general of the Organization for the Liberation of
Palestine, founded in Cairo in 1964 by Nasser, ruler of Egypt.
If all
this was not enough for the astonished reader? Arafat while in Jordan, in a moment of carelessness, reveals the
truth to the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci. He reveals that the PLO is
fighting Israel in the name of pan-Arabism. "What
you call Transjordan is nothing but Palestine," he said.
while Ahmad Shukri says that Palestine is Syria, Arafat states that Palestine is actually Jordan but also reveals by chance who he is
fighting in Israel ... in the name of
pan-Arabism. Revealed the truth, who is really fighting Israel? Pan-Arabism, which is the other
name for 22 of the Arab-Muslim world for 22 countries fighting Israel.
the true and profound meaning of Arafat's words is that this vast nation, in
addition to its 21 countries lying on the largest area of all of Europe, was already established by the British
in 1922. The Arab State of Israel, which covers 78% of the land of Israel, was originally designated by the League
of Nations The Jew, which is the state of Jordan.

How can one explain that the Arabs'
aspirations for independence in the Land of Israel do not end with the fact
that they already have a state that exists in most parts of the historic and
Mandatory Land of Israel?
How can one explain that the Arabs' aspirations for independence
in the Land of Israel do not end with the fact that they already have a state
that exists in most parts of the historic and Mandatory Land of
Israel? The answer according to Zuhair Muhsein and Arafat and Shukri is
clear that the Arabs living in Israel are exactly the same Arabs living in Syria or Jordan. They are not a separate people, but
a shrapnel from the great Arab nation that is divided over many Arab
countries. They have no separate identity, their identity is Arab, and the
invention of Palestine is only a transparent bluff: "a new instrument in the
ongoing war against Israel for the purposes of the Arab Union
Is it
possible in some other place in the world to establish another state for a
people that already has 22 countries?
you confused? Let's make order. Syrian President Assad says that Palestine is an invention, it is southern Syria in general ... and Ahmad Shukri in his
capacity as representative of the Arab League agrees with Assad. King
Hussein says that the Palestinians are not a people, but an invention designed
to fight the Jewish people's claim to Israel's Jewish identity. Zuhair Muhsein of
Al-Zayqa confirms and confirms King Hussein's statement that Palestine is one big scam in order to serve as a
"new instrument" for the destruction of Israel on behalf of the Arab nation ...
it is worthwhile to return to the main actor in the play, Yasser Arafat, who in
1970 explicitly states that the great Arab nation is unconditionally verified,
from the Atlantic to the Red Sea, and Palestine is only the cover story. But
immediately afterwards, as the continuation of the trial, he claims that Jordan is Palestine ... What Arafat should believe?
there any better evidence than that of the Arabs themselves who reveal the
lies, deceptions, deception, contradictions, lies and double-tongues of the
Palestinian flag?
conflict between the Arab and Muslim empire stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Chinese border and the Jewish
people claiming its right to its only historical homeland is less than
one-fifth of one percent of the territories under the rule of the Arabs.
the Arab states defeated by a small and determined country to live understood
that Israel can not be defeated by military
force. They understood that the Israeli Samson could only be defeated by
the guile of Delilah the Philistine. And so it was ... no more primitive cries
of mass murder on the Egyptian radio: "Men are the women's sea to
us," but sophistication ... a tune precisely aimed at the refined western
ear. They found that from a propaganda point of view it is easier to
convince world public opinion of the poor "Arab-Palestinian people"
for a state of its own than to justify the claim of the vast Arab empire for
the addition of territory from a tiny country.
was the birthplace of the world-wide propaganda mask that turned the tables, a
perfect costume for the continuation of the Arab war in small Israel. The Israeli uncle in front of the
Arab Goliath became sophisticated propaganda for the Israeli Goliath that
oppresses the Philistine David.

Realization demands of fiction Palestinians is
nothing but a facade psychological warfare of the Arab League put an end to the
identity of the Land of Israel in its land of Israel, and subsequent loss of
identity of the country will come the loss of right to the land
campaign of the thermal identity forger Buy a grip so strong that
the media and the strongholds of the political left none He no longer paid
attention to the simple truth that was openly uttered by Zuhair Muhsein, Assad,
Hussein, and Arafat. Thus, on the 40th anniversary of the liberation of
the historic Land of Israel from the Arab conquest of Jordan, the Israeli media called it "the
40th anniversary of the occupation." In 2007, almost no one in the
microphone was asking the simple question: Can a nation be an occupier in its
Palestinian fiction is the twisting story of the forging of the largest
monument in history that has no precedent in the history of the nations. A
bluff so successful that so many in the world do not doubt its
authenticity. Propaganda that has become a powerful weapon through which
the enemies of Israel, the Arabs, are trying to conquer the Land of Israel
without a single shot, without an army, tanks or planes.
is propaganda whose purpose is to erase its identity, to falsify the name of
the ancient biblical Land of Israel, and to turn it into the land of the Arabs under the guise
of a "nation without a homeland" and a Arab "Palestinian"
invented by Arab propaganda.
methods of brainwashing, fabrication, lies, falsification of facts, and through
the ignorance of the world and the world media, the process of falsifying and
erasing history has been going on for decades. And, as Goebbels and Hitler
the archaeologists said in a mockery of the century and twentieth: the bigger
the lie, the more people believe in it.
realization of the demands of the Palestinian fiction, which is nothing more
than a psychological warfare front of the Arab League, will put an end to the
identity of the Land of Israel as the land of the people of Israel. This will bring an end to the State
of Israel, as Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin warned: "A Aeab-Palestinian
state will be established on the ruins of Israel."
who was a military man, a chief of staff, thought in terms of a military
decision, but did not notice that the Oslo agreement itself legitimized the
occupation of the identity of the Land of Israel by the Arab-Palestinian bluff, because if
there were Arab "Palestinians," then there was also a country called Palestine. There is Palestine, then there is no Land of Israel.

Has the State of Israel been defeated and lived on borrowed time? Is the Jewish
people aware of the impending Holocaust? Is there a way to stop the trains
rushing to destroy the identity of the Land of Israel?
This is a war that is not conducted by means of arms and the army,
nor is it a war fought on physical territory. Rather, it is a war being waged
in the conscious battlefield of the identity of the land.
land will bear an Israeli identity - this is the land of the Jewish people and
the Arabs are the occupier.
If the land bears an Arab-Palestinian identity, then it will be the land of the
Palestine, and then the people of Israel is the occupier, then an occupier should
be disposed of just as they expelled the Serbs from Kosovo, the cradle of their
homeland, in the bombardment of Yagulsabia. If so, the Christian Serbs
would certainly do so to the Jews.
the State of Israel been defeated and lived on borrowed time? Is the
Jewish people aware of the impending Holocaust? Is there a way to stop the
trains rushing to destroy the identity of the Land of Israel?
The Land of Israel is the ultimate
choice in life
Dividing the land means handing over
territory to the enemy.
Ronen, Tu Tishrei Tss"h 27/09/07 23:28
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
time has come for the Zionists in Israel to take a soul-searching with the
anti-Zionists. There is a long bloody account of Zionism with its internal
destruction. Alterman, sharp and witty after the "Six Day War,"
wrote in his poem:

Is there a greater madness than
that? This is no longer stupidity or policy failure, it is a much more
serious act than that ... This is a state of mind that leads to national
betrayal. Lebanon War broke out not because of territory, but because of a
desire to destroy the Islamic world
, "then said the devil: besieged this, how do I it?
With courage and skill practice,
and weapons and resourceful him.
And he said, not Atoll power, rather than rein vested and switch,
not cowardice will bring inside and hands Arfa coefficient.
just do it,
Achh mind and forget that with justice "(Alterman 1967).
Thirty years earlier, Katznelson, the leader of the historic Labor movement,
there a people among the people whose sons have come to such a distortion,
mental and mental, that all that is done with them, all his work and all his
suffering are contemptible and hated, and everything that the enemy does with
them, every robbery and murder and rape fills their hearts with admiration and
addiction? In which he harbored hatred for himself ... to the extent that he
would see the redemption of the Arab/Palestinian Nazis who succeeded in
concentrating here the zoological anti-Semitism in Europe with the craving of the dagger in the
east. (Berl Katznelson, 1936)
The propaganda of the Muslim world is called the total destruction of Israel and the Jews. This is a clear call for
genocide, so this group that swore to liquidate the Jews in their country, to
whom Olmert, Peretz and Livni wanted to turn The war in Lebanon, to give our historic land ...
word "convergence" is like the word "work
liberates". Its role is to deceive, darken the mind and forget who is
right, as Alterman put it. For a generation the Left has been filling the
minds of the people. The word "occupation" is also meant to
deceive and prepare the hearts to return the occupied territory to its
"rightful owners". Are the Arabs more
mad than that? This is no longer stupidity or policy failure, it is a much
more serious act than that ... This is a state of mind that leads to national
betrayal. The Lebanon War broke out not because of territory, but because
of the will to annihilate world Islam. However, the Israeli media in its
ignorance, stupidity, superficiality, and mental distortion constantly worry,
like Chinese torture, that the constant faults in the conflict are with Israel. What Berl Katznelson, the editor of
Davar, saw in the 1930s, and perhaps was a minority, became today our disaster
and the legacy of most of the thin and tiny elite that controls the corridors
of the press, the State Prosecutor's Office, the Foreign Ministry and the
It was
this elite that destroyed Gush Katif under the concept that if the people of Israel would leave their historic land there
would be peace. They were the real destroyers. Sharon only responded to their feelings and was
pardoned and forgiven.
only way to get rid of this deception is to remove the Oslo concept from the world. After this
war, the Israel Security Prize would have to be awarded to the hilltop
settlements in Judea and Samaria, if they had not already had Katyushas,
they would have fallen on Tel Aviv.
It has
been proven that when there are communities there are no missiles.

A nation that escapes from its land for you is
temporary quiet or to give politicians a temporary title in the newspaper about
a "new political momentum" that means escape and retreat. Such a fate
will be the same as Churchill told Chamberlain after the signing of the Munich agreements in 1939
with a man fleeing his country for temporary peace or To give the
politicians a temporary headline in the paper about a "new political
momentum" that means escape and retreat. Such a fate will be the same as
Churchill told Chamberlain after the signing of the Munich accords in 1939: "You could choose
between disgrace and war. This is what happened to Israel. They chose the escape flight and fought
on two fronts. It was clear that returning territory to Lebanon would mean handing over territory for war
preparations to Iran, and that's exactly what
happened. The huge array of bunkers and tens of thousands of missiles were
not intended to release the Shiva Farms. The people of Israel wake up only now and understand that the
war is over everything, or us or them, And they are coming to destroy the
Jewish state. point.
Only a strong and resolute ideological stance of a new leadership that says
that all of the Land of Israel is the land of the Jewish people will stop the enemy and
stop the leftist campaign to silence the collective mind of the
people. After the Second Lebanon War, it was revealed to all that the war
was not on territory, as the Oslo Priests were concerned about, and it was
revealed that the use of the Arabs in the territory was part of the phased plan
of the PLO.
division of the land means the handing over of territory to the enemy for the
next war.
Only the complete Land of Israel is a choice in life
he battle for
the identity of the land
Judah means that this is the land of the Jews.
Ronen, Kaf Elul Regulations, 06/09/07 08:56
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
establishment of the settlement in Israel since the beginning of Zionism and its
historical significance was not only the return of the people to the Land of Israel, but rather the return of the Jewish
identity of the Land of Israel.

If there were Jewish settlers, Hebron would be Jewish and there would be only Arabs in Hebron, even Hebron would be abandoned and it would be al-Khalil . The Left
Want an Arab Identity to Hebron The
pioneers who turned Om Juni into Degania have returned their
identity to Hebrew. It was a homeland that was conquered. The Labor
Battalion that turned Ein Jalud into Ein Harod returned the Biblical identity
from the days of Gideon to the valley, and the establishment of Mishmar Ha'emek
turned the hills of Abu Shusha into the hills of Mishmar HaEmek. Every
settlement restored to every remote point in Israel its biblical Hebrew identity. The
establishment of Elon Moreh revived the Biblical Israeli identity of Elon
The battle for Hebron is not a battle for two families. The pioneers there, the
innovators of the Jewish community in Hebron, understand that the battle is the battle
over the identity of Hebron. If there are Jewish settlers, Hebron's identity will be Jewish, and if there
are only Arabs in Hebron, even Hebron's name will be abandoned and it will be al-Khalil. The left
wants an Arab identity for Hebron. The hatred for settlement is the
hatred of the identity of the Land of Israel with the people of Israel.
the whole story.
But this is not just Hebron. The left does not want Jewish identity in Judea and Samaria. Their friends in the media continue
to call the heart of the Land of Israel foreign names given to it by the enemies
of the people: Palestine (Emperor Hadrian), West Bank (King Hussein), territories and
They will call the land of the Bible every possible name, but not the only one
that brings the Israeli-biblical identity back to the cradle of the nation, Judea and Samaria.
meaning of the name Yehuda is that this is the land of the Jews and the meaning
of the name Eretz Yisrael means that this is the land of the people of Israel. As Ireland is the country of the Irish, and England is the land of the English and Finland is the land of the Finns and they can not
be occupiers in a country named after them. Therefore, Israel-Land, which
is the name of the Land of Israel, means the land of the Israelis.
identity of the land is the identity of the people living there. The
people of Israel can not be an occupier in the Land of Israel.

Sheila created the biblical Shilo
again. If Judea and Samaria are abandoned, they will not only be physically abandoned, they
will be abandoned. Once again, the land in all the maps of the world would
not be called the Land of Israel or Israel, but in another name
had it not been for the renewal of settlement in Shilo, Beit El
and Elon Moreh, these names would have remained biblical and abstract names
from the realm of aggadah. And took the Arab identity from the Arab occupier.
Sheila created the biblical Shilo again. If Judea and Samaria are abandoned, they will not only be
physically abandoned, they will be abandoned. Again the earth in all the
maps of the world will not call the Land of Israel or Israel, but in another name. After all, up
to 67 dunes of Judea and Samaria were read on the world maps as "the West Bank of the Kingdom of Jordan." The military victory over Jordan gave them their real biblical
name. In their abandonment, the enemy will not call them by their Hebrew
name, but in their false name Palestine, where the emperor Hadrian artificially
produced the Bar Kokhba revolt in order to destroy the Jewish identity of the land of Judea.
Hadrian's curse did not succeed and the name Palestine was completely abandoned over the
years. Even the Crusaders have already called the land the "Kingdom of Jerusalem" or Zion.
Arab occupation did not call the land in any name. It was southern Syria. 1,300 years under Arab
occupation. The country lacked identity and lacked the identity of the
people of the land. No one claimed ownership of it. You will not find
in the history books even though the identity is the identity of the country
except our people.
The British anti-Semites during the British Mandate, in total violation of the
Mandate spirit, by imposing curfews on it and settling through the White Paper,
understood what the anti-Zionists within us understood that settlement restored
the Israeli identity of the land.
From the beginning of Zionism, it was clear that any outpost bearing a Hebrew
name would become another land for Hebrew.
battle these days is not a battle of tanks and planes. The battle today is
the most decisive battle, the battle for the identity of the land. Will
the country have a false, false, Arab, pagan identity, a forgery of Emperor
Hadrian, the product of Arab propaganda in methods that Goebbels would not have
been ashamed of or would the identity of the land be biblical Israeli - the Land of Israel?
true identity of the land is the whole story.
media secular vacuous has long been a enemy army was defeated without a fight
and set up units to prepare mentally where they taught the soldiers land of
Israel was called Palestine, and the State Department has long served only the
Left and Arab terrorist war psychological identity of the country.
Remains the nation of Israel claw country Israel, in settlement, and only settlement
brings back to Israel its Israeli identity.
Arabs demand that Olmert give them the land free of Jews. In German it is
called "Juden Rain". A clean land of the Jews of the Nazis
returns in the Land of Israel.

Will the country have a false, false, Arab, pagan
identity, a forgery of Emperor Hadrian, the product of Arab propaganda in
methods that Goebbels would not have been ashamed of or would the identity of
the land be biblical Israeli - the Land of Israel?
But as long as there are outposts, Jewish forts in Judea, Judah can not be called the false propaganda of
The only thing that stops this band of traitors from handing over the Land of Israel to the enemy is their inability to
destroy the Jewish settlement that has in the meantime halted the wheels of
destruction in Judea. The construction of dozens and
hundreds of new outposts that will restore biblical Israeli identity to Israel is the only guarantee for preserving the
identity of the Land of Israel.
desire to destroy the settlement is the desire to destroy the identity of the Land of Israel, the land of the people of Israel.
Handing over
national identity to the enemy
The uprooting of the families is the
uprooting of the entire Jewish people.
Ronen, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
Barak, Olmert and the entire left should be asked if they want to destroy
Jewish existence in Hebron. Tell us the truth, because the uprooting of two Jewish
families is not an end in itself. It is clear to every child that the goal
is to eliminate the existence of the Jewish people in Hebron and the rest of the historic Land of Israel, because this is the real meaning of the
crusade that Mazuz, Barak and Olmert are waging against the existence of Jews
in Hebron. There is no other meaning.

Mazuz, Barak, Olmert and the entire left
should be asked if they want to destroy Jewish existence in Hebron. Tell us the truth, because the uprooting of two Jewish
families is not an end in itself.
There is no dispute that this is Jewish property belonging to the
Sephardi Kollel that was given to the new Jewish community in Hebron, while in Europe the authorities return the property of
the Jews murdered in the Holocaust to representatives of the Jewish
people. Here in the place where our forefathers are buried, and because of
them we are a nation, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, this is precisely where the
Israeli legal establishment fights to destroy the Jewish existence in Hebron. And if we have no right over Hebron, the questioner in the wider world will
ask: What is your right to the Land of Israel in general?
On the
very day marking the 78th anniversary of the murder of the Jews of Hebron and
the pillaging of their property under the sympathetic eyes of the British who
encouraged the murder, a mad and insane government decides on the expulsion of
the Jews from Hebron and their removal by force without any valid legal
justification. She decides just like that, in violation of a government
agreement between the army and the Jewish community in Hebron. It's just plain nastiness, lunacy
and stupidity. And the Jewish army is the cause of the destruction and
exile of the Jews from the place that if it had not been, there would have been
no nation at all.
if this was just plain contempt, there would be someone who would sue the
Zionist destroyers one day. Here, however, we are dealing with a
historical national annihilation of the justness of the way, of the return of
the Jews to Zion, which a hundred years ago took its name: the Zionist
Desecration and the destruction of Jewish existence is beyond comprehension,
bordering on total madness. The question is why? Here we have to go
to the researchers of the human soul and to clarify the diagnosis of this
mental illness. Why is the left so hostile to the place that if it had not
been for the people, Hebron?

Have we waited two thousand years to return to
Zion for an Israeli army to destroy every Jewish presence in Hebron? This is not a Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Mamluk and
Ottoman army, but rather an Israeli army. Is there a greater madness than
that ?!
Why are the left-wing psychological terrorist organizations so
focused in Hebron? After all, had it not been for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs, we would not have become a people, and
the story of the ancient people of the world that survived from ancient times
to the present day would not have been written in the annals. After all,
even the leftists must understand that if we voluntarily surrender our national
identity and the burial place of our forefathers, we will destroy our national
definition, for who is the Jewish people without Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
we waited two thousand years to return to Zion for an Israeli army to destroy every
Jewish presence in Hebron? This is not a Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Mamluk and Ottoman
army, but rather an Israeli army. Is there a greater madness than that ?!
characteristics of the national definition of each nation are related to
national symbols. If the Americans give Lincoln Memorial or the Statue of
Liberty in New York to Islam in order to build a mosque there, of course, for
"making peace," every child will say that the Americans have gone
crazy and are on the way to their elimination as a nation. The Cave of the
Patriarchs defines not only the identity of the Jews as a nation but of all of
the world's civilization. The Cave of the Patriarchs does belong only to
us, because our forefathers are buried there, but it is clear to the whole
Christian world that just as there is no new covenant without an old covenant,
it is clear that without Abraham and his monotheism, which created the Hebrew
religion and the Israeli nation, It does not exist with the Bible. And
there is no Jewish people without the Bible and the land of the
Bible. Delivering Hebron to the Muslims means handing over the land of the Bible to Islam
and recognizing its ownership of the entire Bible and our deepest
identity. The transfer of Hebron to Islam is the murder of the Jewish
Hebron is an irreversible act of handing over
national identity to the enemy. Because if Hebron belongs to Muslims, then there is no
Jewish people anymore. This is far beyond the two families that Barak,
Olmert and Mazuz want to expel. This is a national catastrophe that will
bring disaster to the future of the people. These two families of the
pioneers do not represent themselves, but represent millions of Jews all over
the world. Their uprooting is the uprooting of the entire Jewish people.
time to announce. Livni, Olmert, Mazuz and Barak in your irresponsible
madness acts, you are the losers of Jewish existence in the Land of Israel. You are working to destroy the
unwritten constitution of the State of Israel, which is Zionism, and without
the Jewish movement to return to Zion, the State of Israel would not have been
established. The uprooting of the families is a symbolic act of uprooting
the Jewish people from Zion. The significance of uprooting Jewish existence in Hebron is the destruction of Hebron's Jewish identity.
is not an act of law enforcement, as you are doing in propaganda and national
demonization to drug the people, but an act that is contrary to the movement of
the return of the Jews to Zion, the Zionist movement. This is an act that stabs a
knife by virtue of the existence of the Bible in the land of the Bible where
our story is written, in which the king of kings, in which the Prophets
prophesied, in which our spirit was molded and we craved for two thousand

This is a national catastrophe that will bring
disaster to the future of the people. These two families of the pioneers
do not represent themselves, but represent millions of Jews all over the
world. Their uprooting is the uprooting of the entire Jewish people
It is time to say clearly and clearly: We do not recognize you any
more, you are not a more legitimate government, you do not represent the desire
of the generations to return to Zion, you do not represent the people in the
Diaspora; you are no longer Zionist in your actions to destroy Jewish existence
in the Land of Israel. We will not let you do that. Your action is a
declaration of war on the Jewish people in Israel and the Diaspora, because the uprooting
of two families from Hebron from buildings built by the Jordanians on the ruins of the homes
of the Jews who were murdered, raped and exiled is horrific. We will not
allow Jews to live in Hebron, and we will not allow Hebron to accept a more Jewish identity, but
rather allow only Arabs who build undisturbed political construction with the
task of eliminating the ability of Jewish settlement in Judea.
In your actions you are actually connecting with the next Arab enemy to destroy
Jewish existence in the Land of Israel, and as such you will remember in
your actions you have become the greatest enemy of the Zionist movement, which
means the return of the Jews to Zion.
Administrative detention is a violation of
all civil rights.
Ronen, Kaf Tammuz Law, 07/19/06 10:04
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
A personal letter to Avi Dichter
This letter is due to be
received by Avi Dichter, today a minister in charge of the police, and former
head of the GSS.
Ronen, son of Ein Harod, writes to you. In 1973, I established Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley. It was the Zionist order to conquer the
land. After this supreme decree of the redemption of the land, the Hakibbutz
Hameuhad Movement was at that time.
served in the unit, under Yoni Netanyahu and Amiram Levin. Together with
you, my friend Didi Lavie served from Ein Harod, four years my senior and knew
my brother Dror from Ein Harod.

We have faithfully served the country, we were
in battles, our comrades were killed, but we have always believed
in the youthful naiveté that we are handing over our lives to the just, Zionist
state. But I must admit, we have never seen the country as it is
today. Leaving a difficult and immoral imprint under the two main roles
that have been filled in recent years.
The Shin Bet, which is supposed to deal only with the enemies of the state, has
become a political tool for dealing with political opposition, and you are
among those who, contrary to all the values we were taught, allowed this dark
power to grow.
you are the police minister, under you in the darkness. The police have become
an anti-democratic body that oppresses political rivals, blows girls up, closes
portfolios for political supporters, and opens files for political
opponents. The Shin Bet has become the long arm of brutal arrests and
administrative detentions that are borrowed from the British government:
without charge or trial, people are thrown into prison for unknown periods ...
Why can you use the police and Shin Bet to arrest your political rivals?
water had reached them. The Arabs in Israel are robbing the land of Israel, building
about 100,000 illegal outposts. We do not do anything against the Arab
lawbreakers, but toward a handful of recent Zionists, true pioneers who live in
Samaria and Judea, the cradle of the homeland, in leaking
sheds and in difficult conditions, as were the pioneers of settlement in the
1920s. Your job is to demonize and delegitimize them politically? You
are using the law against your political rival at the command of your master.
break the law and send troops to arrest them without trial, without tags,
without orders and nothing. Read the world literature about dark regimes
in Europe: these are political arrests.
You were head of the Shin Bet, and the Shin Bet violates democracy by
establishing an "anti-Jewish" department, what is a Jewish
department? After all, the GSS law determines that its role is to fight
the enemies of the state.
pioneers of Judea and Samaria are enemies of the state ?! Do they
harm state security or protect it? After all, you have run away from Gaza, and missiles are fired at us from Gaza. You fled from Lebanon and from there rockets are also
fired. After all, if Yitzhar did not have loyal Jews to their country and
homeland, they would also fire missiles at your home. For those who are
sitting in Yitzhar, it was necessary to award the Israel Security Prize in
light of the reality that was created because you chose not to put the keys, to
remain silent, to abandon Israel's security to keep your pension.
for years you were in charge of the ISA jigsaw this organization grew into a
monster tramples the law, developed a malignant metastasis of anti-Semitic
petition budgets called "Jewish Department". What kind of name
is that? After all, the Jews are not enemies of the state. Sorry I
forgot. There are some citizens who are definitely harming state
security. They are working to deliver the homeland to the enemy.
the Shin Bet actually carried out hundreds of acts of harassment against pioneering
Jews, especially religious ones, and those who live in the cradle of the
historic homeland and guard you by being there.
is no difference between the people of Yitzhar and the members of Kibbutz
Galgal or Moshav Pecael. These are also pioneers who oppose you turning
them into "enemies of the people." Both took rocky land and
turned it into a flowering garden.
Both these and those who oppose you will make them character assassination as
you did the pioneers of Gush Katif.
when has the Shin Bet or the police arrested good Jewish managers like Ariel
Gruner, why has the Shin Bet issued eviction orders for eleven Jews who live in
outposts in Judea and Samaria? what did they do? Have you
done this to the Arabs in Israel without trial? I know why you are
doing this because these are courageous and Zionist leaders who oppose the
intention to send troops to uproot the Jewish people from its historic land.
there were clear accusations against these people, the police would have filed
an indictment, and the court, which unfortunately unfortunately does not exist,
would have examined the evidence. A person is legally entitled to be
detention is a violation of all civil rights. Administrative detention was
invented by the British as a political arrest, but tomorrow morning another
government will arrest you in accordance with the same methods you are
exercising against your political opponents. A place under the sun, in a
country abroad, because you violate the rule of law in Israel.
rule of law is the rule of law, it is the rule of law. Why were the
suspects of the murder of Natan Zada released to their homes? Suspects
of murder are released to their homes, and fourteen-year-old girls, of course,
of Hebron, how not, stop until the end of
proceedings? What? To enter the area of their house that happened
to be a closed military zone. Do not you see the political legal madness
and corruption here?
are the left-wing organizations that are constantly working with the money
flowing from the enemies of the state in Europe who have political interests that Israel is weakening and disappearing are not
being arrested and interrogated? After all, they are acting openly to hand
over parts of our homeland to the enemy, which has been proven in recent weeks
to act and fight us out of the ruins of the abandoned communities in order to
expel us from the rest of the homeland.

This is the eleventh hour of the rule of law
in Israel. Political arrests are a double-edged sword. Stop
coming from the territories from which you came: from Sayeret
Matkal, from the working Land of Israel, which was on the cradle of the state at
birth. After all, if he wrote this letter, he would wear a yarmulke and
keep faith in Israel, perhaps you would throw him into
administrative detention.
I am writing to warn you that you are acting as the former head of the Shin
Bet, and as the police minister today, you are committing acts of grave
illegality on which you will have to pay a heavy public price when the wind
the time comes, you will not be able to hide behind the statement "I
received an order" as others tried to hide in the past. The notebook
is open and the hand is drawing, and there will come a day and justice will
prevail here in Israel. All those who broke the law and
used it for political purposes will not be spared prosecution.
is the eleventh hour of the rule of law in Israel. Political arrests are a
double-edged sword. Stop sending the Qassam Brigades to arrest the
pioneers of the people who are settling the land in political detention, and
they are the ones who protect you, they are the lifeblood of Zionism and they
are the true followers of Degania, Ein Harod, Hanita and Merom Golan.
Who were the
people of Greater Israel?
In Ma'oz HaKibbutz HaMeuchad, an emergency
conference will be held at the Efal level
Ronen, XVII Sivan Law, 13/06/06 02:08
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
On the
evening of Thursday this week, a historic circle is about to close. At
Mezuz HaKibbutz HaMeuchad, Yad Tabenkin, a national emergency conference will
be held at the Efal Center, where the members of the Nahalal
Conference of the working settlements will renew the activities of the Movement
for Greater Israel. The choice of Yad Tabenkin is not
coincidental. The historical labor movement, headed by Hakibbutz Hameuhad,
was the historical flag bearers of Greater Israel. In the kibbutzim of
Hakibbutz Hameuchad, mourning was declared for accepting the Partition Plan in
1947. They did not sing or dance. In the 1950s and '60s, although no
one expected the real possibility, Yitzhak Tabenkin continued to educate in the
ideological seminar on the idea of the perfection of the land: "If there
is a people of Israel, it is a people of the Greater Land of Israel,"
Tabenkin said, The kibbutz members.

On the evening of Thursday this week, a
historic circle is about to close. A national emergency conference will be
held at Maoz HaKibbutz Hameuchad, Yad Tabenkin, at the Efal Center, where
members of the Nahalal Conference of the working settlements will renew the
activities of the Movement for Greater Israel

A few
days after the fighting ended, a historic decision was made at the Ramat
Hakovesh conference: "Hakibbutz Hameuhad sees an urgent and immediate need
to establish settlement outposts within the borders of the Land of Israel." "The natural borders of
the State of Israel are the natural borders of Greater Israel," the
decisions said.
At the
Dafna Council in November 1967, Hertzfeld complained of the sin that "we
did not act in the settlement as much as we could," Santa Josephat, the
secretary of the Union, welcomed the "boys who did not wait
for the decision of the institutions. Tabenkin called on that occasion to
"immigrate with tens of thousands of settlers from all forms of settlement
and settle in a hundred new places." Benny Marshak opposed the use of
the terminology of "occupied territories," claiming that these were
liberated lands. Yigal Allon said: "We always relied on our
historical ties to this country as the first item to justify our return to Israel." Tabenkin called on that
occasion to "immigrate with tens of thousands of settlers from all forms
of settlement and settle in a hundred new places."
The Hakibbutz Hameuchad Center, which met in Maoz Haim, sent its
blessing to the first settlers returning to the city of Hebron and reinforced their hands "in their
decision to establish themselves firmly in the city of the
Patriarchs." At the Givat Brenner Council, Uri Brenner of Maoz Haim said:
"We are the true subject of the integrity of the Land of Israel as a fulfilling educational
movement." Danny Rosolio from Kabri called to "renew the
connection to the integrity of the land." Yoske Rabinowitz of Manan
claimed that "Hakibbutz Hameuchad must speak its clear voice of our right
to the land."
even then the government stammered and waited for a phone call from
Hussein. In the wake of this paralysis in September 1967, the Movement for
a Greater Israel was organized in its basic statement: "The Land of Israel is now in the hands of the Jewish people,
just as we do not have the right to give up the State of Israel. Faith in the
integrity of our country, towards the past of the people and its future
together, and no government in Israel is entitled to give up all this
perfection. " Among the signatories: Natan Alterman, Shai Agnon,
Prof. Yohanan Aharoni, Yaakov Orland, Yehuda Burla, Rachel Yanait Ben Zvi,
Zrubavel Gilad, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Haim Hazaz, Dr. Ze'ev Vilnai, , Moshe Tabenkin,
General Dan Tolkowsky (Commander of the Air Force), Major General Avraham
Yaffe, Rivka Katznelson, Eliezer Livneh, Benny Marshak, Yitzhak and Zvia
Zuckerman of Kibbutz Lohamei Hagetaot, Zvi Shiloah, Yitzhak Shalev and Moshe
The book "The Land of Greater Israel" published in 1977 reveals the
insight, logic and deep values revealed on every page and sweeps the reader
into longing for another country: Zionist, fighting and pioneering. Rachel
Yanait Ben Zvi writes with opening remarks: "The Land of Israel was waiting for us, we will
settle." "This victory is in that it actually erased the
difference between the State of Israel and the Land of Israel ... The clear and
absolute fact that this nickname is" the land of Israel, the essence of
the inner essence of our world, "says Haim Hazaz, The West Bank "is
in fact a pseudonym of the inheritance of the Fathers, which symbolizes the
deepest ties of the Jewish people with the Land of Israel.

The reality is clear, sharp and painful.
Members of Hakibbutz Hame'uhad and members of the Labor movement were in the
place where the pioneers and settlers of Judea and Samaria are now fulfilling their beliefs. Some of them not only
abandoned their guard over the wall, but also began throwing ballistic missiles
at those who remained to guard it

The reality is clear, sharp
and painful. Members of Hakibbutz Hame'uhad and members of the Labor movement
were in the place where the pioneers and settlers of Judea and Samaria are now fulfilling their
beliefs. Some of them not only abandoned their guard over the wall, but
also began throwing ballistic missiles at those who remained to guard it.
seems that the poet Nathan Alterman wrote this poem, which was revealed only
after his death, revealed a prophetic sense to describe the cliff times:
said Satan, besieged this,
how do I it,
with courage and skill practice,
and weapons and resourceful advice to him.
And he said: No Atoll power,
rather than rein vested and switch,
not cowardice will bring it
and his Arfa promoter.
Only this will do: Achh mind
and forgot With which justice was
as the devil said, and as if he feared heaven
when he saw him rise up to carry out the plot.
Government of
national responsibility
The math of the election results is clear: In
order to stop Olmert's capital gang, all the right-wing parties, Shas, Aguda
and the Pensioners must unite around Amir Peretz and establish a broad national
responsibility government of 78 seats.
Ronen, 30 Nisan 5766
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
The right can give Amir
Peretz what Olmert can not - the premiership.
The math of the election results is clear: In order to stop Olmert's capital
gang, all the right-wing parties, Shas, Agudat Yisrael and the Pensioners Party
must unite around Amir Peretz and establish a broad national responsibility
government of 78.
Against Iran, al-Qaeda, The enemies of the Jews, who gather for 5
minutes from Kfar Sava, do not make any political concessions: We need a
national iron wall, and now we have to fight together, as one man, left and
right against the enemy who is making his forces. "Kadima," an
absolute status quo, all unite around the war on terror, that is all Israel's foreign policy is a war on terror. No
negotiations with any murderer.
Amir Peretz, the prime minister, will fulfill the Labor Party's exact platform:
"Fighting terror, winning education," the right will keep Peretz
"fighting terror" and winning education. In short, to realize
his social platform in exchange for a clear one: industrial quiet on the Land of Israel. point.
The same industrial quiet will enable the Greater Israel Parties to organize
themselves for an educational and propaganda campaign in the Israeli
public. The right owes it to its voters and to the people of Israel.
This quiet will also enable Peretz to fulfill his platform for his
voters. In any case, Olmert can not accept a Jewish coalition for the
destruction of Judea and Samaria and the exile of 80,000 people, old women and
children. There is no coalition for destruction, on the other hand there
is a clear and strong coalition for building the country.
Avigdor Lieberman, the chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, is the leading winner of
the elections, which has done the unthinkable: a party of immigrants and
veteran Israelis, a real melting pot of Israeli society.
Avigdor Lieberman has the political ability to consolidate the entire
right-wing bloc of 52 seats, together with the Pensioners and Labor, to a
stable coalition of 78 seats.
This government will be a government of agreed national responsibility, which
means correcting the social injustices, the minimum wage, pensioners, single
mothers and the disabled. In short, to fulfill the social agenda that no
one is opposed to and which Labor, Shas, Agudat Yisrael, Beit Yisrael, the
National Union and certainly also the Likud,
Amir Peretz will be the prime minister who will be agreed upon by all the
Support for Peretz as prime minister will suddenly bring great things to the
people of Israel:
First, the danger that the wealthy will take over our lives through Olmert and
his party will be removed. The Kadima party is a collection of corrupt
Knesset thieves, and without the power and capital that the Kadima government
gives, it will crumble into pieces. Its members are devoid of any
ideology, as Kadima MK Meir Sheetrit himself testified, and a government of
national responsibility at the beginning of Peretz will be an excellent barrier
to this group and once they understand that they will not enjoy the
government's pleasures, they will immediately start fighting, The Center,
Shinui and Dash.
In the next elections there is no more Kadima. Responsibility.
Amir Peretz, as a leader, will achieve his goals: he will fortify his power,
prove loyalty to his constituents, and make his platform "fighting terror,
winning education." All this does not come for free. Peretz will
give a simple reward to right-wing support: it will restrain the lust for
destruction and destruction of the Land of Israel that characterizes the Labor Party of
today. Yes, this is a simple concession. Some of the members will have to
return the knife from Gush Katif. What to do, to be prime minister, is a
small concession. Peretz simply has to make a commitment not to destroy
the Land of Israel
just now. After all, if according to AB Joshua Peretz is the heir to
Berl Katznelson, who was a man of Greater Israel, he should be worthy of the
title of heir and preserve the Land of Israel.
A government of national responsibility is a name that says
everything. Responsibility is maturity. Anyone who wants to prevent a
bloody civil war between Jews in the Land of Israel must understand that this is the only solution.
Even those who understand that Olmert is a dangerous enemy to the rule of law,
the parliamentary regime, public norms, the people of Israel and the Land of Israel must be in a situation created in these elections.
Calling on the Labor Party to head a government of national responsibility
limited in time of one or two years, and clearly limited in time, a year or two
is a reasonable time to go back to elections after this people relax the
horrors of Sharon's corrupt government and see a responsible government. Two years
in order to reap the fruits of public achievements.
On the diplomatic issue, the basic guidelines of the responsible government
that will be established will speak only of the status quo in the political
sphere. Only fighting terrorism. At the moment, however, there is no
ability for political moves. The public already understood, apart from
Olmert and his party, that unilateral concessions and the destruction of one
part of the people are a recipe for internal disintegration, loss of the
ability of the people to stand together, and encouragement of terror aimed at
our destruction.
The status quo will enable the communities of Judea
and Samaria to live, grow and blossom. They will grow
without discrimination, just as every other region of Israel grows, absorbs, and develops.
The right can give Amir Peretz what Olmert can not - the premiership.
Bacteria of
The anti-Zionist left was not born with Peace
Now and there is a border. He accompanied the entire settlement enterprise
from the 1920s. Their words, which justify all Arab crimes and the
accusation that the entire conflict is the Jews' fault, were heard in the 1930’s.
Ronen, each Bader Law, 03/21/06 15:38
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
The anti-Zionist left was not
born with Peace Now and there is a border. He accompanied the entire
settlement enterprise from the 1920s. Their words, which justify all Arab
crimes and the accusation that the entire conflict is the Jews' fault, were
heard in the 1930s. Berl Katznelson, the undisputed leader of the
historical labor movement, wrote these self-explanatory things in 1936:
"Is there a people among the nations whose sons have reached such a
distortion, mental and mental, that everything that is done with them, all its
work and all its suffering, is despised and hated? That every enemy, every
robbery, every murder and every rape fills their hearts with a feeling of
admiration and addiction? ... and here bacteria will attach themselves to
hatred of himself ... so much so that he will see the redemption of the
Palestinian Nazis, who succeeded in concentrating here the zoological
antisemitism of Europe with lust The dagger in the east ... as long as a Jewish
child ... can come to the Land of Israel and stick here with the germ of
self-hatred ... to our conscience ... " Katznelson 1936).
The historical labor movement and the kibbutz movements, headed by Hakibbutz
Hameuhad, were the historic bearers of the complete Land of Israel. Today it is almost hard to believe that Mapam
and the Hashomer Hatzair kibbutzim were opposed to the division of the land in
the partition dispute, and the veteran members of Kibbutz Hakibbutz Hameuchad
were also reminded that Kibbutz Ein Harod and Beit Hashita were declared
mourning, but they did not dance or sing. Tabenkin did not accept the UN
partition plan, and there was bitter opposition to Ben-Gurion. After the
War of Independence, most of the historic Labor movement saw within the borders
of the 1949 cease-fire agreements temporary borders, the "cease-fire"
borders that were the limits of our power in the War of Independence.
The Arabs also saw these borders as temporary, and did not cease their hopes of
destroying the Zionist state. It was not long before Arabs tried to
fulfill their hopes in 1956 and later in 1967. If Israel had not won, the Arabs would have slaughtered
everyone here, from old to old, and the Nazi ideology, whose ambition was total
annihilation of the Jews, guided them then and still today. It is enough to see
the neo-Nazi venomous propaganda of the Palestinian media or the horrific
scenes of Ahmadinejad in Iran or the propaganda of the Egyptian newspapers using
Nazi caricatures to illustrate the hatred of the Jews to understand what awaits
us if we lose only one war. All the Jews who live in Israel, and that no one will have illusions.
The Muslim world is the only one that has not undergone de-Nazification after
World War II. The propaganda of the Arab press calls for total destruction
of the Jews. This is in fact the continuation of the legacy of Mufti Haj
Amin al-Husseini, who "volunteered" in his meeting with Adolf Hitler
in Europe to liquidate the Jews in Palestine as a subcontractor of the Nazi extermination machine.
The day that the left adopts the false narrative of the Nakba, it also
unknowingly adopts the narrative of contemporary Islamophascism from Iran to Egypt, which means destroying and destroying Israel and the Jews, because the "Nakba" was
created as a result of the mass extermination attempt of the Jews by the Arabs.
Only three years after the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered,
the Arabs tried to encourage Britain to complete Hitler's mission in Palestine, and the "Nakba" was the result of the Jews
'victory in thwarting the Arabs' plot. The house of a man, will receive years
later as compensation for the failed assassination attempt on his home The
left, using the false narrative of the Arabs, actually raises and whitewashes
the intent of murder and genocide that were the background of the Arabs' attack
on the Jews in 1948 and gives renewed legitimacy to the idea of the genocide
of the Arabs.
There is no other country in the United Nations that other countries call for
its destruction, that is, to murder its inhabitants. Israel is the only country in the world where the conflict
is not territorial, but existential. China does not threaten to destroy the residents of
Twain. The Czechs are not threatening to murder 200 million
Russians. India does not threaten to murder all Pakistanis, and even Iran in the terrible war against Iraq for a moment did not preach the annihilation of all
In the face of all the nations of the world, over the course of more than a
decade, the propaganda of many Muslim countries for total destruction of Israel and the Jews is calling for a clear call for
genocide. These calls lead to ratings in the Palestinian Authority, whose
leader Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize together with Rabin and Peres ...
Well, to this group that swore to liquidate the Jews in their country, to a
group of inhuman murderers, Onassis and murderers of Christians in Lebanon who
prepare the gallows for those who did not cancel For a moment, the Palestinian
covenant, which calls for the destruction of Israel, is being sought by the
Kolomartists: Mofaz, Dichter, Yoel Bin Nun, Schneller, Shimon Peres, Shfitzik,
Haim Ramon, Tzachi Hanegbi and Tzipi Livni. The Chalmers are planning to
expel the people of Israel from the Land of Israel and to destroy those who swore to destroy us. It
is not a spin of elections, the Clumartes really want to activate the strongest
in the Middle East armies in order to eliminate all existence of the
people of Israel in the historic Land of Israel, the land of the Bible, the cradle of the homeland.
Is there a greater madness than that? This is no longer stupidity, or
policy failure. It is a much more serious act than that ...
The Israeli media is ignorant of its ignorance, stupidity, superficiality, and
psychological distortion. It constantly worries, like Chinese torture, of
dripping on the head of an Israeli who is unconsciously exposed to her
radioactivity The constant conflict is ... And here comes the new derogatory
name: "The settlers." And the Spaniards, the "evil
Hamans" of today, the "Animal Farm Forum" inherited by Clomart
from Sharon, whisper to him: "uproot, tarbitz, destroy, do them a
de-legitimization so strong that the people even applaud you ... it's worth
seats ..." .
What Berl Katznelson, the editor of Davar, saw in the 1930s, and perhaps was
the minority, has now become our misfortune for the majority of the thin and
tiny elite that controls the anti-Zionist left, which houses the press, the
State Prosecutor's Office, the Foreign Ministry and the court. The same
elite works as Berl wrote: "To the extent that they see the redemption of
the Palestinian Nazis." The level of discussion of the media gutter led to
a situation where it is impossible even to argue. The logic was blocked,
and "zoological antisemitism of Europe was replaced
by the desire of the dagger in the east," as Berl put it.
After all, this is exactly how the anti-Semitism of the Nazi movement in Europe
began. The Nazis had to destroy the elite of Germany: philosophers, bankers, doctors, scientists,
journalists, and most anger, most of them Jews. In order to destroy such
an influential community in Germany, one must first delegitimize the Jews: parasite,
ugly, rat, parasite, violent, destroyer of peace, despicable, capitalist and
communist. Now that the human image has been taken from him, it is
possible to beat the Jew and rape his daughters without being tried. His
detention without trial in "administrative" detention, and then the
German legal system was drafted and created the special laws for the Jews, the
Nuremberg Laws ... and the rest can be seen at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
And what is different today? What does the Animal Farm Forum do to the
media? Exactly the same thing: the most wonderful public, which joins 100%
of the army, becomes an enemy. Stop those with orange ribbons, put
12-year-old girls in jail until the end of the proceedings when Judge Procaccia
marks these soft girls at the age of Bat Mitzvah to the enemies of
humanity. The High Court of Justice allows the destruction of dozens of
Jewish settlements, but on the other hand does not allow the relocation of a
terrorist who sewed explosive belts into suicide bombers from East Jerusalem to Gaza on the grounds of "disproportionate harm."
It is enough for the High Court of Justice to arrest Avri Ran from Giv'at Olam
until the end of the proceedings because of his "extremist views,"
meaning that the Land of Israel
is ours. Afterward, every journalist who leaps and lepers is allowed to
curse and slander the pioneers of the historic homeland, Zahava is allowed to
pour hate and lies on television, and she will be summoned every morning and
told her: "Thank you for being with us ..." Yossi Bar-Moha, a
journalist who writes in the newspaper of the Resistance Movement for Zionism
and Settlement, identified them correctly: Haaretz. And after a murder
committed by a Jew in Shfar'am, he calls on the radio to destroy and expel the
entire settlement where he was "sometimes hosted" ... To explain to
you, the murderer came from Rishon Letzion, but from time to time he also came
to the settlement of Tapuah in Samaria. In other words, according to Yossi
bar Mocha,
And everything passes, and this Yossi is not just a person. He is the
chairman of the journalists' union, and in the same studio sits Meir Pa'il, Uzi
Dayan and a respected interviewer, and no one but me sees his words as a
problem, and if the murderer did come from Rishon Letzion, would Mr. Ben Moha
call for expulsion and the destruction of Rishon LeZion? There is a different
law, where there are people without human rights, sub-humans, who can be
destroyed and deported, as they have already done to Gush Katif.
After Sharon released the antisemitic monster, every leper and
leper can speak on the radio and call for the destruction of an entire
settlement, provided that it is of course in the areas designated for the
deportation of Jews, where those who have no more civil rights and legitimacy
live. Yossi Bar Moha is not alone, he is a great coward and a miserable
man. Had it not been for the draconian media and the corrupt Supreme
Court, he would not have dared, but he sees that Justice Procaccia and Judge
Barak also think so. He sees that these people have no right to
demonstrate, stop their buses in Kiryat Shmona, and the High Court of Justice,
and calls on the police to continue because it has an air umbrella from the
High Court of Justice for every evil deed. Also, Shaham is still celebrating,
and do not worry, Barak will find the right thing to train any villain. I
wonder what they would have said at the same radio station if someone had
called for the elimination of one Arab village from which an Arab murderer and
a Jewish murderer had left.
In addition, a week ago, "Globes" published an article entitled
"Settlerophobia" and the subheading: "Do you hate settlers? You
are in the mainstream." Ah, you got it right, mainstream, you're on
the right side. The same message goes on in the article: "It's
official, it's legitimate to hate settlers, I'm not talking about moral
justification or a political stance, but from the point of view of fashion,
it's all right to hate the settlers. And "Globes" prints this
outburst, the editor confirms ... this is part of the accepted political
corrective discourse. And if someone wrote in a newspaper in France, for example, "It's official and legitimate to
hate Jews ... But in terms of the fashionable statement, it's okay to hate Jews
... What if you thought it was official and legitimate to hate Arabs? In terms
of the fashionable statement, it's okay to hate Arabs ... like wearing beige in
the autumn ... "Ask yourself:
This is how the propaganda system works in Israel, as in Germany:
in the first stage, it all begins with the denial of the legitimacy of the
Jews. I did not get confused, Jews. That the pioneers of Judea
and Samaria who are the custodians of Israel's faith are the Jews of Israel in 2006. Then the
justice system understands that no one will criticize it if it creates a
separate and distorted system of laws for the "enemies of peace,"
that is, the settlers, "those who throw stones at policemen" In the
beginning, the policemen trampled the horses, beat them for no reason, and
those hands pushed these policemen to the hidden places of sixteen girls in
order to humiliate them.
In the second stage, this regime bypasses the judicial system and comes
straight to carry out the punishment. The commissars: Mofaz, Ezra, and
Clomart released the rope from the Doberman. "You have clubs, you have
helmets and you know what to do with them," says a senior police officer
in Amona. And only an idiot cop could not understand that it was a clear
permit for a pogrom. Did you understand policemen? Your job is to teach
them a lesson. Neither law nor plaster. The police have become a
punitive and executing force. No more need a legal system. Black-clad
troops would do what they had to do: beat, crush, rape, humiliate, and a court
would do its job shutting their eyes, as in those dark days.
In the third stage, the parliament is actually dispersed, the government
ignores its presence and even despises it. The Clumartists inform the
Parliamentary Inquiry Committee that they will not allow the police and the
soldiers to appear and testify. And we were taught in citizenship classes
that the parliament stands above and supervises the executive body. Not
Here is Generalissimo Clomart, who smuggled his sons abroad in a short time
without serving in the IDF, and there is the media choir singing directly from
his large intestine.
Why does the sovereign parliament give up its authority in Israel? Since when the parliament could not investigate
police and soldiers for actions that are equivalent to a pogrom with 320 wounded,
girls who were raped, horses who trampled, and orders from above to hit hard
and heads. Tomorrow people will be thrown from airplanes to the sea, as in
Argentina, and the media, that Yossi Bar Moha is the trembling bubble of her
hatred, say it's excellent, "it shows leadership," "Clomart
rules the army," and you have to get all the hooligans out of there. They
say lawbreakers, to the public that sends most of the boys to the combat units,
to a public where 50 percent of the officers come from it, a volunteer public
for every mission: conscientious, devoted and pioneering.
A shocking example that may present the gutter of the regime that is
increasingly accepting the insane regime patterns of Nazi Germany was when
Prof. Sternhal spoke and called on the murderous terrorists at the beginning of
the Oslo war to harm only settlers, not Israelis living in Israel. Of course, he was not put on trial and was not
called for questioning. It is reasonable to assume that whoever would have
called for the killing of Arabs would have spent years in jail for incitement
to murder. Noam Federman was charged with the abuse of false arrests and
administrative detention without any charge against him, without a trial, but
Sternhell has an aerial umbrella of Channel 2. The media is stupid and the High
Court has come to "distort this, mentally and mentally, everything that
does with them, all his work And his torments, they are despised and hated, and
whatever their enemy does, every robbery, every murder, and every rape fills their
hearts with admiration and addiction.
It is possible to write what Berl wrote, the leader and ideologue of the
historic Labor movement, seventy years ago, which is very relevant. Today,
I doubt that any Israeli newspaper that is already mentally and fully mobilized
to justify the Arab enemy's war against its people will be able to print such
Today, when the insane, suicidal, distorted moods that prevail today in the
anti-Zionist left of its incarnations, and even in parts of the kibbutz movement,
are revealed, the same germs of self-hatred that Berl talked about.
Handing over
national identity to the enemy
If I had watched the British on the eve of
the Second World War ready to give Hitler the Church of Westminster and half of
London in return for "peace and security" in our generation, I would
say: "The British have lost the will of life, they are on the way to their
elimination as a nation.
Ronen, twenty-fifth of the tribe Law 02/23/06 00:12
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
I had watched the British on the eve of the Second World War ready to give
Hitler the Church of Westminster and half of London in return for "peace
and security" in our generation, I would say: "The British have lost
the will of life, they are on the way to their elimination as a
nation. Because it was not the colony, Singapore, or Algiers that the
French had but the most powerful national symbol of the British, a symbol
perhaps the strongest inner identity. If someone had told me that the
Russians were willing to let the Chechens build a mosque instead of a church in
the heart of Moscow in exchange for "stopping terrorism," I
would say that they are on the way to their elimination as a nation.
Two thousand years ago, a Jew said on his wedding day: "If I forget thee,
O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten." On the happiest day of
his life, which is all about privacy and establishing a new family, this
stubborn nation says: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem," for two
thousand years. The entire family gathers together, everyone is happy, and
in the wedding ceremony that is entirely holy, the Jewish groom mentions a city
that has been destroyed for two thousand years.
If you had heard of an Eskimo tribe who had some strange tradition that a
couple on his wedding day was talking about a city thousands of miles away,
what would you think? It must have been the subject of anthropological
research, certainly for an award-winning National Geographic film documentary,
and the scientists would have said after a long anthropological study:
"This strange Eskimo tribe, after two thousand years, is reminiscent of
that distant city because it has not abandoned the dream of returning to it. ..
Two thousand years later, with a huge army, tanks, planes, high-tech empire,
Channel 2 and Channel 10, the Ministry of Education, Parliament and State
established by the Jews ...
They use their Jewish state to expel the Jews from their country.
"The Land of Zion
and Jerusalem" is not Givat Olga, Rishpon or even Kfar
Shmaryahu, but Hebron, Beit El, Ofra, Rachel's Tomb, Joseph's Tomb and the Temple Mount. Jerusalem is not the Malha Stadium, Jerusalem is the Temple Mount and the Temple Mount is Zion. The Zionist movement that established the state
is named after Zion. What we did not have, the Hibbat Zion movement,
Hovevei Zion, Poalei Zion, left and right, all meant one thing - to the cradle
of the historic homeland: Hebron,
the Temple Mount and Jerusalem. What is Zion without this? The State of Israel, the greatest
creation of the Jewish people in all generations, intends to expel the Jewish
people from Zion by force, with the help of the alienated Supreme
Court and calling for our return to our historic land "by virtue of
belligerent occupation." This allowed him to give distorted legitimacy to
the destruction of Gush Katif This is a High Court of Justice whose entire strength
comes from the Zionist movement named after Zion.
This is the "
It means the loss of our collective identity as a people. Two thousand
years of longing for Zion will be wiped out by the state that the Jewish people
established in order to return to Zion. If there is something illegal according to
international law, the Bible is the foundation of its civilization; it is
illegal confined to the behavior of the Left, the media and the Supreme Court
and to uproot those of the Jewish people in its land.
Researchers future will not be able to understand how the aspiration of the
people to return to Zion Has become, in the eyes of the media elite, an
"extreme right", a right winged right ... Is there one researcher in
the world who can explain the mental disorders that drive the behavior of the
left? To his enemies who seek to destroy him, is there a greater madness than
After all, the people who give up for a piece of paper about their identity
will no longer be a people anymore. Any nation that renounces its symbols and
identity, expressed by its symbols, whether the British over London or the Russians over Moscow, will stop being a nation at that moment. What
will the Jews say on their wedding day in the future after the handing over of
the Temple Mount and Jerusalem in an "agreement" to the enemy and
recognition of its final and absolute ownership of the thousands of years that
will come on the Temple Mount? And on Zion as a whole, what will the Jews say on their wedding
day, with their own hands handing over the national collective memory of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to the Arab enemy?
Who is the real occupier?
And who are the Arabs? Rather ask
yourself: Who is the occupier here? After all, in all the history books
found in the homes of the leftists, it is written "The period of the Arab
conquest." That is, the Arabs are the ones who have
conquered! On the contrary, the left will ask itself, where did the word
"Arabs" come from? The answer is clear: French come from France, English come from England, Russians come from Russia, Jews come from Judea,
and Israel comes from the Land of Israel, so the Arabs come from a place called Arabia! All
the nations are named after their homeland, the Hungarians come from Hungary, and Lithuanians from Lithuania. There is no nation in the world whose name is not
bound by the land it comes from, so the Arabs belong to Arabia,
to the Arabian Peninsula. Since when was Judea
and Israel their country?
Since when was the word "occupation" invented? Who conquers the
country of whom? Is it possible that a nation can be an occupier in its
own country? Are the British considered conquerors at the Westminster
Abbey? Or ask: whether in exchange for peace with Islam aspiring to
destroy the West, the British would establish a mosque for the sake of
"peace and security" in place of the church? Who is willing to
give up his country in return for security? Peace is no longer spoken.
What kind of normal nation around the world is willing to give its enemy, who
swears to destroy his country for a piece of paper and a vague promise of quiet
Remember Bibi "They'll get it ..." What will Bibi
give? Temporary silence! What will they get from Bibi? The
historic land of the Jews! What kind of leader behaves like
this? What nation with a bit of national respect behaves this way? No
wonder the leader of Hezbollah said what he said about Israel as weak as a spider web ... He felt a sense of
history in which this is the situation.
For years, the left poisoned the wells. The language of political
correctness has turned to the left, a person who says "the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel" is a mad extremist worthy of administrative
detention. This is what they did to Neria Aven, and so the court ruled to
keep Avri Ran out of Itamar because of his views that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. The Temple Mount
has already been de facto handed over to the Arabs, and Moshe Dayan has
returned the keys, and the generations after him lock the mountain in front of
the Jews, and the whole system has become infected with a predatory bug that poisons
the minds think that it is illegitimate for a Jew to think that this land
belongs to us, and only to us.
Millions of Christians around the world read the Bible daily and know who this
earth is. Our return to Israel is a process of historical justice. Historical
truth was also the basis of the decision of the League of Nations at the San
Remo Conference in 1922, which recognized our right to both sides of the
Jordan, and thus to this day according to international law Judea and Samaria
are sovereign territory of The State of Israel, which is the legitimate heir to
the "national home" promised to us at the San Remo Conference as
international agreement, and therefore the "League of Nations"
charged Britain with "carrying out the declaration made in November 1917
for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in
Palestine" Recognition of the historical connection of the Jewish people
to Palestine and the basic principle of establishing its national home in this
country. "Therefore, the League
of Nations ordered
Lavry Tania in the Mandate: "To assist Jewish emigration and to
This is the law of nations based on the "historical
connection". This is the recognition of human civilization in the
justness of the Zionist movement's claim to the entire Land of Israel. Those who are currently implementing this
international legal clause in Judea and Samaria are the settlers, "to encourage ... a dense
settlement of Jews on the ground ...". "Settlers" is a term
that could have been directly cited by the League of Nations. According to Professors Eugene Rostow and
Julius Stone, both prominent professors of international law, this clause is
still in effect. Howard Griffe, a renowned jurist, notes that the mandate,
including part of the order "a dense Jewish settlement on the
ground," is part of American law and law under the Anglo-American Charter,
an agreement signed by the United States in 1924 with Britain, By President
Coolidge in 1925.
In the preamble to the convention: "The United States gives its consent to
the administration of Palestine by His Majesty the British, in accordance with
the mandate cited above." Thus, the United States is required by law to encourage a dense settlement of
Jews on land in Judea and Samaria! But with us, all Silvan and Tzipi, Olmert and
Beilin, and every leper and leper are clucking at "if the Arabs stop
terror, they will accept the temporary state" (road map, remember).
In other words, for those who did not understand, the leftist gang would give
the eternal land of the Jewish people to those who would stop the murder of the
Jews temporarily! Some nation in the world will say that it is handing
over its identity and land in return for "peace." When peace was
the soul of the Zionist movement. Since when peace is a condition at
all. Zionism came to bring the Jewish people back to Judea,
or if you will, the people of Israel to the Land of Israel, whether in peace or in war! If peace with the
Arabs is a condition, then there would never have been Jewish immigrants to Israel. A rise conditional on the will of the Arabs, as
we know, is self-evident, since the Arabs have never changed their resolute
opposition to the return of the Jews.
The Russians come from Russia, the French from France, the Jews from Judea,
the people of Israel from Eretz Israel. Where do the Arabs come from?
A British advertising agency is
inventing a new country and infecting it with a new one
The entire gamut of lies and stupidity
called the Oslo Accords is a national disaster. We are not talking about
borders any more, we are talking about identity. The Jews belong to Judea,
the people of Israel belong to the Land of Israel, and the Arabs belong to the Arabs. They are
occupiers in our country, so any granting of national rights as a collective to
the Arab occupiers will bring disaster upon the Jewish people.
And this the Arabs understood, it is impossible to demand the land called the Land of Israel when you are called "Arab." so what
are we doing? Creating a false identity for the sake of a false country,
what is Palestine? This is an invention of the Romans in order to
forget the Land of Israel
from the Jews, and therefore they also called Jerusalem "Alia Capitonilla". So what, did any
of the Jews forget about Jerusalem? No,
and therefore the people who carried the memory of the Land of Israel while the
Romans dissipated and dissolved with them also pseudonyms they infected this
country in order to make the Jews forget their country and their city. The
people of Israel who maintained their identity in those two thousand
years returned, not to Palestine or to Aelia Capitolina but to the Land of Israel and Jerusalem. The Arabs understood this well, and therefore
the Arabs invented a land that did not exist and disguised itself as a
Palestinian people that did not exist, as if it were from a country called
"Palestine" with an Arab identity.
The Arab sophistication in the psychological war against us illustrates the tactic
of inventing a new identity for the occupying Arabs. The idea was born in the
offices of a British advertising agency in London. In this psychological war they have almost won
thanks to the media and political elite in Israel, which have become the carriers of the deadly virus
to the rest of Israeli society. How did it happen? In 1970 the Arabs
invented a new people. It was a British advertising agency that advised
them to be called "Palestinians." Before that, you will not find
any mention of such a people in the history books or in the press. There
was no such thing. "The Palestinian people" is the invention of
a British advertising agency that told the Arabs: "Until now you were
Goliath and the Jews were David, now we will turn the Jews into Goliath and you
to David." Apparently the Left was foolish enough to buy the
trick. Golda understood the trick and said in response to the murky wave
of Arab propaganda: "I too am a Palestinian." In this she
intended to defy the lie, but the left had already contracted the virus and
became its carrier.
The Arabs, always Arabs, and until they learned the trick of deceiving the Jews
and depriving them of the righteousness of the road, they insisted on being
Arabs. Palestine as the homeland of the Palestinians has no trace. Encyclopedia
Britannica 1910-1911 reads: "Palestine ... which was claimed in the Old Testament as the
heritage of the Hebrews before their exile ...". Note the
"heritage of the Hebrews before their exile". Why did the
victorious British in World War I call Palestine? To humiliate us. The Romans also called Jerusalem for centuries "Aelia Capitolina" to forget
our identity, because the identity of a people is determined from where he came
and to which he belongs, but we have not forgotten. Jerusalem was the source of our collective identity. From
the exile of Yemen to Poland Jews called in the name of Jerusalem, two thousand years.
The Romans also wanted to forget our country and called it Palestine to erase our claim to the land of Zion and Jerusalem. So who won? The Romans as a collective
identity have disappeared. They adopted the Jew who was crucified as
Messiah and the Bible as their book and their country is now named after the
conqueror Attila the Hun who came from Asia, who dissolved and disappeared
among the nations, and lost their Roman identity because their country was
named after their conqueror, And we stood in tribulations, gallows and
furnaces, and we returned after wanderings to build our country ... So now we
give up the invention of a British advertising agency?
John Hazem, an Arab professor who represented the Arabs before the UN
commission of inquiry, said in his testimony to the UN commission of inquiry in
1947: "Before 1917, when Balfour made his statement, there was never a
Palestinian question, A Palestinian state as a political or geographic unit.
" Assad's words to King Hussein, in a dialogue held forty years after
the 1987 commission of inquiry in Amman, are astonishing and enlightening: "Palestine is mine, part of Syria, an independent state called Palestine never existed."
However, the false truth was revealed by Zuhair Muhsein, head of the terrorist
organization "Saqa" and a member of the PLO's Executive Committee in
the Dutch newspaper "Troub" in 1977: "Only for tactical purposes
do we emphasize our Palestinian identity because the national interest of the
Arabs requires encouraging a separate Palestinian identity , In order to
confront Zionism. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new
instrument in the ongoing war against Israel ... After we achieve all our rights in Palestine, we must not reject, for a moment, the reunification
of Jordan and Palestine.
" It is clear now that a Palestinian state is a new instrument of the
Arabs in the war against Israel, "is the message. Jordanian Prince Hassan
also declared in 1970: "Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine, there is one people and one country, with one
history and one fate." According to Hassan, one people will now give
the left two states.
A Jewish regime that would give the Arab identity of the Arab conqueror an Arab
conqueror who took over the land of Israel and took on a new mask, a regime
that would give the Arab Arabs disguised as Palestinians the land of Israel in
return for a piece of paper that is not considered anything in Arab culture
anyway. Our people agree, not only our country, but also our identity as Jews
to the enemy. That the Jews come from Judea,
and when we give Judah an enemy that will call a new name "Palestine" for the Jews, Judah will lose forever because
they have "agreed" their identity to the enemy. That what is a
nation if not a collective collective memory. What value is there for a
nation that is removed without constraint and consent, as part of a "political
process" that constitutes "international public law" the
collective memory that defines it, the places that are the essence of
collective memory?
What nation gives the graves of its forefathers to a foreign people ?! The
ancient sites of his historic capital, Hebron, Jerusalem, the cradle of the
homeland, the cradle of the Bible, the wondrous places the Bible is the basis
of our identity, the places where we were created and saddened as a nation, and
from there comes our 4000 year old identity. Who came from the land of Arabia
and conquered the land at one time, and by this handover, willingly, with all
fanfare, and ceremonies, under international auspices, recognizes the Arab
occupier's ownership of his identity as a people ... This is the true meaning
of voluntary surrender of the cradle of the homeland, Our identity as a people,
the historic land of Israel for the Arab foreign occupier.
This is the true meaning of the subversion of the left under the foundations of
the nation. This is not a political border, and not a security
arrangement. This is the soul of the nation. Delivering our
collective memory and our deep identity that has not been lost for thousands of
years by consent, willingly to the enemy will destroy our identity as a
people. All nations that disappeared in history were not destroyed by the
sword. They simply lost the taste of their lives as a people, dissolved in
the conquering peoples, accepted their culture, customs and God. The
handing over of the historic homeland is the handing over of the historical identity
of the people. The Jewish people never lost the demand to return to its land,
no furnace, gallows, or pogrom could do this to the people and strives in every
generation to return to Zion. Jerusalem will forget my right. "And now after
sovereignty, after victory over the enemy's intention to destroy us in the
Six-Day War, we are being destroyed by a British advertising agency.
Moshe Dayan's terrible mistake led to the fact that on our Temple Mount, the basis of our identity, stands a mosque that represents
the humiliation inflicted on us by the Arab occupier. The handing over of
the keys to the Muslim Waqf by the Temple Mount by Dayan was a recognition of their sovereignty over
the identity of the Temple Mount and their identity as the legitimate sages of the
entire land. Dayan, in his reckless act, did not understand that he caused
one of the most difficult historical disasters for the Jewish people. What
could have ended by reaching out and taking the keys to the Temple Mount from the hands of the Waqf at the end of the Six-Day
War would be done only at the cost of war. This mosque, built on our
ruins, the Jewish people will have to remove. Just as the British would
not allow Muslims to build a mosque on the Church of Westminster, where the kings of England were sworn in for 1000 years, we must not, in the
name of all the Jewish people, .
As Ben-Gurion said in the UN Commission of Inquiry in 1947:
"There is no Arab history in Palestine, Arab history was made in the
evening, in Persia, in Spain and in North Africa, but there is no Arab history,
there is a world history and Jewish history, , Or as we call it, the Land of
Israel, the land of Israel, we call it Israel since the days of Yehoshua Bin
Nun, there was such a land in history, it still existed, it is a small country,
very small, but this small country left a deep record in world history and
history Our country made us a people, our people made this land, no other
people Lem did this country, this country has made no other nation in the
world. Now we begin to do this land, and this land again begins to make us
Israel News
The thieves of
We won the last elections, we believed in Sharon and gave him the power. He received the
mandates based on his platform, not because of anything else. But he stuck
a knife in our backs, and the media celebrated.
Ronen, The Hebrew University
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
won the last elections, we believed in Sharon and gave him the power. He received the mandates
based on his platform, not because of anything else. But he stuck a knife
in our backs, and the media celebrated. The more he violated his platform
and stole the mandates he was given, the more they rejoiced and turned him into
a saint.
After a heroic battle over the souls of the Likud members, we won the Likud
referendum, and after two weeks he ran over us, ignored his promises and moved
the bulldozer of deportation. And the media, the watchdog of democracy,
celebrated the voter's theft.
We had a majority in the government. In a corrupt process suitable for a
banana republic, he fired without reason on Friday the ministers, who prevented
him from reaching a technical majority on Sunday, in order to transfer the
deportation. He was not alone. In a corrupt process, led by the
tendentious media, which was burdened with its journalistic function, all its
crimes were delineated, which it could not carry out without the air coverings
of the corrupt leftists in the press, the High Court and the State Prosecutor's
There has never been an example of this in the past, when such fateful
elections will only deal with one question - Gush Katif. Sharon's platform was so clear and clear: "Netzarim is
like Tel Aviv," while the Mitzna platform was a destruction. But
finally, the platform of those who were not elected was carried out. Sharon could not act alone. The thieves of the mandates
were: the media, the High Court of Justice and the State Prosecutor's Office,
who did not stop the morbid frenzy of the corrupt dictator
, since the separation of powers does not exist in Israel, justice and law enforcement are enslaved to the
agenda of the left. and the terrible things that happened to her. not only
them, also the last police and soldiers carried out every day to obey commands
above, orders contrary to the ethical code of the IDF meant to protect the
country's citizens not to expel them and destroy their homes, everyone will pay
the price. The chief of staff and the chief of staff,
Who can even rely on this squalid gang of people who will defend the country
against an enemy if they are afraid to stand up? Who should not fear an
enemy? And who can rely on this miserable General Staff and those
invertebrates dressed in shiny uniforms? The
legal junta, the military and the High Court will pay the personal price when
the day comes. The humiliation, the disgust and the vileness under the
cover of the legal and media coverage were renewed. A harsh and painful
revenge must come, so that they will see and be seen until the tenth
generation. Revenge at the end will be murderers of democracy, the rule of
law and the violent plots behind bars.
The Nuremberg Trials, conducted by the Allies at the end of the Second World
War, were constantly confronted with the legal dilemma of whether to punish a
commander or a soldier who received an illegal order. This was the main
defense of the Nazis. They did not deny the facts, only claimed that they
had been ordered, and ordered to carry out. The Allies made their first
precedent on crimes against humanity: there was no order that could atone or
excuse them.
What will they say in their trial all the policemen and soldiers who liquidated
the wonderful and flourishing civilization of Gush Katif only for the insane
whims of a corrupt dictator or to keep their pension and educational
fund? What will they say, we received an order? The state above all?
They committed crimes against humanity. There was no precedent in the
whole world that people were brutally expelled from their land and land not
during wartime. It is a crime against humanity, as the Jewish people
expelled from their historic land is the essence of humanity itself.
About two years ago, a soldier was tried and put in jail for obeying the
command of his commander to shoot at a vehicle to arrest him during a curfew in
Nablus. What did the judges say then? "He
should have refused a blatantly illegal order!"
So I ask: Should 9,000 people, women, old people and children be expelled and
their lives, farms, future and homes destroyed by force, with insane violence,
a legal order?
The destruction of Amona will not be forgiven for the corrupt, exploitative,
cowardly and miserable man of Olmert, who during his army service was almost
considered an army deserter, and in general studied law at the university while
serving in the army. This is the same Olmert, whose sons are conscientious
objectors, who is in power at the moment without receiving a single ballot at
the polls and whose party is the product of the great Knesset robbery of Likud
voters who voted for Likud and no one else.
Olmert is in power only because of a corrupt attorney general who purged all Sharon's murderers, purged the expulsion and continues to
purge all governmental filth. Olmert is in power only because the High
Court justices have not stopped his appointment, judges who have not been
chosen by anyone, who are essentially a fascist leftist junta that chooses
itself and perpetuates itself and duplicates itself. This junta does not
only fulfill its role but also produces the dictatorship that brings the
The flattering media of the enemy, the one that gives every barghouti a duty,
to every corrupt Arab and murderer of Jews, who steals unhindered aid money, to
be called a "freedom fighter". This is the same communication
that does not allow us to reach the public. The one that will never give
us a real chance and a proper way to speak to the public. This is the
media that has become a field court that sentenced us to extermination. A
court that dictates the decisions to the High Court of Justice, which creates
new false manipulation every day and in fact destroys our civilization.
"Goebbels, Hitler's Nazi propaganda minister, said:" If you repeat a
lie many times, it will eventually become the truth. " By demonic
delegitimization for years trying to destroy our civilization, those who think
that the Land of Israel
belongs to the people of Israel.
It's time for Jews to wake up! Someone is planning to destroy
you. Tomorrow, the left and the Arabs will decide by political
manipulation in the Knesset to annul the Law of Return and place our sons
serving in the army on the shores with machine guns to stop the Jews from
immigrating to their country ... Will we obey this law, Will they also say
that every command must be fulfilled?
This was done by the British, prevented immigration and prevented settlement
mainly by prohibiting settlement in Judea and Samaria, and this is done by the left: prohibits settlement
in Judea and Samaria and makes it with the help of the leftist media
without legitimacy. And tomorrow will forbid immigration, and the High
Court of Justice will approve all the media merriment dancing around the golden
calf of "a state of all its citizens."
Meretz, the radical left-wing party, published its campaign platform yesterday,
the day after the brutal massacre in Amona, in which it writes clearly:
"The granting of collective rights to Israeli Arabs" ... Collective
rights? The real meaning is the denial of the collective right of the
Jewish people to its land. This means the destruction of the State of
Israel as having a profound expression of the collective right of the Jewish
people to the Land of Israel
and the elimination of the Law of Return.
These are the two things that will endanger the existence of the Jewish people
in its land: the prohibition of settlement, already in practice today, see the
value of Amona, and the prohibition of immigration tomorrow. And this day
is not far off.
Jews got up and came to their senses! The ruling left decided to destroy,
destroy, and destroy the Zionist civilization in Zion and Jerusalem.
Is there anyone among you who has risen up and cried, "Who is to
God?" Do you have the desire to fight for your rights to realize the
2,000-year-old vision of "to be a free people in our land, the land of Zion and Jerusalem?"
If so, get up and fight!
“The Six Day
Many on the left think that members of the
kibbutzim who believe that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people have
been swallowed up and strayed from the path and joined the messiahs,
hallucinogens, dangerous people and other names that the left inflicts on those
who simply think that the Land of Israel belongs simply to the people of
Ronen, fees Tevet Law, 01/29/06 20:21
Tzafrir Ronen
writer was a member of Kibbutz Ein Harod Meuhad, one of the founders of Kibbutz
Galgal in the Jordan Valley in 1973. He worked as
a media man and historian, with an MBA in Business Administration, one of the
initiators of the Nahalal Conference of Labor Settlements.
Many on the left think that
members of the kibbutzim who believe that the Land of Israel belongs to the
Jewish people have been swallowed up and strayed from the path and joined the
messiahs, hallucinogens, dangerous people and other names that the left
inflicts on those who simply think that the Land of Israel belongs simply to
the people of Israel!
Recently, I have revisited the book of Yitzhak Tabenkin "The lesson of the
Six Days." Yitzhak Tabenkin was the leader of the United Kibbutz
Movement, the most significant kibbutz movement in the history of
Zionism. Apart from Tabenkin, he was the father of the idea, except for
Tabenkin, from Ein Harod Aharon Zizling, the signing of the Declaration of
Independence, Zrubavel Gilad, a member of the Palmach headquarters, and the
writer of the Palmach anthem, Rabin's deputy and commander of the 4th Battalion
in the Jerusalem Battalions Tabenkin, and many other giants of spirit and practice.
"Ein Harod was born" Wingate Night Squads "and there was their
base. Ein Harod was the Jerusalem of settlement in the country, and Yitzhak Tabenkin
was an unquestioned moral and Zionist leader.
And so recently I have studied Yitzhak Tabenkin's book "The Six-Day
Lesson," an orange cover and a sub-title that says "the settlement of
an undivided land." Reading this book is like repeating the Zionist
time machine to the righteousness of the entire enterprise. The cover of
the book was written by my grandmother, Lilia Basevich, editor of "Women
in the Kibbutz" and a woman of spirit and conscience who was in the
ideological group of Hakibbutz Hameuhad, a modest dedication that says it
all. And so she wrote 35 years ago: "We will remember him, the Torah
of his life and we will be faithful to his way - our way." My
grandmother expressed in these few words the spirit of the times and Hakibbutz
Hameuchad as a whole: "We shall be faithful to His ways."
And what is Tabenkin's way? The settlement of an undivided
land! Greater Israel. To understand the spirit that prevailed at the
time, it is fascinating to read the eulogy of Yitzhak Ben Aharon on Tabenkin's
coffin in the courtyard of the Histadrut Executive Committee: "To the
workers of Israel and to the pioneers, Tabenkin was in his life and now
in his death to the pillar of fire. In the realization of his Torah, his
doctrine, and later through his realization "...
I rub my eyes. Is it the same son who blessed Mitzna with the plans to
uproot the Gush Katif settlements? Is it the same son who became the old
guru of the anti-Zionist left? And I ask, "Who has betrayed the
Torah, the doctrine, and later the path of its realization" by Tabenkin -
son of Aaron, or we, the faithful of the Land of Israel from the historical labor movement? The question
is superfluous, and the reality is clear, sharp and painful. The
pioneering Zionist labor movement was the place where the pioneers of Hebron and the settlers of Judea
and Samaria all stood today. The majority of them abandoned
and betrayed the path of their leader, Yitzhak Tabenkin, and are no longer
worthy of his Torah and be called his successors, members of the settlement
movement, who remained faithful to the path of Yitzhak Tabenkin and Hakibbutz
Hameuhad, They are the true heirs of his path.
The veterans of the Labor Movement still remember the movement for the Greater
Land of Israel founded by poet Natan Alterman. He personally signed the people.
Among the signatories were Zeev Vilnai, Benny Marshak, Prof. Yochanan Aharoni,
the poet Yaakov Orland, the wife of the second president, Yitzhak Ben Zvi,
Ben-Zvi Zerubavel Gilad, Yossele Tabenkin, Moshe Tabenkin, Commander of the Air
Force Maj. Gen. Dan Tolkovsky, Major General Avraham Yaffe, Rivka Katznelson,
Nobel Prize winner. Agnon, Yitzhak (Antek) Zuckerman and Zivia Lubetkin,
Zvi Shiloah, Moshe Shamir, Yitzhak Shalev, Prof. Dov Sadan and many
others. And they write in the foundation of the movement:
"Land of Israel being the Jewish people, just as we do not have authority
to give the State of Israel, so that we are commanded to sustain what we lost:
the Land of Israel. We must faithfully integrity of our country, to the history
of the nation and to Atidotio together , And no government in Israel is entitled to give up this integrity. "
Rub your eyes in astonishment. As if the words were written by the Gush
Emunim secretariat, the words of God live from the people who were the
cornerstone of the historical labor movement, but after almost a few
generations the Zionists were religious, pioneers of settlement in the entire Land of Israel. not only leaving their positions on the wall, ran
away and betrayed the battle for the Land of Israel, they are more throwing catapults and stick knives in
the back of those remaining on the wall to protect the land of Israel.
In his book "It took six days" amazing to read the leader KM Tabenkin
people Ein Harod Author:
"Today, after the war, which was forced on us by threats of annihilation
and victory ... We have vast tracts of land in which many Jews can be settled
without expelling even one Arab who does not raise arms against us ... All
these territories must be made available to the initiative and development ...
To raise dozens of settlements and security settlements in the appropriate area
... ".
"The government must say clearly: This nation will not return to the
division imposed on us by the pressure of the superpowers and the United
Nations due to the Arab war against us in 1948. Against the imposition of the
previous borders, we will put all our strength ..."
"What does" peace "mean when one part of the country is"
out of bounds "for the continued development of the Zionist enterprise?
The slogan of returning land for peace is a grave mistake ..."
"Every attempt to end difficulties by dividing the land is not the end,
but the beginning of a new entanglement ... The Six Day War is the result of
political borders that cross a land that can not be divided ... Twenty years
ago they built the force aimed at our destruction. , Until they threatened to
carry out their plot. "
"The division was an assassination in our lives, and in its internal logic
it brought about the Six-Day War, and this war was not only the result of
Nasser's madness, but rather because of the partition of the land. The
partition did not lead to reconciliation with any part of the Arabs. On
the contrary, the artificial borders and the refugee problem have deepened the
hostility and nurtured the hope of our destruction. "
The pioneers of Hebron can rightly look proudly at their work. The
renewal of the Jewish settlement in Hebron is part of the continuation of Hakibbutz Hame'uchad
and the historic Labor Movement, which is dying and dying, but its courage and
charisma are borne in the hearts of the orange youth, continuing its historical
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hadrian's Curse by Tsafrir Ronen
The Invention of Palestine as
a Psychological Weapon for Conquering Eretz Yisrael Summary Almost 2,000 years
ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea
should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more than
600 years earlier. It was his final twist of the knife and legacy after wars,
massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish
presence from Judea.
Today, the modern enemies of
a resurrected Jewish Nation have dusted off Hadrian's curse and are attempting
to pull off a monumental theft: the Arab world have reincarnated "Palestine" to steal Israel's heritage and the Land of the Jewish People.
"Hadrian's Curse"
will expose the BIG lie of the "Palestinian cause" in a full-length
120-minute documentary. The film will document that there never was a
"Palestinian" people, The world has become so accustomed to the
"truth" of the "Palestinian" perversion of history and work
backwards, exposing recent claims and acts whose absurdity and villainy shock
uninformed observers.
When Arafat declared:
"Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red
Sea and beyond it", it
turns out that Arafat's nation already stretches over an area larger than all
of Europe.
his is the twisted story of
one of the biggest, most remarkable fraud in history. It is such a successful
fabrication that many otherwise informed people have been duped and mislead.
This propaganda has become a powerful weapon used Israel’s enemies, the Arabs,
to try to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks
or jets. The Jewish People eventually bested Hadrian. They returned to their
land and reestablished sovereignty over it.
They rebuilt Jerusalem as their capital, and resettled desolate Judea.
They did all this only to now confront the reincarnated curse of Hadrian in the
guise of Arabs renaming themselves "Palestinians" and claiming all
the ancient Land as their own.
As explained in the Film,
many Israelis and lovers of Zion
have accepted this misnaming and misidentification. Hadrian’s ancient curse now
threatens Israel’s very existence. Israel’s success and endurance and the world’s hope for
peace in the 21stcentury, demands that the deceit and danger of a Palestinian
state must be exposed and avoided. It is our fervent hope that "Hadrian's
Curse" will expose the historical truth.
Part I - The Secret
All the Arabs Know
At the Annapolis Conference,
George Bush spoke about his vision regarding the virtues of two nations for two
One of those peoples has a
clear identity – the Jewish People. Yet it would be interesting to know the
identity of that second people: Already in 1977, one of the central spokesman
of that "second people", a member of P.L.O. leadership, Zahir
Muhsein, the leader of the al-Sa'iqa Organization, revealed the truth in an
interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw:
"The Palestinian people
does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for
continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference
between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and
tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people,
since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct
'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a
sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa.
While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa,
Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
Are you in shock? If the
Palestinian People does not exist, what does exist? Arabs who live in Eretz
Yisrael and who have disguised themselves as "Palestinians" for
fraudulent purposes. "Only a means for continuing our struggle against the
State of Israel," in Muhsein's words. A fraud so successful that even
George Bush can be found seeking a state for that fraud!
Do you think Zahir Muhsein is
alone? This transparent fraud about the so-called existence of Palestine is revealed to us by all the Arabs' leaders:
In 1974, the late Syrian
President, Hafez al-Assad, declared: "It would be fitting for us to
mention to the responsible Israeli authorities that we view Palestine not just as an inseparable part of the Arab nation,
but as a part of Southern
Syria." In 1987, he
reiterated himself at a conference in Amman, "A country named 'Palestine' has never existed." Jordanian King Hussein
responded, "The appearance of the national Palestinian persona serves as a
response to Israel's claim that Palestine is Jewish."
Yet the prize goes to Arafat
who in 1970, with candid simplicity, told the reporter Arianna Palazzi:
"The question of borders doesn't interest us… From the Arab standpoint, we
mustn't talk about borders. Palestine
is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is the Arabic nation
that stretches from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it….. The P.L.O. is fighting Israel in the name of Pan-Arabism. What you call "Jordan" is nothing more than Palestine."
Such revelations are an
eye-opener for anyone who has not understood until today the masked-ball being
run by the Arabs: The true meaning of Arafat's words, that "Palestine is
Jordan," is that for the Arabic people, living under the
"Pan-Arab" umbrella, in addition to over twenty Arabic countries,
there is already a country called Jordan that was established by the British
for the Arabs on 77% of the Land of Israel, promised to the Jewish People by
the League of Nations in 1922. Anywhere else on earth, could an additional
country would be established for a people that already has twenty-one
All the same, there is
nothing like the testimony of the founder of the P.L.O. himself, Ahmed Shukari.
Already in 1956 he proclaimed from the podium of the U.N., as the Arab League's
ambassador there, that "such a creature as Palestine does not exist at all. This land is nothing but the
southern portion of Greater Syria…"
And if Ahmed Shukari says
that Palestine does not exist at all, the logical inference is that
"Palestinians" do not exist at all either. That same Shukari was born
of a Turkish mother in Lebanon, was himself a Jordanian lawyer, served as the
ambassador of Syria to the U.N., the ambassador of the Arab League to the U.N., and the
ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.N. In 1964, after this talented actor who
changed loyalties like a chameleon was fired by the Saudis, Egyptian president
Gamal Abdel Nasser hired him to found the "Palestine Liberation
Organization", the P.L.O., an organization dedicated to the liberation of
a country that in his own words did not exist at all.
All the prominent spokesman
of that poor, homeless "people" say openly: The Arabs who live in
Eretz Yisrael are precisely the same Arabs who live in Syria, Jordan or Lebanon. They are not a separate country, but a fragment of
the enormous Arab nation divided amongst many Arab countries. In their identity
they are Arabs and the invention of Palestine is just a transparent bluff: "a means for
continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity".
Can any testimony be better than that of the Arabs themselves, exposing the
lies and deception involved in Palestine's creation?
Yet the most compelling
argument for the idea that the "Palestinian People" is a fraudulent
invention, and that the Arabs are all one people, was expounded by none other
than Mr. Husseini, head of the Supreme Arab Committee, to the U.N. special
committee that was deliberating on Eretz Yisrael in 1947:
"An additional
consideration of great importance for the Arab world is racial uniformity. The
Arabs lived in a broad expanse stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian
Ocean. They spoke one
language, and shared a common history, tradition and aspirations. Their unity
was the solid foundation for peace in one of the most central and sensitive
regions in the world. For that reason, it does not make sense that the United
Nations should facilitate the establishment of a foreign entity within that
well-rooted unity."
Indeed, Mr. Husseini is
correct. His declaration before the investigative committee of the United
Nations exposes the simple fact that there is no "Palestinian"
language and no unique "Palestinian" culture. The Palestinians are
Arabs, and they cannot be set apart from the Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese,
Iraqis, etc.
Remove from the argument the
lies and untruths and you reveal that the conflict is taking place between the
Arabic, Muslim empire of twenty-one states and the Jewish People, claiming
their right to their one and only historic homeland, consisting of less than
one fifth of a percent of the lands under Arab control.
This is the twisted story of
the biggest, most unprecedented fraud in history. It involves such a successful
bluff that many people have no doubt about its veracity. This propaganda has
become a powerful weapon by which means Israel's enemies, the Arabs, are trying to conquer Eretz
Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets. Part II - The
Arabs' Ultimate Goal
Following the Six Day War,
the Arab countries, defeated by a small county determined to survive,
understood that Israel would be impossible to beat militarily. They understood that the
Israeli Samson would be possible to beat only by way of the cunning of the
Philistine Delilah. And that's what happened…. No longer would there be cries
firing up the masses to genocide, but rather, sophistication… A melody
carefully aimed at the delicate western ear. The Arabs discovered that from a
propaganda standpoint, it was easier to convince world public opinion of the
rights of the poor, small, deprived "Palestinian People" to its own
state, than to justify the demand of the enormous Arab empire for an addition
of territory from a tiny country fighting for its life.
The Palestinian People is a
fabrication invented with aforethought as a psychological weapon of Arab
countries defeated in battle, a "Trojan Horse" for conquering Eretz
Yisrael, as Feisel Husseini said after the Oslo Accords.
So was born the worldwide
propaganda campaign that turned matters on their head. The Israeli
"David" against the Arab "Goliath" was transformed, by way
of sophisticated propaganda, into the Israeli "Goliath" oppressing
the Palestinian "David". The object of this propaganda is to blot out
and forge the name and identity of the ancient, Biblical Eretz Yisrael, and to
transform it into the land of "the Palestinian People" fabricated by
Arab propaganda.
By such means did their false
propaganda gain such a strong foothold in the media and the bastions of
liberalism that no one has paid any attention to the simple truths spoken
openly by Zahir Muhsein, Assad, Shukari, King Hussein or Arafat.
By means of brainwashing,
fabrications, lies, falsification, and taking advantage of the world's
ignorance and the international media's superficiality, a process has been
taking place in broad daylight, for several dozen years already, of
counterfeiting and blotting out history. And just as Goebbels and Hitler, the
arch propagandists of the 20th century said derisively, the bigger the lie, the
more people will believe in it.
Fulfilling the demands of the
Palestinian lie, will put an end to the identity of Eretz Yisrael. Following
the loss of the Land's identity, will come the loss of our right to the land.
For, if there are "Palestinians", that implies that there is also a
land called Palestine, and if there is a Palestine… then there is no Eretz Yisrael.
The most terrible part is
that large sectors of Israel, itself, have already fallen into the Arab propaganda
trap. It is they who are opening the door to the Trojan horse that will destroy
the identity of Eretz Yisrael. This is a war that is not being waged by means
of weapons and armies, or over physical territory. It is being waged on the
battlefields of awareness of the Land's identity. The Roman name "Philistia" was a fiction invented by the Roman emperor Hadrian after the
Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 C.E., a fiction of Hadrian then, and a fiction of the
Arabs today, to the same degree.
It is a fabrication that
represents no people, not then and not today. It is a sophisticated fiction
invented for one purpose and one purpose alone, to wipe out a land's identity.
If the land is called Palestine, then the Jewish people are occupiers. If the land is
called Eretz Yisrael, then the Arabs are occupiers.
This is the essence of the
Arab propaganda war, which is intended to steal the identity of Eretz Yisrael
and to transform it into Palestine,
and by such means to turn the Jewish people into occupiers of Eretz Yisrael.
That's the whole story.
Now it's already clear. The
Palestinian identity is tactical, artificial and temporary. It is just a tool
in the pan-Arab struggle against Israel. The amazing thing is that it's all out in the open.
Section 12 of the Palestinian charter summarizes the idea of this temporary
identity, by stating that:
"The Arab-Palestinian
people believes in Arab unification. It believes that in order to fulfill its
task towards achieving this goal, it must, at this stage of its national
struggle, preserve all the components of its Arab-Palestinian personality, and
it must increase awareness of its existence, and reject all plans liable to
weaken it or make it disappear."
Is there another people in
the world that writes in its charter of self-definition the expression "at
this stage"? And what will be in the next stage? Obviously, after
conquering Israel, the territory will be divided up between Arab
countries, and those Arab countries themselves will throw Palestine into the wastebasket of history.
As Arafat said, the
Palestinian people are a fiction. The same is true regarding the Jordanian
people, and all the other Arabic speaking peoples in the Middle East. These are not peoples with separate identities, but part of the great
Arab nation. Only that has a true identity. By their self-definition, they
cannot be divided up into a number of peoples with individual identities.
Rather, they constitute one nation consisting of many states, as Arafat himself
said to Arianna Palazzi in an incautious moment.
For the sophisticated Saudis,
with their Saudi Peace Plan, it is clear that its purpose is not to actualize
the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, for no such people
exists. They conceal the truth that the great Arab nation has already
actualized its right to self-determination by establishing a large number of
countries, one of which extends over about 78% of the area of mandatory Eretz
Yisrael. For the Arabs, exploding with laughter over the foolishness of the
West, it is clear that if an additional Arab state arises in the western
portion of Eretz Yisrael, that will not serve the right of self-determination,
but the demand of imperial conquest of all Eretz Yisrael by the Arab nation. Is
George Bush dragging Israel to its destruction?
The Palestinian fabrication
is exposed precisely when we listen to authentic Arab voices. The prominent
Arab historian, Dr. Philip Hitti, who expressed himself at the Anglo-American
commission of inquiry in the State Department building in 1947, said as
"Sir, Palestine never existed throughout history. Absolutely
Moreover, Professor Juhan
Hazam, in his testimony before that same commission, added:
"Before 1917, when
Balfour made his declaration, there had never been a Palestinian question, and
there was no Palestine as a political or geographic unit."
Also a local Arab leader, Abd
al-Mahdi, testified before the Peal Commission in 1937 as follows:
"There is no such land. Palestine is a term invented by the Zionists. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our land was for hundreds of years a
part of Syria."
Indeed, this is a picture of
the real situation in 1918 and at the start of the British conquest of Eretz
Were there any trace of truth
to the claim regarding the historicity of a Palestinian People, we should
certainly have expected to find mention of it in the history books and
encyclopedias, as well as in archaeological research.
Part III- Will Israel finish Hadrian's
Thus, the way to Palestinian Hell was
paved with the good intentions of Christian Zionists like Lord Balfour, the
British foreign secretary. In the Balfour declaration, and by the decree of the
Mandate, they decided, based on historic rights, to grant Eretz Yisrael to the
Jewish people. Yet they called it Hadrian's Roman name, Palestine, which had originally had the precise
intention of blotting it off the map.
From that moment on, the way was
prepared for the birth of the Palestinian fiction.
The name Palestine, by which the British accidentally
called the land, bore the seeds of destruction of the Palestinian bluff, as if
the entire Land was the stolen property of the Palestinian people, an ancient,
rooted people, thousands of years old. This was such an incredible but
successful fabrication that large portions of Israeli society fell into its
snare. In the report presented in 1938 to the League of Nations, the British made it very clear:
"The name 'Palestine' is not a country but a geographic region.'"
No one could have imagined in 1917, at
the time of the Balfour declaration during WWI, that anyone would use the name Palestine to create a monstrous, hostile, false
identity, for propaganda purposes, and would engrave on their flag the
destruction of Israel.
The reporter and writer Joan Peters, in
her book From Time Immemorial, writes, "The one and only identity never
adopted [by the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael] before 1967 was that of
'Palestinian Arab'."
The Palestinian lie was not hatched by
any land or any people, but by a map, a map drawn by two European colonial
ministers, an Englishman, Herman Sykes, and a Frenchman, George Picot, and on
the map was written… "Palestine". It was clear to the British that
Palestine as a sovereign political unit had never
existed. No nation had ever borne its name. No people had ever prayed for its
welfare. It was a name that hadn't existed at all for 1300 years, ironically,
precisely when Muslim empires were dominant. "Palestine" was a Roman political fabrication
that had faded and disappeared together with the empire that had created it.
The Land regained independence only when
the name "Eretz Yisrael" [the Land of Israel], the name in the hearts of the first
Zionists, was restored to it. Had not this identity been preserved by the
Jewish People, and had it not been preserved in the hearts of the Christian
Bible-loving nations who made up the League of Nations, the national rebirth of the Jewish
People might never have taken place.
This is the substance of the war being
waged on millions of television screens throughout the world. It is being waged
over the identity of Eretz Yisrael. It is being waged by means of all the
media, and it seems as though the Arabs have the upper hand, while Israel leaves an impression of impotence, of
not yet having even identified the battlefield on which its fate will be
While Israel prepares jets and tanks for a military
struggle, Israel's enemies are preparing their weapons
for the final battle, for sticking the last dagger into the back of a State of
Israel that does not understand and is not even ready for this battle. Unless Israel prepares for this battle, comes to an
understanding of its complexity and frees itself from the false terminologies
and constant brainwashing, Israel will be defeated and its land will be
irrevocably taken from it.
Will Israel, which valiantly vanquished all the
Arab armies when they attacked it also know how to face this propaganda attack
that is threatening to destroy it?
It would seem as though the battle is
already decided. The Arab propaganda has already penetrated the nervous system
and destroyed the immune system that defended the Jewish People for 2000 years,
with even the Israeli Prime Minister and Foreign Minister saying that
"Israel's interest is to establish a Palestinian state"…
In other words, what they want is for
the Bible to be rewritten and for King David's land of the Bible to become the land of Goliath the Philistine.
Could anything be more insane? Is there
another nation on earth that behaves this way?
Is it possible that Israel will be beaten without a single shot
being fired, simply handing over their land to a wretched fabrication, a
coarse, primitive, charlatan canard, a deception that conceals the destruction
that the Arabs are preparing for Israel? Could Israel's leaders be too blind to see the
danger looming of the Land's Jewish identity being lost? Will precisely the
vision of the prophets, fulfilled with the establishment of the State of
Israel, bring with it the destruction of the identity of the Jewish People's
land, and lead to its exchange for the false identity of Hadrian – Palestine?
When lies are repeated many times, they become true. Such a lie is the
fabrication regarding the existence of a historic Palestinian identity. That
false identity, which began with Hadrian's curse and that was revived by Lord
Balfour, has become a first rate propaganda tool. It became that the moment the
Arabs understood the potential of destroying the identity of Eretz Yisrael, and
with it the identity of the People of Israel, whose name bears the stamp of
ownership of the Land.
The struggle against Israel was the glue that bound the Arab world,
otherwise sunken in endless internal quarrels. The Arabs' aim in fabricating Palestine was not to build a nation but to
annihilate a nation. Yet to conceal that plan, they invented the plan of
"phases". The first phase is the invention of a "Palestinian
People". The second phase is the liquidation of Israel, weakened and wearied after Oslo.
By such means did the Arabs conceal
their genocidal intent with a "new tool", in the words of Zahir
Muhsein, for conquering Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot.
All of these lies and falsehoods, this
whole "costume ball" is being marketed by the media, which is turning
out to be an obsessive collaborator with the biggest lie on earth. Precisely
this Hadrian understood. That's why he chose the name Palestine. Precisely this is understood as well
by Hadrian's heirs – the Arab propagandists who through their use of this false
name sever the historic tie between the People and the Land of Israel. Without doing that, it would be
impossible to use the word "conquest" – could a people be considered
the conqueror of its own land? The question Israel faces is this: Will the Jews forego the
name and the identity of their Biblical land? Will the Christian world agree to
concede on the identity of the cradle of western civilization, the holy land,
Eretz Yisrael?
It's the twist of fate that for all this
to happen, the Jews had to vanquish Hadrian completely, return to their land,
establish sovereignty, resurrect the Hebrew language, establish a mighty army,
industry, the best agriculture on earth, hi-tech, culture, song, dance,
reestablish a nation, rebuild Jerusalem as their capital and settle every town
and village that Hadrian destroyed. Could we have possibly come full circle?
Will Hadrian's curse, which didn't succeed for 1800 year, precisely when Israel was in exile from their land, succeed
just now, with Israel's return? Will it be precisely the
Israeli government that will resurrect Hadrian's curse, previously lost in the
depths of forgetfulness?
Today, 1800 years later, an Israeli
Prime Minister is calling for fulfilling what Hadrian failed to do – the
erasure of Eretz Yisrael and the establishment of Palestine.
The Emperor Hadrian is smiling from the
grave. The writer, a Former member of the secular Kibbutz “Ein Charod” is a
media personality, serves in an elite army unit [Sayeret Matkal] and was one of
the founders of the “Nahalal Forum on Behalf of the Entire Eretz Yisrael”. He
is presently preparing a documentary film on the Arab Palestine myth called :
Hadrian's Curse
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The historic significance of the rise of
settlements since the beginning of Zionism has been not just to restore the
Jewish people to Eretz Yisrael, but chiefly to reinstate the Hebrew identify of
Eretz Yisrael.
The pioneers who transformed Um Juni to Degania, the first kibbutz in the Holy Land (1910), restored its Hebrew identity.
With that act, a parcel of our homeland was conquered. The work brigade that
transformed “Ein Jalud” to Ein Harod (1921) restored the Biblical identity from
Gidon’s days to the valley. The same goes for the transformation of the hills
of “Abu Shusha” to Mishmar HaEmek, and the transformation of “Ja’uni” to
“Gai-Oni” (Valley of My Strength), and then to Rosh Pina. Every settlement
restored to every abandoned spot in the Land its Biblical, Hebrew identity.
The establishment of Elon Moreh renewed the Israeli identity of Elon Moreh.
The recent fight in Hebron over Jewish settlement in part of Hebron’s Jewish Quarter where Arab squatters
had set up a marketplace was not just over the rights of two families. The
pioneers of Jewish Hebron understand that this battle is over Hebron’s identity. If Hebron is populated by Jews, Hebron’s identity will be Jewish, and if there
are only Arabs in Hebron, then even Hebron’s name will be abandoned in favor of
“Al Halil,” the Arabic name. The Left wants an Arabic identity for Hebron. Their hatred for settlement is hatred
for the idea of linking Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish people. That is the whole
Yet not just Hebron is involved. The Left also does not want any of Judea and Samaria to have a Jewish identity. Their
friends in the media continue to label the heart of Eretz Yisrael by foreign
names given to it by our people’s enemies, such as “Palestine,” the “West
Bank,” the “territories,” and the “occupation.” They’ll call the land of the
Bible by every possible name, just not the only name that restores a Jewish
identity to our land – Judea and Samaria. The meaning of the name “Judea” is that this is the land of the Jews,
and Eretz Yisrael means that this is the land of Yisrael – just as Eire-land is the land of the
Eires, Eng-land is the land of the English, and Fin-land is the land of the
Finns. They cannot be occupiers of a land named after them. A land’s identity
is like the identity of the people inhabiting it. The people of Israel cannot be considered occupiers of the Land of Israel.
Had there been no renewed settlement in Shiloh, Beit El and Elon Moreh, these would
have remained abstract Biblical names, in the realm of legend. Settlement
created the Land’s identity anew. Settlement restored to these areas their true
names, and removed from the Arabic conqueror the false Arabic names. Shiloh recreated Biblical Shiloh. If Judea and Samaria are ever abandoned, they won’t just be
abandoned physically but in terms of their identity.
Once more, on all the world’s maps, Eretz Yisrael will no longer be called
Eretz Yisrael or Israel, but something else. Surely, until
1967, Judea and Samaria were called “the West Bank of the Kingdom of Jordan.” Israel’s military victory over Jordan restored to them their true Biblical
name. If Israel abandons them, the enemy will not call them by their Hebrew
name, but by their counterfeit name, Palestine, a name artificially created by
the Emperor Hadrian when he subdued the Bar Kochba revolt in his longing to
destroy the Jewish identify of Judea.
Hadrian’s curse failed. The name Palestine was abandoned entirely over the years.
Already the Crusaders called the land “the Kingdom of Jerusalem.” The Arabic conquest didn’t call the
Land by any name whatsoever. It was just Southern Syria. For 1300 years the land lacked any
identity, and lacked any people that identified with the Land – except for our
people. The anti-Semitic British, halting aliyah and settlement by way of their
White Paper, understood what the anti-Semites in our midst understand:
settlement restores Jewish identity to the Land.
Every outpost carrying a Hebrew name transforms another section of the Land to
Hebrew. The battle is not one of tanks or jets. The battle today is the most
decisive battle ever. It is a battle over the identity of the Land. Will the
Land carry a counterfeit Arabic or pagan identity, a forged name from the
Emperor Hadrian? Or will it have an Israelite, Biblical identity – the true
identity of the Land.
Only settlement will restore to the Land its Israeli identity. The Arabs demand
that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hand over to them the Land, empty of Jews. As
long as there are Jews in Judea, it will be impossible to call it by its counterfeit propaganda
name – Palestine. The only thing stopping this
government from handing over Eretz Yisrael to the enemy is their inability to
destroy Jewish settlement, which meanwhile is stopping the wheels of
destruction in Judea. The construction of hundreds of new
outposts is the only guarantee that the identity of Eretz Yisrael will be
The desire to destroy settlements is the desire to destroy the identity of
Eretz Yisrael – the land of the people of Israel.
One of the greatest symptoms of our dark exile is not just that
the Jewish people are willing to let the land of Israel be divided. Perhaps even more distressing
is that we have forgotten that we are the true mother.
It is time for us to give up the falsehoods of exile, and pursue
the true path of "land for peace"--a whole and integral land, people
and Torah, as the key for a true, eternal peace.
This is the path to true peace: peace predicated on truth. When we
will have the courage to unabashedly proclaim the Torah's truth to the
world—that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people, and that we, as Jews, have
neither the authority nor the ability to reject the Divine gift—then there will
be peace; peace amongst us and peace with our enemies. For every human being
was created by the same G‑d, and therefore, on the most essential level, every
single human being ultimately desires truth, and when presented with the truth,
will respect it and accept it.
On the other hand, peace that is predicated on falsehood, peace
that is predicated on compromise of the truth, can never be a true peace. For
something that is false is never whole, and peace only comes from wholeness.
When we discuss giving away parts of the Land of Israel, G‑d forbid, we deny our own truth,
undermining the wholeness and integrity that is the only source of true peace.
Not only do we show that we don't value what we were given, but even more so,
that we don't value or respect the Giver and the purpose for which He gave us
the gift. It should therefore come as no surprise that if we have no sense of
responsibility to our Creator and our mission in life, the next step is to have
no value of another's life, which is how it becomes possible to make decisions
that will clearly result in the deaths of countless innocent victims.
Learning from our Enemies
We are so desperate for the euphoric idea of peace that we are
willing to sacrifice human life in order to achieve that end. Thus we have the
absurdity of a "peace" that is the very opposite of peace. From every
perspective—from historical, geographical, economical, and military points of
view—giving away land is disastrous for the security of Israel. We are dealing with an enemy who has
time and time again made it very clear that they do not want part of our land,
they want all of our land, and that they will keeping fighting us until they
get it all, G‑d forbid.
In terms of security, it is clear that when land is given away,
the result is an increase in attacks and terrorism. When giving our enemy this
vantage point, we not only provide them with the physical and geographical
ability to better attack us, but most importantly, we show that we are weak,
that we are scared, that we are desperate. Willingness to hand land to one's
enemy is the proof that we do not feel capable of protecting it, and do not
find it valuable enough to fight for.
We need not search too far back in history for the prototype of
such a delusional "peace": a scant twelve years ago the government of
Israel entered into the Oslo "Peace Process" and began implementing
it by installing and arming the PLO as a "Palestinian Authority"
within the Land of Israel, resulting in thousands of deaths and tens of
thousands of injuries of Jews by terrorists, and even more casualties and
suffering among the Arabs.
Throughout history, it has been our enemies who have taught us
what it is we need to value. When we tried to assimilate in Spain, the Inquisition made it clear that no
matter how much we tried to act, look and behave like a Spaniard, a Jew was a
Jew was a Jew. Hundreds of years later, when Hitler came to power in Germany, he didn't care if someone felt Jewish,
if they looked Jewish, if they lived a Jewish life. If there was any trace of
Jewish blood, that was all that counted. In a sick, twisted and morbid irony,
he showed the world that what exists in a Jew is something innate and
unchangeable. And now, as the Arabs terrorize the world, bombing buses and
pizzerias and shooting babies at point blank range, we blindly offer to give
and give and give, hoping that it will be enough to satisfy their bloodthirsty
But while we foolishly fall for the media's and politician's
promises, our enemies have never changed their story. Until they have driven
all the Jews into the sea and have conquered the Land of Israel in its entirety, they will not rest. At
the rate we are going, they won't need to, since we seem to be all too willing
to do it ourselves.
One of the greatest symptoms of our dark exile is not just that
the Jewish people are willing to let the land of Israel be divided. Perhaps even more distressing
is that we have forgotten that we are the true mother.
It is time for us to give up the falsehoods of exile, and pursue
the true path of "land for peace"--a whole and integral land, people
and Bible, as the key for a true, eternal peace.